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Management of github organization cloudfoundry

The projects, teams and org membership in github org 'cloudfoundry' are maintained according to a number of RFCs. The RFCs require PRs to one of the following files:

Once approved and merged, the github action org-management.yml compiles a resulting cloudfoundry org configuration from the files mentioned above and applies it with peribolos. generates the following parts of the resulting cloudfoundry org configuration:

Organization Members

Organization members are generated according to rfc-0002-github-members and rfc-0008-role-change-process:

Organization Admins

Organization admins are:

  • any admin specified in cloudfoundry.yml (should be none)
  • all TOC execution leads and technical leads specified in

Github Teams for Working Group Areas

Github Teams for the TOC, all Working Group Leads, Working Groups and Working Group Areas are generated according to Repositories listed in the working group yaml block that belong to github organizations other than cloudfoundry are ignored.

Branch Protection Rules

Working groups can opt-in into branch protection rule generation for their projects according to rfc-0015-branch-protection by setting a configuration flag in the working group charter yaml:

  generate_rfc0015_branch_protection_rules: true

Branch protection rules are applied using the branchprotector tool from the prow toolset. Rules specified in branchprotection.yml take precedence, i.e. no RFC-0015 rules are generated for repositories listed here but the static configuration is taken without modification.

The generated branch protection rules specification for working group projects look like:

        # automation generates config for all repos belonging to a WG unless an explicit configuration exists in branchprotection.yml
          protect: true
          enforce_admins: true
          allow_force_pushes: false
          allow_deletions: false
          allow_disabled_policies: true  # needed to allow branches w/o branch protection
            dismiss_stale_reviews: true
            require_code_owner_reviews: true
            required_approving_review_count: 0 (if project has <=3 approvers) or 1 (if project has >=4 approvers)
              teams: [<WG and WG area bot teams>]
          include: [ "^<default branch>$", "^v[0-9]*$"]  # note the surrounding ^...$ to avoid matching branches containing 'main' or 'v'

Best Practices:

  • Replace github deploy keys by working group bot users. Branch protection rules enforce PRs for commits with deploy keys (enforce_admins=true).
  • Ensure that all bot users are members of the working group bots team or working group area bots team.
  • Remove all direct repository users in 'Settings > Collaborators and teams'. Repository access shall be governed by the generated teams only.
  • You may exclude repos w/o source code (e.g. bbl config and state, semver). See branchprotection.yml for examples.


  • The branchprotector doesn't support wildcards for branch rules. I.e. every version branch gets its own rule.
  • The branchprotector doesn't delete unneeded branch protection rules e.g. when a version branch got deleted.

Inactive User Management

Inactive users according to the criteria defined in rfc-0025-define-criteria-and-removal-process-for-inactive-members are identified by an automation which opens a pull-request to delete those.


Requires Python 3.9.

How to run locally:

cd ./org
python -m venv <path/to/venv>
source <path/to/venv>/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m org_management --help
python -m org_user_management --help


$ python -m org_management --help
usage: [-h] [-o OUT] [-b BRANCHPROTECTION]

Cloud Foundry Org Generator

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUT, --out OUT     output file for generated org configuration
                        output file for generated branch protection rules
python -m org_user_management --help
usage: [-h] [-goid GITHUBORGID] [-go GITHUBORG] [-sd SINCEDATE] [-gt GITHUBTOKEN] [-dr DRYRUN] [-tu TAGUSERS]

Cloud Foundry Org Inactive User Handler

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -goid GITHUBORGID, --githuborgid GITHUBORGID
                        Cloud Foundry Github org ID
  -go GITHUBORG, --githuborg GITHUBORG
                        Cloud Foundry Github org name
  -sd SINCEDATE, --sincedate SINCEDATE
                        Since when to analyze in format 'Y-m-dTH:M:SZ'
  -gt GITHUBTOKEN, --githubtoken GITHUBTOKEN
                        Github API access token. Supported also as env var 'GH_TOKEN'
  -dr DRYRUN, --dryrun DRYRUN
                        Dry run execution. Supported also as env var 'INACTIVE_USER_MANAGEMENT_DRY_RUN'
  -tu TAGUSERS, --tagusers TAGUSERS
                        Tag users to be notified. Supported also as env var 'INACTIVE_USER_MANAGEMENT_TAG_USERS'

How to run tests:

cd ./org
python -m venv <path/to/venv>
source <path/to/venv>/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
python -m flake8
python -m unittest discover -s .