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Differences Between Composi and React

Although Composi and React share many API features, there are substantial differences. The following tables show what they share and how they differ.


Composi React
h React.createElement
mount ReactDOM.hydrate
render ReactDOM.render
Component React.Component
Component.render React.Component.render
Component.state React.Component.state
Component.setState React.Component.setState
Component.update React.Component.forceUpdate
Component.unmount N/A
Fragment React.Fragment

Composi uses mount to render a functional component the first time. This returns a reference to the component tree. You can pass that reference to the render function in order to update that functional component efficiently. Only that tree will be updated.

mount is also used to hydrate server-side rendered DOM with functional components, similar to ReactDOM.hydrate. Just pass a DOM reference for the structure to hydrate as the third argument to mount:

// Hydrate H1 inside header tag:
mount(<Title message='Amazing Title'/> 'header', 'h1')

If you wish to update a component after mounting, capture its state in a variable. You'll need to use let because each update will change the value you have stored.

// Hydrate H1 inside header tag:
let title = mount(<Title message='Amazing Title'/> 'header', 'h1')

Use render to update an already mounted functional component. It takes three arguments, a reference to the mounted component and the tag to re-render and the container element to render it in. This will be the same one in which the component was originally mounted:

let title = mount(<Title message='Boring!'/>, 'header')
// Sometime later update the title.
// Pass in the 'title' variable from above:
title = render(title, <Title message='An Amazing Title!!!'/>, 'header')


Composi React
class className
inline events inline events (synthesized)
onclick onClick
oninput onUpdate
for htmlFor
xlink-href xlinkHref or xlink-href
innerHTML (string) dangerouslySetInnerHTML (callback)
style (accepts object or
standard inline string value) style (accepts object)

Inline events are just inline events, same as they've always been since DOM Level 0. Composi uses standard HTML attributes. No need for camel case or non-standard terms. For SVG icons you can use xlink-href. innerHTML accepts a string as its value. No need for a complicated function like with React's dangerouslySetInnerHTML. style can take a JavaScript object literal of key value pairs, or you can use a string as you normally would with HTML. React and friends only accept an object.

For handling innerHTML, Composi uses innerHTML. Unlike React, which requires a callback, you just pass a string for the content to insert:

function Title() {
  return (
    <h1>Original Content</h1>
const title = mount(<Title/>, 'header')
// Later update the title:
title = render(title, <Title innerHTML='The New Title!'/>, 'header')

Lifecycle Hooks for Class Components

Composi React
componentWillMount componentWillMount/UNSAFE_componentWillMount
componentDidMount comopnentDidMount
componentWillUpdate componentWillUpdate/UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate
componentDidUpdate componentDidUpdate
componentWillUnmount componentWillUnmount/UNSAFE_componentWillUnmount
N/A componentWillReceiveProps/UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps
N/A getDerivedStateFromProps
componentShouldUpdate (attribute) componentShouldUpdate (callback)

Lifecycle Events for Functional Components

Composi React
onmount N/A
onupdate N/A
onunmount N/A

Inline events are standard inline events. They do not get sythesized like React.

componentShouldUpdate is an attribute that accepts a boolean value. By default it is true. Setting this property to false will prevent it from updating, event when its state changes. After making state changes, you can flag the component to update again by setting this property to true. The next update will show the changes.

class Title extends Component {
  render(data) {
    return (
// Create instance.
// Because it has no state, it does not yet render.
const title = new Title({
  state: 'A Great Title',
  container: 'header'
title.componentShouldUpdate = false

// Sometime later you want to change the title.
// Because 'componentShouldUpdate' was set to false, nothing will happen.
title.setState('A Brand New Title!')

// To update the component, set 'componentShouldUpdate' to true, 
// then run 'update' on the component instance:
title.componentShouldUpdate = true


Composi React
N/A (use this.element with componentDidMount
to access DOM) React.createRef
N/A (same as above) ref

Composi does not have createRef like React, and so it does not support the ref property on elements. But you don't need it. Instead you can take advantage of a component's element property in the componentDidUpdate lifecycle hook to access elements in the DOM:

class List extends Component {
  render(data) {
    return (
      <div class='list-container'>
          <input type='text'/>
   => <li key={item.key}>{item.value}</li>)
  componentDidMount() {
    // Notice how we access the component tree here:
    this.element.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', this)
    this.input = this.element.querySelector('input')
  handleEvent() {
  addItem() {
    // Access input that we got in componentDidMount:
    const value = this.input.value
    if (value) {
      this.setState(prevState => {
        return prevState
    } else {
      alert('Please provide a value before submitting.')


Composi React
mount (for functional components) ReactDOM.hydrate/ReactDOM.render
new - use to instatiate class component React.DOM.render

To render a functional component the first time, use mount:

function Title({message}) {
  return (
// Mount the custom tag in the header:
const title = mount(<Title message='A Great Title'/>, 'header')

To mount a class component, instantiate it with the new keyword. If the class component has state, it will render to the DOM automatically when you instantiate it. If it is stateless, you'll need to run update on the instance to render it.

//Stateful component:
class Title extends Component {
  state = 'A Great Title'
  render(message) {
    return (

// Create instance of component.
// Indicate where to render through container property.
// Because it has state, the component will immediately render to the DOM:
const title = new Title({
  container: 'header'

// Or you could provide state while initalizing.
// Here we refactor the above class for that:

//Stateless component:
class Title extends Component {
  render(message) {
    return (

// Create instance of component.
// Provide state for the component to use.
// Indicate where to render through container property.
// Because we provide state here, the component will render immediately.
const title = new Title({
  state: 'A Great Title',
  container: 'header'

// We could also define a stateless component and add state after instantiation. This will also cause the stateless component to render immediately. Here we take the previous stateless component to illustrate this:

//Stateless component:
class Title extends Component {
  render(message) {
    return (

// Because this has no state, instantiation will not cause it to render to the DOM yet.
const title = new Title({
  container: 'header'

// Provide state to the component instance.
// This will cause it to render immediately.
title.state = 'A Great Title'

// Finally, we can keep the component stateless and use the `update` function to pass data. This will render the component to the DOM using the data we provide.

//Stateless component:
class Title extends Component {
  render(message) {
    return (

// Because this has no state, instantiation will not cause it to render to the DOM yet.
const title = new Title({
  container: 'header'

// Pass data to the stateless component, causing it to render immediately.
title.update('A Great Title')