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Ant Design Icons for Angular

NPM version NPM downloads

With a better taste.


ng add @ant-design/icons-angular

# or npm install @ant-design/icons-angular


You should import IconModule in your application's root module.

import { IconModule } from '@ant-design/icons-angular';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

And register the icons that you need to IconService (All or explicitly. We call it static loading):

ATTENTION! We strongly suggest you not to register all icons. That would increase your bundle's size dramatically.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { IconDefinition, IconService } from '@ant-design/icons-angular';
import { AccountBookFill } from '@ant-design/icons-angular/icons'
// import * as AllIcons from 'ant-icons-angular/icons';

  selector   : 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls  : ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
  constructor(private _iconService: IconService) {
    // Import all. NOT RECOMMENDED. ❌
    // const antDesignIcons = AllIcons as {
      // [key: string]: IconDefinition;
    // };
    // this._iconService.addIcon(...Object.keys(antDesignIcons).map(key => antDesignIcons[key]));
    // Import what you need! ✔️
    this._iconService.addIcon(...[ AccountBookFill ]);
    this._iconService.twoToneColor = { primaryColor: '#1890ff' };

When you want to render an icon:

<i antIcon type="ant-cloud" theme="outline"></i>

Checkout the demo for more details.

For icons provided by Ant Design, we provide dynamic loading strategy to reduce bundle's size. Just config your angular.json and you even don't need to register the icons! Checkout our examples dir and angular.json file for more details.

Jsonp-like Dynamic Loading

If your static file server don't support cross origin XMLg requests, you can use jsonp-like dynamic loading by calling the useJsonpLoading method of IconService.


Namespace is a new feature first introduced in 2.0.0-beta.2. It allows users to register their own icons with simple API, support both dynamic loading and static loading.

Say you want to add a panda icon in animal namespace. For static loading, you should call addIconLiteral('animal:panda', '<svg>...</svg>'). For dynamic loading, just put panda.svg under assets/animal. And render a panda like: <i antIcon type="animal:panda">.

Please checkout the demo for more details.


This package, unlike @ant-design/icons-react, does not list @ant-design/icons as a dependency. It has its own build up tooling chain which brings benefits like:

  • Tree shake.
  • Providing dynamic and static loading.
  • Reduced bundle size (500KB less if you only use dynamic loading).
  • Better performance because of no svg => abstract node => svg process.


Install dependencies of @ant-design/icons-angular, and run npm run generate.


Run ng serve after npm run generate.


Build the library by running the script we provide.

$ ./


You can simply extend this package by creating directives or services that extends IconDirective and IconService. And it is worth mentioning that _changeIcon method returns a Promise<svg> using which you could add extra modifications. ng-zorro-antd is a good example of extending this package.