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1051 lines (787 loc) · 36.4 KB
  • Feature Name: SQL typing
  • Status: draft
  • Authors: Andrei, knz, Nathan
  • Start date: 2016-01-29
  • Cockroach Issue: #4024, #4026, #3633, #4073


This RFC proposes to revamp the SQL semantic analysis (what happens after the parser and before the query is compiled or executed) with a few goals in mind:

  • address some limitations of the current type-checking implementation
  • improve support for fancy (and not-so-fancy) uses of SQL and typing of placeholders for prepared queries
  • improve the quality of the code internally
  • pave the way for implementing sub-selects

To reach these goals the RFC proposes to:

  • implement a new type system that is able to type more code than the one currently implemented.
  • separate semantic analysis in separate phases after parsing
  • unify all typed SQL statements (including SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT) as expressions (SELECT as an expression is already a prerequisite for sub-selects)
  • structure typing as a visitor that annotates types as attributes in AST nodes

As with all in software engineering, more intelligence requires more work, and has the potential to make software less predictable. This proposal also outlines two different candidate type systems with different expressive power:

  • Morty is rather simple, smart only by accident
  • Rick is self-admittedly more intelligent than Rick, but also a bit longer and ugly, making it harder to understand externally

Another goal of this RFC is thus to consider both proposed type systems and perhaps guide the discussion towards choosing one of them.



We need a better typing system.

Why: some things currently do not work that should really work. Some other things behave incongruously and are difficult to understand, and this runs counter to our design ideal to "make data easy".

How: let's look at a few examples, understand what goes Really Wrong, propose some reasonable expected behavior(s), and see how to get there.

Problems considered

This RFC considers specifically the following issues:

  • overall architecture of semantic analysis in the SQL engine
  • typing expressions involving only untyped literals
  • typing expressions involving only untyped literals and placeholders
  • overloaded function resolution in calls with untyped literals or placeholders as arguments

The following issues are related to typing but fall outside of the scope of this RFC:

  • "prepare" reports type X to client, client does not know X (and thus unable to send the proper format byte in subsequent "execute")

    This issue can be addressed by extending/completing the client Postgres driver.

  • program/client sends a string literal in a position of another type, expects a coercion like in pg.

    For this issue one can argue the client is wrong; this issue may be addressed at a later stage if real-world use shows that demand for legacy compatibility here is real.

  • prepare reports type "int" to client, client feeds "string" during execute

    Same as previous point.

What typing is about

There are 4 different roles for typing in SQL:

  1. soundness analysis, the most important is shared with other languages: check that the code is semantically sound -- that the operations given are actually computable. Typing soundness analysis tells you e.g. that 3 + "foo" does not make sense and should be rejected.

  2. overload resolution deciding what meaning to give to type-overloaded constructs in the language. For example some operators behave differently when given int or float arguments (+, - etc). Additionally, there are overloaded functions (length is different for string and bytes) that behave differently depending on provided arguments. These are both features shared with other languages, when overloading exists.

  3. inferring implicit conversions, ie. determine where to insert implicit casts in contexts with disjoint types, when your flavor of SQL supports this (this is like in a few other languages, like C).

  4. typing placeholders inferring the type of placeholders ($1..., sometimes also noted ?), because the client needs to know this after a prepare and before an execute.

What we see in CockroachDB at this time, as well as in some other SQL products, is that SQL engines have issues in all 4 aspects.

There are often applicable reasons why this is so, for example

  1. lack of specification of the SQL language itself 2) lack of interest for this issue 3) organic growth of the machinery and 4) general developer ignorance about typing.

Examples that go wrong (arguably)

It's rather difficult to find examples where soundness goes wrong because people tend to care about this most. That said, it is reasonably easy to find example SQL code that seems to make logical sense, but which engines reject as being unsound. For example:

    prepare a as select 3 + case (4) when 4 then $1 end

this fails in Postgres because $1 is typed as string always and you can't add string to int (this is a soundness error). What we'd rather want is to infer $1 either as int (or decimal) and let the operation succeed, or fail with a type inference error ("can't decide the type"). In CockroachDB this does not even compile, there is no inference available within CASE.

Next to this, there are a number of situations where existing engines have chosen a behavior that makes the implementation of the engine easy, but may irk / surprise the SQL user. And Surprise is Bad.

