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275 lines (223 loc) · 11.7 KB
  • Feature Name: SQL Type Annotations
  • Status: draft
  • Start Date: 2016-05-25
  • Authors: Nathan, knz
  • RFC PR: #6895
  • Cockroach Issue: #6189


This RFC proposes to add a new "type annotation" syntax to our SQL dialect (referred to as CockroachSQL from now on). This was originally proposed as part of the Summer typing system, but is being split up separately because it is purely an extension which was not necessary for the immediate correctness of the type system.


In order to clarify the typing rules during the design of the Summer type system and to exercise the proposed system, we found it was useful to "force" certain expressions to be of a certain type.

Unfortunately, the SQL cast expression (CAST(... AS ...) or ...::...) is not appropriate for this, because although it guarantees a type to the surrounding expression it does not constrain its argument. For example sign(1.2)::int does not disambiguate which overload of sign to use.

Therefore we propose the following SQL extension, which was not required for the correctness of the Summer typing system but offers opportunities to better exercise it in tests. The extension also gives users of our SQL dialect more control over the type inference decisions of the type system.

The need for this type of extension was also implicitly present/expressed in the alternate proposals Rick and Morty.

Detailed design

The extension is a new "type annotation" expression node.

Syntax for RFC

For use in this RFC, we define the following SQL syntax: E : T, where E is a sub-expression and T is a type. However, the actual proposed syntax is still up for discussion see below.

For example: 1:int or 1 : int.

The meaning of this at a first order approximation is "interpret the expression on the left using the type on the right".

Type Annotations vs. Type Casts

As expressed above, type annotations and type casts play different roles. The primary purpose of a type cast is to take a given expression of type T1 and map it during evaluation to a type T2. This cast can be used to work around disjoint types between a sub-expression and its parent context, but it has no effect on typing of the sub-expression itself. In practice with the Summer type system, this means that during type checking, a CastExpr will throw away any recursively passed desiredType, and will propagate down NoPreference to its sub-expressions.

On the other hand, type annotations have no runtime effect (as implied by the term "annotation"). Instead, the annotation only has an effect during semantic analysis. The annotation will do what it can to type its sub-expression as its annotation type, and then assert that the sub-expression does get typed as this type, throwing an error if not. In a "bottom-up" type system, the only thing an annotation like this could do is assert after its sub-expression's type has been resolved that it matches its annotation type. However, in a bi-directional typing system like Summer, the annotation can be more effective by also "desiring" its annotation type from its children. In effect, this means that the sub-expression will become the desired type if possible.


    SELECT 1.2
        -> no preference for the return type of `1.2`
        -> numeric constant without a preference defaults to DECIMAL
        -> the expression returns a DECIMAL
    SELECT 1.2::float
        -> no preference for the return type of CAST(... as FLOAT)
        -> no preference for the return type of `1.2`
        -> numeric constant without a preference defaults to DECIMAL
        -> CastExpr returns a FLOAT instead, which it will cast during evaluation
        -> the expression returns a FLOAT
    SELECT 1.2::string
        -> no preference for the return type of CAST(... as STRING)
        -> no preference for the return type of `1.2`
        -> numeric constant without a preference defaults to DECIMAL
        -> CastExpr returns a STRING instead, which it will cast (format) during evaluation
        -> the expression returns a STRING
    SELECT 1.2:float
        -> no preference for the return type of `... : FLOAT`
        -> FLOAT preference passed for the return type of `1.2`
        -> numeric constant contains FLOAT in its "resolvable type set", so it resolves
           itself as a FLOAT
        -> the type annotation correctly asserts that its sub-expression returns a FLOAT
        -> the type assertion itself returns a float, and does nothing during evaluation
        -> the expression returns a FLOAT
    SELECT 1.2:string
        -> no preference for the return type of `... : STRING`
        -> STRING preference passed for the return type of `1.2`
        -> numeric constant does not contains STRING in its "resolvable type set", so it 
           resolves itself to the default type of DECIMAL instead
        -> the type annotation throws an error when asserting that its sub-expression 
           returns a STRING, type checking fails

