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If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.

-- Isaac Newton

creichert's dotfiles

This repo contains my entire system configuration. The Dockerfile is a simulation of my personal Debian installation which I use to continually verify that my configuration works.

All dotfiles in this repo are installed using minimally invasive commands and most will not overwrite any existing data on your system.

Use make to:

  • visualize how the install will affect your system:

    $ make simulate
  • install all dotfiles with stow:

    $ make dotfiles
  • install a single dotfile with stow:

    $ make dotfiles pkg=emacs
  • install/reinstall xmonad config:

    $ make xmonad


  • M-f1 open new terminal
  • M-f2 open new emacs session
  • M-SHIFT-f2 open new emacsclient session
  • M-p open any program

xmonad can be re-compiled on the fly using stack:

  • M-q recompile & reload xmonad/xmobar.
  • M-[0..9] switch workspaces
  • M-SPC switch layout


Load these scratchpads on any workspace:

  • M-K open floating terminal
  • M-J toggle floting terminal 2


  • C-x d load a new project directory
  • C-x C-d open an existing project

once a project is opened:

  • C-x f load a file


  • C-c l reload current module in ghci
  • C-c ; load/reload project in ghci repl

haskell etags

stack-tag can compile a single etags file for a stack project including all transitive dependencies.


Get a list of themes:

$ make theme q=chalk

Install a theme:

$ make theme q=chalk

Which will take effect when an application, or the entire X session is restarted. Themes are generated using Xresources. Default settings can be found in x11/.Xresources.

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