For example:

  1. pessimistic typing for numeric literals.

    For example:

       create table t (x float);
       insert into t(x) values (1e10000 * 1e-9999);

    This fails on both Postgres and CockroachDB with a complaint that the numbers do not fit in either int or float, despite the fact the result would.

  2. incorrect typing for literals.

    For example::

       select length(E'\\000a'::bytea || 'b'::text)

    Succeeds (wrongly!) in Postgres and reports 7 as result. This should have failed with either "cannot concatenate bytes and string", or created a byte array of 3 bytes (\x00ab), or a string with a single character (b), or a 0-sized string.

  3. engine throws hands up in the air and abandons something that could otherwise look perfectly fine::

        select floor($1 + $2)

    This fails in Postgres with "can't infer the types" whereas the context suggests that inferring decimal would be perfectly fine.

  4. failure to use context information to infer types where this information is available.

    To simplify the explanation let's construct a simple example by hand. Consider a library containing the following functions::

     f(int) -> int
     f(float) -> float
     g(int) -> int

    Then consider the following statement::

         prepare a as select g(f($1))

    This fails with ambiguous/untypable $1, whereas one could argue (as is implemented in other languages) that g asking for int is sufficient to select the 1st overload for f and thus fully determine the type of $1.

Things that look wrong but really aren't

  1. loss of equivalence between prepared and direct statements::

      prepare a as select ($1 + 2)
      execute a(1.5)
      -- reports 3 (in Postgres)

    The issue here is that the + operator is overloaded, and the engine performs typing on $1 only considering the 2nd operand to the +, and not the fact that $1 may have a richer type.

    One may argue that a typing algorithm that only performs "locally" is sufficient, and that this statement can be reliabily understood to perform an integer operation in all cases, with a forced cast of the value filled in the placeholder. The problem with this argument is that this interpretation loses the equivalence between a direct statement and a prepared statement, that is, the substitution of:

       select 1.5 + 2

    is not equivalent to:

       prepare a as select $1 + 2; execute a(1.5)

    The real issue however is that SQL's typing is essentially monomorphic and that prepare statements are evaluated independently of subsequent queries: there is simply no SQL type that can be inferred for the placeholder in a way that provides sensible behavior for all subsequent queries. And introducing polymorphic types (or type families) just for this purpose doesn't seem sufficiently justified, since an easy workaround is available::

      prepare a as select $1::float + 2;
      execute a(1.5)
  2. Casts as type hints.

    Postgres uses casts as a way to indicate type hints on placeholders. One could argue that this is not intuitive, because a user may legitimately want to use a value of a given type in a context where another type is needed, without restricting the type of the placeholder. For example:

      create table t (x int, s string);
      insert into t (x, s)  values ($1, "hello " + $1::string)

    Here intuition says we want this to infer "int" for $1, not get a type error due to conflicting types.

    However in any such case it is always possible to rewrite the query to both take advantage of type hints and also demand the required cast, for example:

      create table t (x int, s string);
      insert into t (x, s)  values ($1::int, "hello " + ($1::int)::string

    Therefore the use of casts as type hints should not be seem as a hurdle, and simply requires the documentation to properly mention to the user "if you intend to cast placeholders, explain the intended source type of your placeholder inside your cast first".

Detailed design

Overview of Rick and Morty

  • Morty is a simple set of rules; they're applied locally (single depth-first, post-order traversal) to AST nodes for making typing decisions.

    One thing that conveniently makes a bunch of simple examples just work is that we keep numerical constants untyped as much as possible and introduce the one and only implicit cast from an untyped number constant to any other numeric type;

  • Rick is an iterative (multiple traversals) algorithm that tries harder to find a type for placeholders that accommodates all their occurrences;

  • Morty has only one implicit conversion, Rick potentially has many, but not necessarily;

  • Rick really can't work without constant folding to simplify complex expressions involving only constants; Morty doesn't care and can evaluate everything during execute;

  • Rick tries to "optimize" the type given to a literal constant depending on context; Morty doesn't care and just uses a powerful calculator

AST changes and new types

These are common to both Rick and Morty.

SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE should really be EXPR s.

The type of a SELECT expression should be an aggregate.

