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File metadata and controls

67 lines (50 loc) · 5.04 KB


Syntax: tf-profile table [options] [log_file]

Description: reads a Terraform log file and print high-level information about the run.


  • -t, --tee: print logs while parsing them. Shorthand for terraform apply | tee >(tf-profile stats). Default: false
  • -d, --max_depth: aggregate resources nested deeper than -d levels into a resource that represents the module at depth -d. Not implented yet
  • -s, --sort: comma-separated key-value pairs that instruct how to sort the output table. Valid values follow the format column1:(asc|desc),column2:(asc|desc):.... By default, tot_time=desc,resource=asc is used: sort first by descending modification time, second by resource name in alphabetical order.
  • -a, --aggregate: enable or disable aggregation of resources created by the same for_each or count expression. Default: true


  • log_file: Optional. Instruct tf-profile to read input from a text file instead of stdin.


This command prints a table based on the log file or input, sorted according to -s / --sort and printed to the terminal. Useful to inspect properties about individual resources.

resource              n  tot_time  modify_started  modify_ended  desired_state  operation  final_state  
aws_ssm_parameter.p6  1  0s        6               7             Created        Replace    Created      
aws_ssm_parameter.p1  1  0s        7               5             Created        Replace    Created      
aws_ssm_parameter.p3  1  0s        5               6             Created        Replace    Created      
aws_ssm_parameter.p4  1  0s        /               1             NotCreated     Destroy    NotCreated   
aws_ssm_parameter.p5  1  0s        4               4             Created        Modify     Created      
aws_ssm_parameter.p2  1  0s        /               /             Created        None       Created      

The column names are lowercase and separated by underscores to allow for easy referencing in the --sort option. The meaning of each column is:

  • resource: Name of the resource. In case a resource is created by a for_each or count statement, resources are aggregated and individual resource identifiers are replaced by an asterisk (*). See the also aggregate option.
  • n: Number of resources represented by this resource name. For regular resources, this will be 1. For resourced created with for_each or count, this number represents the number of resources created in that loop.
  • tot_time: Total cumulative time of all resources identified by this resource name. This is typically higher than the actual wall time, as Terraform can modify multiple resources at the same time.
  • modify_started: order in which resource modification started. This means that Terraform started by modifying the resource with modify_started = 0. It does not guarantee the changes to this resource finished first as well (see modify_ended). Resources that were already consistent with the desired state do not have this property.
  • modify_ended: order in which resource modifications ended. This means that the resource with modify_ended = 0 was the first resource to finish its modifications (either a creation, deletion, modification or replacement). Resources that were already consistent with the desired state do not have this property.
  • desired_state: state (Created, NotCreated) that Terraform will try to achieve with this run. For resources to be modified, created or replaced, Created is the desired state. For resources to be destroyed, NotCreated is the desired state.
  • operation: the name of the operation the Terraform will use to reconcile the current and desired situation. Operations can be: Create, Destroy, Replace, Modify, None. Resources in the state that are already consistent with the configuration, the operation will be None.
  • final_state: Final state of the resource after this run. In addition to Created and NotCreated, Failed is used to indicate the operation failed.


Any of the columns above can be used to sort the output table, by means of the --sort (shorthand -s) option. This option follows the format column1:(asc|desc),column2:(asc|desc):.... For example:

  • tot_time=desc,resource=asc: sort first by total modification time (showing the highest first). For entries with the same modification time, sort alphabetically.
  • modify_started=asc: sort in order modifications, showing the resources that Terraform started modifying first.
  • final_state=asc: sort by the final state. See below for the sort order.

When sorting on resource status (desired_state or final_state), statuses are mapped onto integers before sorting.

  • Unknown: 0
  • NotCreated: 1
  • Created: 2
  • Failed: 3
  • Tainted: 4
  • Multiple (for aggregated resources): 5

When sorting on resource operations (operation), these are mapped onto integers as well:

  • None: 0
  • Create: 1
  • Modify: 2
  • Replace: 3
  • Destroy: 4
  • Multiple (for aggregated resources): 5