    SELECT sign(1.2)
        -> no preference for the return type of `sign`
        -> no preference for the return type of `1.2`
        -> `1.2` defaults to a DECIMAL
        -> overload resolution choses the DECIMAL implementation
        -> the expression returns a DECIMAL
    SELECT sign(1.2)::float
        -> no preference for the return type of CAST(... as FLOAT)
        -> no preference for the return type of `sign`
        -> no preference for the return type of `1.2`
        -> `1.2` defaults to a DECIMAL
        -> overload resolution choses the DECIMAL implementation
        -> CastExpr returns a FLOAT instead, which it will cast during evaluation
        -> the expression returns a FLOAT
    SELECT sign(1.2)::string
        -> no preference for the return type of CAST(... as STRING)
        -> no preference for the return type of `sign`
        -> no preference for the return type of `1.2`
        -> `1.2` defaults to a DECIMAL
        -> overload resolution choses the DECIMAL implementation
        -> CastExpr returns a STRING instead, which it will cast (format) during evaluation
        -> the expression returns a STRING
    SELECT sign(1.2):float
        -> no preference for the return type of `... : FLOAT`
        -> FLOAT preference passed for the return type of `sign`
        -> FLOAT used in overload resolution to determine float overload and
           to resolve the numeric constant as a float
        -> the type annotation correctly asserts that its sub-expression returns a FLOAT
        -> the type assertion itself returns a float, and does nothing during evaluation
        -> the expression returns a FLOAT
    SELECT sign(1.2):string
        -> no preference for the return type of `... : STRING`
        -> STRING preference passed for the return type of `sign`
        -> STRING ignore in overload resolution because no overloads return a STRING,
           so DECIMAL implementation is defaulted to
        -> the type annotation throws an error when asserting that its sub-expression 
           returns a STRING, type checking fails

Note that in the above examples, adding a type annotation onto the top of a SELECT clause has an almost identical effect on type checking as INSERTing into a column with the annotation type.

Interaction with Placeholders

The initial Summer RFC defined a set of rules for determining the type of placeholders based on type casts and type annotations. These rules were:

  • if any given placeholder appears as immediate argument of an explicit annotation, then assign that type to the placeholder (and reject conflicting annotations after the 1st).

  • otherwise (no direct annotations on a placeholder), if all occurrences of a placeholder appear as immediate argument to a cast expression then:

    • if all the cast(s) are homogenous, then assign the placeholder the type indicated by the cast.

    • otherwise, assign the type "string" to the placeholder.

  • for anything else, defer to type checking to determine the placeholder type.


   SELECT $1:float, $1::string
       -> $1 : float, execution will perform explicit cast float->string
   SELECT $1:float, $1:string
       -> error: conflicting types
   SELECT $1::float, $1::float
       -> $1 : float
   SELECT $1::float, $1::string
       -> $1 : string, execution will perform explicit cast $1 -> float
   SELECT $1:float, $1
       -> $1 : float
   SELECT $1::float, $1
       -> nothing done during 1st pass, type checking will resolve

(Note that this rule does not interfere with the separate rule, customary in SQL interpreters, that the client may choose to disregard the stated type of a placeholder during execute and instead pass the value as a string. The query executor must then convert the string to the type for the placeholder that was determined during type checking. For example if a client prepares select $1:int + 2 and passes "123" (a string), the executor must convert "123" to 123 (an int) before running the query. The annotation expression is a type assertion, not conversion, at run-time.)

This set of rules has already been partially implemented in the parser.placeholderAnnotationVisitor, which is used through parser.ProcessPlaceholderAnnotations.

Implementation Plan

A TypeAnnotationExpr or AnnotationExpr will be created in the parser package. It's implementation will mirror that of the ParenExpr, except in its TypeCheck method, where it will call typeCheckAndRequire on its sub-expression with its annotation type. The expression could also make a similar type assertion in its Eval method, but this shouldn't be necessary.

The ProcessPlaceholderAnnotations will need to be adjusted to adopt the rules listed above for interactions between casts and annotions. This is already stubbed out.


Type annotations will be a Cockroach specific language extension to SQL. In general, we have tried to avoid language extensions, as they limit portability of SQL statements and create a higher learning curve for moving to Cockroach. However, we concluded that this was ok, because these annotations are fully op-in, and are not a requirement of the dialect.


None. This is strictly an isolated extension.

Unresolved questions


The syntax for type annotations is still up for debate. The goal is to find a syntax that does not collide (visually or logically) with other SQL syntax. There have been a number of proposed syntaxes that we can decide from, and other proposals are welcome.

E : T

  • [+] has parallels to Postgres' cast extension E :: T
  • [-] may look too similar to Postgres' cast extension

E !! T

  • [+] has parallels to Postgres' cast extension E :: T
  • [+] unconventional (wont be mistaken)
  • [-] unconventional (stands out)

E ! T

  • [+] a mix between the previous two proposals
  • [+] unconventional (wont be mistaken)
  • [-] unconventional (stands out)

E [T]

  • [+] looks like TypeScript
  • [-] collides with array syntax

Keyword Syntax

If type annotations are adopted into CockroachSQL, it also may be desired that we adopt a more standard keyword style syntax.

For instance: ANNOTATE(E AS T) or (E ANNOTATE AS T).

This syntax could be added instead of one of the other proposals, or in addition to them. This is already precedented in Postgres' alternative syntaxes for casts.


An initial proof of concept implementation of type annotations made it clear that EXPLAIN(TYPES) in conjunction with type annotations results in a fairly verbose output. It might make sense to make type annotations "invisible" in the output of EXPLAIN(TYPES), as they are annotations for the type system, as opposed to expressions which affect evaluation. Furthermore, if the annotation passes type checking, its child will already have the same type, so including it in the output is unnecessary.