Table names should type as the aggregate type derived from their schema.

An insert/update should really be seen as an expression like a function call where the type of the arguments is determined by the column names targeted by the insert.

Proposed typing strategy for Rick

We use the following notations below::

E :: T  => the regular SQL cast, equivalent to `CAST(E as T)`  
E [T]   => an AST node representing `E` 
           with an annotation that indicates it has type T

For conciseness, we also introduce the notation E[*N] to mean that E has an unknown number type (int, float or decimal).

We assume that an initial/earlier phase has performed the reduction of casted placeholders (but only placeholders!), that is, folding:

 $1::T      => $1[T]
 x::T       => x :: T  (for any x that is not a placeholder)
 $1::T :: U => $1[T] :: U

Then we type using the following phases, detailed below:

    1. Constant folding for untyped constants, mandatory
  • 2-6. Type assignment and checking
    1. Constant folding for remaining typed constants, optional

The details:

  1. Constant folding.

    This reduces complex expressions without losing information (like in Go!) Literal constants are evaluated using either their type, if intrinsically known (for unambiguous literals like true/false, strings, byte arrays), or an internal exact implementation type for ambiguous literals (numbers). This is performed for all expressions involving only untyped literals and functions applications applied only to such expressions. For number literals, the imlementation type from the exact arithmetic library can be used.

    While the constant expressions are folded, the results must be typed using either the known type if any operands had one; or the unknown numeric type when the none of the operands had a known type.

    For example:

     true and false               => false[bool]
     'a' + 'b'                    => "ab"[string]
     12 + 3.5                     => 15.5[*N]
     case 1 when 1 then x         => x[?] -> ambiguity error
     case 1 when 1 then 2         => 2[*N]
     3 + case 1 when 1 then 2     => 5[*N]
     abs(-2)                      => 2[*N]
     abs(-2e10000)                => 2e10000[*N]

    Note that folding does not take place for functions/operators that are overloaded and when the operands have different types (we might resolve type coercions at a later phase):

     23 + 'abc'                   => 23[*N] + 'abc'[string]
     23 + sin(23)                 => 23[*N] + -0.8462204041751706[float]

    Folding does "as much work as possible", for example:

     case x when 1 + 2 then 3 - 4 => (case x[?] when 3[*N] then -1[*N])[*N]

    Note that casts select a specific type, but may stop the fold because the surrounding operation becomes applied to different types:

     true::bool and false         => false[bool] (both operands of "and" are bool)
     1::int + 23                  => 1[int] + 23[*N]
     (2 + 3)::int + 23            => 5[int] + 23[*N]

    The optimization for functions only takes place for a limited subset of supported functions, they need to be pure and have an implementation for the exact type.

  2. Culling and candidate type collection.

    This phase collects candidate types for AST nodes, does a pre-selection of candidates for overloaded calls and computes intersections.

    This is a depth-first, post-order traversal. At every node:

    1. the candidate types of the children are computed first

    2. the current node is looked at, some candidate overloads may be filtered out

    3. in case of call to an overloaded op/fun, the argument types are used to restrict the candidate set of the direct child nodes (set intersection)

    4. if the steps above determine there are no possible types for a node, fail as a typing error.

      (Note: this is probably a point where we can look at implicit coercions)

    Simple example:

     5[int] + 23[*N]

    This filters the candidates for + to only the one taking int and int (rule 2). Then by rule 2.3 the annotation on 23 is changed, and we obtain:

     ( 5[int] + 23[int] )[int]

    Another example::

     (12 + $1) + f($1)

    We type as follows::

     (12[*N] + $1) + f($1)
     (12[*N] + $1[*N]) + f($1[*N])
     -- Note that the placeholders in the AST share
     their type annotation between all their occurrences
     (this is unique to them, e.g. literals have
     separate type annotations)
     (12[*N] + $1[*N])[*N] + f($1[*N])
     (12[*N] + $1[*N])[*N] + f($1[*N])
       (nothing to do anymore)
     (12[*N] + $1[*N])[*N] + f($1[*N])

    At this point, we are looking at f($1[int,float,decimal,...]). Yet f is only overloaded for int and float, therefore, we restrict the set of candidates to those allowed by the type of $1 at that point, and that reduces us to:


