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If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.

-- Isaac Newton

creichert's dotfiles

All dotfiles in this repo are installed using in a minimally invasive way and will not overwrite any existing data on your system. I work between a desktop and laptop and prefer to have as few differences between the two systems.

Use make to:

  • visualize how the install will affect your system:

    $ make simulate
  • install all dotfiles with stow:

    $ make dotfiles
  • install a single dotfile with stow:

    $ make dotfiles pkg=emacs
  • install/reinstall xmonad config:

    $ make xmonad


  • M-f1 open new terminal
  • M-f2 open new emacs session
  • M-SHIFT-f2 open new emacsclient session
  • M-p open any program

xmonad can be re-compiled on the fly using stack:

  • M-q recompile & reload xmonad/xmobar.
  • M-[0..9] switch workspaces
  • M-SPC switch layout


Load these scratchpads on any workspace:

  • M-K open floating terminal
  • M-J toggle floting terminal 2


  • C-x d load a new project directory
  • C-x C-d open an existing project

once a project is opened:

  • C-x f load a file


  • C-c l reload current module in ghci
  • C-c ; load/reload project in ghci repl

haskell etags

stack-tag can compile a single etags file for a stack project including all transitive dependencies.


Get a list of themes:

$ make theme q=chalk

Install a theme:

$ make theme q=chalk

Which will take effect when an application, or the entire X session is restarted. Themes are generated using Xresources. Default settings can be found in x11/.Xresources.

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