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Joomla Build Tools

Joomla provides a set of tools for managing static assets and dependencies based on popular NodeJS tools and a couple of PHP scripts that automate the release process.

Node Based Tools

The responsibilities of these tools are:

  • To copy files from the node-modules folder to the media folder.
  • Do any transformations on the copied files.
  • Update the version numbers on the XML files of the TinyMCE and CodeMirror editors.
  • Copy files from the build/media_source folder to the media folder.
  • Transform any modern JS to ES2017 and transpile it to ES5.
  • Transform any SCSS file to the respective CSS file.

For some of these operations, conventions were established to simplify and speed up the process.


There are three options here:

  • Modern Javascript files must have an extension .es6.js. This allows ESLint to check the code style, Joomla is using the Airbnb preset It also instructs Rollup to do the transforms for ES2017 and then transpile to ES5. This step creates both normal and minified files. Production code WILL NOT have the .es6 part for ES2017+ files but WILL HAVE a -es5.js for the ES5 ones.

  • Web Component Javascript files must have an extension .w-c.es6.js. This allows ESLint to check the code style and instructs Rollup to do the transforms for ES2017 and then transpile to ES5. This step creates normal and minified files. The difference with the .es6 files is that the tools will automate the minification of the CSS (assuming that the appropriate SCSS file exists), which is then injected into the JS file in place of the placeholder {{CSS_CONTENTS_PLACEHOLDER}} (ie: build/media_source/system/js/joomla-core-loader.w-c.es6.js) Production code WILL NOT have the .w-c.es6 part for ES2017+ files but WILL HAVE a -es5.js for the ES5 ones.

  • Legacy Javascript files must have an extension .es5.js. This instructs ESLint to skip checking this file. Also, it instructs the tools to create a minified version (production code WILL NOT have the .es5 part)

  • Javascript files with only an extension .js. These files will be ignored by the build tools.


  • SCSS files starting with _ will not become entry points for SCSS. SCSS files will be transformed to CSS, both normal and minified versions.


  • CSS files will only get minified.

NPM Commands

  • npm run build:js: compiles ALL the JS (excluding Bootstrap and Media Manager).
  • npm run build:js -- build/media_source/com_actionlogs: compiles ALL the JS ONLY in the folder build/media_source/com_actionlogs.
  • npm run build:css: compiles ALL the SCSS.
  • npm run build:css -- templates/cassiopeia: compiles ALL the SCSS ONLY in the folder templates/cassiopeia.
  • npm run build:bs5: Builds the Bootstrap Javascript components.
  • npm run build:com_media: Builds the Media Manager Vue Application.
  • npm run lint:js: Checks the code style for all the Javascript/Vue files.
  • npm run lint:js -- --fix: Checks and fixes the code style for all the Javascript/Vue files (might not fix everything).
  • npm run lint:css: Checks the code style for all SCSS files.
  • npm run lint:css -- --fix: Checks and fixes the code style for all SCSS files (might not fix everything).
  • npm run gzip: Creates .gz files for all the .min.js and .min.css.
  • npm run versioning: Creates the correct version hash for all the assets inside the joomla.asset.json files (excluding templates).

Working Efficiently with the Joomla Build Tools

Usually, the scope of a single contribution to the project should be limited. For example: fixing a CSS bug, a Javascript bug, some Markup, or a bug that involves changes in all these areas. The build tools were created so that you spend less time on compiling assets than testing a possible solution.

Embrace the watchers Let the computer help you succeed faster and safer. There are 2 watchers at the moment: one for the Media Manager (client app based on VueJS) and another one that handles templates and the source (build) folder.

Assuming that you are working on the Media Manager, you can run in your terminal (already in the root folder of the Joomla repo) npm run watch:com_media. This watcher will automatically recompile the app on every save (there is a debounce of 0.3s, so if you have autosave it will be a clever way to minimise the wait).

Assuming that you are working on the Web Authentication JavaScript, you can run in your terminal (already in the root folder of the Joomla repo) npm run watch -- build/media_source/plg_system_webauthn. This watcher will automatically recompile any JavaScript file inside the folder build/media_source/plg_system_webauthn/js on every save. But there's more! Since you asked the watcher to check the parent folder (eg build/media_source/plg_system_webauthn), you can also edit the SCSS files in the build/media_source/plg_system_webauthn/scss or the CSS files in build/media_source/plg_system_webauthn/css. The same example for editing some SCSS in the Cassiopeia template would require a command like: npm run watch -- templates/cassiopeia/scss.

Once you get your code doing what it is meant to do, make sure that you check you are not breaking any of the Code Style rules by running npm run lint:css -- --fix and npm run lint:js -- --fix (the -- --fix will try to fix anything that's not trivial).

Happy coding