    And the typing continues, restricting the type of $1:

      (12[*N] + $1[int,float])[*N] + f($1[int,float])
                   ^^                ^       ^^
      (12[*N] + $1[int,float])[*N] + f($1[int,float])[int,float]
                                     ^                  ^^
      (12[*N] + $1[int,float])[*N] + f($1[int,float])[int,float]

    Aha! Now the plus sees an operand on the right more restricted than the one on the left, so it filters out all the unapplicable candidates, and only the following are left over::

      +: int,int->int
      +: float,float->float

    And thus this phase completes with::

      ((12[*N] + $1[int,float])[int,float] + f($1[int,float])[int,float])[int,float]
                                 ^^      ^

    Notice how the restrictions only apply to the direct children nodes when there is a call and not pushed further down (e.g. to 12[*N] in this example).

  3. Repeat step 2 as long as there is at least one candidate set with more than one type, and until the candidate sets do not evolve any more.

    This simplifies the example above to:

      ((12[int,float] + $1[int,float])[int,float] + f($1[int,float])[int,float])[int,float]
  4. Refine the type of numeric constants.

    This is a depth-first, post-order traversal.

    For every constant with more than one type in its candidate type set, pick the best type that can represent the constant: we use the preference order int, float, decimal and pick the first that can represent the value we've computed.

    For example:

      12[int,float] + $1[int,float] => 12[int] + $1[int, float]

    The reason why we consider constants here (and not placeholders) is that the programmers express an intent about typing in the form of their literals. That is, there is a special meaning expressed by writing "2.0" instead of "2". (Weak argument?)

    Also see section Implementing Rick.

  5. Run steps 2 and 3 again. This will refine the type of placeholders automatically.

  6. If there is any remaining candidate type set with more than one candidate, fail with ambiguous.

  7. Perform further constant folding on the remaining constants that now have a specific type.

Revisiting the examples from earlier with Rick

From section Examples that go wrong (arguably):

    prepare a as select 3 + case (4) when 4 then $1 end
    --                  3[*N] + $1[?]       (rule 1)
    --                  3[*N] + $1[*N]      (rule 2)
    --                  3[int] + $1[*N]     (rule 4)
    --                  3[int] + $1[int]    (rule 2)

    create table t (x decimal);
    insert into t(x) values (3/2)
    --                      (3/2)[*N]        (rule 1)
    --                      (3/2)[decimal]   (rule 2)

    create table u (x int);
    insert into u(x) values (((9 / 3) * (1 / 3))::int)
    --                         3 * (1/3)::int   (rule 1)
    --                         1::int           (rule 1)
    --                         1[int]           (rule 1)

    create table t (x float);
    insert into t(x) values (1e10000 * 1e-9999)
    --                       10[*N]      (rule 1)
    --                       10[float]   (rule 2)

    select length(E'\\000' + 'a'::bytes)
    --            E'\\000'[*S] + 'a'[bytes]     (input, pretype)
    --            E'\\000'[bytes] + 'a'[bytes]  (ryle 2)

    select length(E'\\000a'::bytes || 'b'::string)
    --            E'\\000a'[bytes] || 'b'[string]
    --            then failure, no overload for || found

Fancier example that shows the power of the proposed type system, with an example where Postgres would give up:

    prepare a as select  f($1,$2) + g($2,$3) + h($3,$1)
    --                   ^
    --                   f($1[int,string],$2[float,string]) + ....
    --                            ^
    --                   f(...)+g($2[float,string],$3[decimal,string]) + ...
    --                            ^
    --                   f(...)+g(...)+h($3[decimal,string],$1[string])
    --                                  ^
    -- (2 re-iterates)
    --        f($1[string],$2[string]) + ...
    --               ^
    --        f(...)+g($2[string],$3[string]) + ...
    --                      ^
    --        f(...)+g(...)+h($3[string],$1[string])
    --                             ^

    --        (B stops, all types have been resolved)

    -- => $1, $2, $3 must be strings

Drawbacks of Rick

The following example types differently from Postgres::

     select (3 + $1) + ($1 + 3.5)
     --      (3[*N] + $1[*N]) + ($1[*N] + 3.5[*N])       rule 2
     --      (3[int] + $1[*N]) + ($1[*N] + 3.5[float])   rule 4
     --      (3[int] + $1[int]) + ...                   
     --                ^                                 rule 2
     --      (3[int] + $1[int] + ($1[int] + 3.5[float])  
     --                                   ^  failure, unknown overload

Here Postgres would infer "decimal" for $1 whereas our proposed algorithm fails.

The following situations are not handled, although they were mentioned in section Examples that go wrong (arguably) as possible candidates for an improvement:

    select floor($1 + $2)
    --           $1[*N] + $2[*N]     (rule 2)
    -- => failure, ambiguous types for $1 and $2

    f(int) -> int
    f(float) -> float
    g(int) -> int
    prepare a as select g(f($1))
    --                      $1[int,float]     (rule 2)
    -- => failure, ambiguous types for $1 and $2

Alternatives around Rick (other than Morty)

There's cases where the type type inference doesn't quite work, like

floor($1 + $2)
  WHEN 1 THEN 'one' 
     CASE language 
       WHEN 'en' THEN $1 

Another category of failures involves dependencies between choices of types. E.g.:

f: int,int->int
f: float,float->int
f: char, string->int
g: int->int
g: float->int
h: int->int
h: string->int

f($1, $2) + g($1) + h($2)

Here the only possibility is $1[int], $2[int] but the algorithm is not smart enough to figure that out.

To support these, one might suggest to make Rick super-smart via the application of a "bidirectional" typing algorithm, where the allowable types in a given context guide the typing of sub-expressions. These are akin to constraint-driven typing and a number of established algorithms exist, such as Hindley-Milner.

The introduction of a more powerful typing system would certainly attract attention to CockroachDB and probably attract a crowd of language enthousiasts, with possible benefits in terms of external contributions.

However, from a practical perspective, more complex type systems are also more complex to implement and troubleshoot (they are usually implemented functionally and need to be first translated to non-functional Go code) and may have non-trivial run-time costs (e.g. extensions to Hindley-Milner to support overloading resolve in quadratic time).

Implementing Rick: untyped numeric literals

To implement untyped numeric literals which will enable exact arithmetic, we will use This will require a change to our Yacc parser and lexical scanner, which will parser all numeric looking values (ICONST and FCONST) as NumVal.

We will then introduce a constant folding pass before type checking is initially performed (ideally using a folding visitor instead of the current interface approach). While constant folding these untyped literals, we can use BinaryOp and UnaryOp to retain exact precision.

Next, during type checking, NumVals will be evalutated as their logical Datum types. Here, they will be converted int, float or decimal, based on their Value.Kind() (e.g. using Int64Val or decimal.SetString(Value.String()). Some Kinds will result in a panic because they should not be possible based on our parser. However, we could eventually introduce Complex literals using this approach.

Finally, once type checking has occured, we can proceed with folding for all typed values and expressions.

Untyped numeric literals become typed when they interact with other types. E.g.: (2 + 10) / strpos(“hello”, “o”): 2 and 10 would be added using exact arithmatic in the first folding phase to get 12. However, because the constant function strpos returns a typed value, we would not fold its result further in the first phase. Instead, we would type the 12 to a DInt in the type check phase, and then perform the rest of the constant folding on the DInt and the return value of strpos in the second constant folding phase. Once an untyped constant literal needs to be typed, it can never become untyped again.

Proposed typing strategy for Morty

Rick seems both imperfect (it can fail to find the unique type assignment that makes the expression sound) and complicated. Moreover one can easily argue that it can infer too much and appear magic. E.g. the f($1,$2) + g($2,$3) + h($3,$1) example where it might be better to just ask the user to give type hints.

It also makes some pretty arbitrary decisions about programmer intent, e.g. for f overloaded on int and float, f((1.5 - 0.5) + $1), the constant expression 1.5 - 0.5 evaluates to an int an forces $1 to be an int too.

The complexity and perhaps excessive intelligence of Rick stimulated a discussion about the simplest alternative that's still useful for enough common cases. Morty was born from this discussion: a simple set of rules operating in a single pass on the AST; there's no recursion and no iteration.

  1. Number literals are typed as an internal type Exact. Just like above, we can do arithmethic in this type for constant folding. Exact is special because it can be cast to any other numeric type.
  2. Placeholders are typed either by an immediate cast (which constitutes a type hint, like above) or (for convenience) if a placeholder is an argument to a function, or operand, which exactly has 1 candidate overload based on all its non-placeholder arguments, then the type of the placeholder becomes the type demanded by that argument position.
  3. INSERTs and UPDATEs come with the same inference rules as function calls.
  4. If multiple different types are resolved for the same placeholder in multiple locations, then fail with ambiguous typing (the user can resolve with a cast if needed).
  5. If no type can be inferred for a placeholder (e.g. it's used only in overloaded function calls or only comes in contact with other untyped placeholders), then again fail with ambiguous typing.
  6. literal NULL is typed "unknown" unless there's an immediate cast just afterwards, and the type "unknown" propagates up expressions until either the top level (that's an error) or a function that explicitly takes unknown as input type to do something with it (e.g. is_null, comparison, or INSERT with nullable columns);
  7. "when" clauses (And the entire surrounding case expression) get typed by the 1st non-placeholder value if one is found, then the other positions are automatically checked against that type. Otherwise a typing error is reported.

Exact is obviously not supported by the pgwire protocol, or by clients, so we'd report numeric when exact has been inferred for a placeholder. For Morty we then also need to be lenient about the incoming types of numeric values during execute, and in some cases perhaps cast them back to exact.

You can see that Morty is simpler than Rick: there's no sets of type candidates for any expressions.
Other differences is that Morty relies on the introduction of an implicit cast. This has some consequences. Consider:

    (1)   INSERT INTO t(int_col) VALUES (4.5)

This is a type error in Rick, but would insert 4 in Morty.

    (2)   INSERT INTO t(int_col) VALUES ($1)
    (3)   INSERT INTO t(int_col) VALUES ($1 + 1)

In (2), $1 is inferred to be int. Passing the value "4.5" for $1 in (2) would be a type error during execute, which is arguably inconsistent with the direct statement (1). However on the other hand it's the statement (1) that's really lenient, and one could also argue that reporting int for $1 in (2) is less surprising.

In (3) it's inferred to be exact and reported as numeric; the client can then send numbers as either int, floats or decimal down the wire during exeute, we propose to change the parser to accept any client-provided numeric type for a placeholder when the AST expects exact.

Typing of constants as exact seems to come in handy in some situations that Rick didn't handle very well:

    SELECT ($1 + 2) + ($1 + 2.5)

Here Rick would throw a type error for $1, whereas Morty infers exact.

Examples of Morty's behavior

      create table t (x float);
      insert into t(x) values (3 / 2)

3/2 gets typed as 3::exact / 2::exact, division gets exact 1.5, then exact gets autocasted to float for insert.

      create table u (x int);
      insert into u(x) values (((9 / 3) * (1 / 3))::int)

(9/3)*(1/3) gets typed and computes down to exact 1, then exact gets casted to int as requested.

      create table t (x float);
      insert into t(x) values (1e10000 * 1e-9999);

Numbers gets typed and casted as exact, multiplication evaluates to exact 10, this gets autocasted back to float for insert.

      select length(E'\\000a'::bytea || 'b'::text)

Type error, concat only works for homogenous types.

      select floor($1 + $2)

Type error, ambiguous resolve for +. This can be fixed by floor($1::float + $2), then there's only one type remaining for $2 and all is well.

      f(int) -> int
      f(float) -> float
      g(int) -> int
      prepare a as select g(f($1))

Ambiguous, tough luck. Try with g(f($1::int)) then all is well.

      prepare a as select ($1 + 2)
      execute a(1.5)

2 typed as exact, so $1 too. numeric reported to client, then a(1.5) sends 1.5 down the wire, all is well.

     create table t (x int, s text);
     insert into t (x, s)  values ($1, "hello " + $1::text)

$1 typed by insert context to int, but 2nd cast suggests another type, so we bail with a type conflict. The user can resolve with explicit casts ($1::int and $1::int::text).

     prepare a as select 3 + case (4) when 4 then $1 end

3 and 4 gets typed as exact, so exact is demanded for $1, and the entire expression resolves as the exact result of + on two exact operands.

Exampes where Morty differs from Rick

    f: int -> int
    f: float -> float
    SELECT f(1)

M says it can't choose an overload. R would type 1 as int.

    PREPARE a AS (12 + $1) + f($1)

M infers exact and says that f can't be applied to exact, R infers int.

    PREPARE a AS SELECT f($1) + g($1)

M can't infer anything, R intersects candidate sets and figures out float for $1.

    PREPARE a AS SELECT f($1, $2), $2::float

If we don't implemented Morty iteratively, then it fails to infer anything for $1. If we do, then it infers $1[int], like Rick. See the next section for details.

Alternatives around Morty

Both Rick and Morty are assymetric algorithms: how much an how well the type of a placeholder is typed depends on the order of syntax elements. However while Rick tries very hard to hide that property via an iterative algorithm, Morty doesn't make much effort and the user will see this assymetry much more often. For example:

    f : int -> int
    INSERT INTO t (a, b) VALUES (f($1), $1 + $2)
    -- succeeds (f types $1::int first, then $2 gets typed int), 
    -- however:
    INSERT INTO t (b, a) VALUES ($1 + $2, f($1))
    -- fails with ambiguous typing for $1+$2, f not visited yet.

Of course we could explain this in documentation and suggest the use of explicit casts in ambiguous contexts. However, if this property is deemed too uncomfortable to expose to users, we could make the algorithm iterative and repeat applying Morty's rule 2 to all expressions as long as it manages to type new placeholders. This way:

    INSERT INTO t (b, a) VALUES ($1 + $2, f($1))
    --                              ^  fail, but continue
	--  						 $1 + $2, f($1)      continue
	--  							        ^ 
	--  						  ....  , f($1::$1)  now retry
    --                           $1::int + $2, ...
	--  						         ^ aha! new information
	--  						 $1::int + $2::int, f($1::int)
    -- all is well!

Implementation notes for both Rick and Morty

  1. All AST nodes (produced by the parser) implement Expr.

    INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE nodes become visitable by visitors. This will unify the way we do processing on the AST.

  2. The TypeCheck method from Expr becomes a separate visitor. Expr gets a type field populated by this visitor. This will make it clear when type inference and type checking have run (and that they run only once). This is in contrast with TypeCheck being called at random times by random code.

  3. During typing there will be a need for a data structure to collect the type candidate sets per AST node (Expr) and placeholder. This should be done using a separate map, where either AST nodes or placeholder names are keys.

  4. Semantic analysis will be done as a new step doing constant folding, type inference, type checking.

  5. Constant folding for Rick will actually be split in two parts: one running before type checking and doing folding of untyped numerical computations, the other running after type checking and doing folding of any constant expression (typed literals, function calls, etc.). This is because we want to do untyped computations before having to figure out types, so we can possibly use the resulting value when deciding the type (e.g. 3.5 - 0.5 could be inferred as int).

The semantic analysis will thus look like::

    type placeholderTypes = map[ValArg]Type

    // Mutates the tree and populates .type
    func semanticAnalysis(root Expr) (assignments placeholderTypes,  error) {
      var untypedFolder UntypedConstantFoldingVisitor = UntypedConstantFoldingVisitor{}

      // Type checking and type inference combined.
      var typeChecker TypeCheckVisitor = TypeCheckVisitor{}
      if err := typeChecker.Visit(root); err != nil {
        report ambiguity or typing error
      assignments = typeChecker.GetPlaceholderTypes()

      var constantFolder ConstantFoldingVisitor = ConstantFoldingVisitor{}

Unresolved questions

How much Postgres compatibility is really required?

What should our type-coercion story be in terms of implicitly making conversions from a subset of available casts at type discontinuity boundaries in SQL expressions?

It'd be really convenient to say that we don't support any implicit casts.

Note that some of the reasons why implicit casts would be otherwise needed go away with the untyped constant arithmetic that we're suggesting, and also because we'd now have type inference for values used in INSERT and UPDATE statements (INSERT INTO tab (float_col) VALUES 42 works as expected). If we choose to have some implicit casts in the language, then the type inference algorithm probably needs to be extended to rank overload options based on the number of casts required.

What's the story for NULL constants (literals or the result of a pure function) in Rick? Do they need to be typed?

Generally do we need to have null-able and non-nullable types?