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1176 lines (911 loc) · 64.5 KB

File metadata and controls

1176 lines (911 loc) · 64.5 KB


The changelog for SwifterSwift. Also see the releases on GitHub.

Upcoming release


  • Comparable:

    • Added isBetween(min:max:) and clamped(min:max:) to confirm a value is between bounds or limit it between bounds. #466 by freak4pc.
  • UIScrollView:

    • Added snapshot method to get a full snapshot of a rendered scroll view. #457 by aliamcami.
  • UIGestureRecognizer:

    • Added removeFromView() method to remove recognizer from the view the recognizer is attached to. #456 by mmdock
  • Character:

    • Added randomAlphanumeric() method to generate a random alphanumeric Character. #462 by oliviabrown9
  • UITextView:

    • Added wrapToContent() method which will remove insets, offsets, paddings which lies within UITextView's bounds and contenSize. #458 by ratulSharker
  • URL

    • Added deletingAllPathComponents() and deleteAllPathComponents() to delete all path components from a URL. #441 by setoelkahfi.  
    • Added queryValue(for:) to get the value of a query key from a URL. #467 by jdisho.
  • UITableView:

    • Added isValidIndexPath(_:) method to check whether given IndexPath is valid within UITableView. #441 by setoelkahfi.
    • Added safeScrollToRow(at:at:animated:) method to safely scroll UITableView to the given IndexPath. #445 by setoelkahfi.
  • Optional:

    • Added isNilOrEmpty property to check whether an optional is nil or empty collection.


  • UITableView:
    • dequeueReusableCell(withClass:for), dequeueReusableCell(withClass) now return UITableViewCell object, fatalError(...) if not found. #439 by jdisho
    • dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(withClass)now returns UITableViewHeaderFooterView object, fatalError(...) if not found. #439 by jdisho
  • UICollectionView:
    • dequeueReusableCell(withClass:for) now returns UICollectionViewCell object, fatalError(...) if not found. #439 by jdisho
    • dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind:withClass:for)now returns UICollectionReusableView object, fatalError(...) if not found. #439 by jdisho
  • UIView:
    • Breaking Change firstResponder UIView extension is now a function and supports recursive find in the view hierarchy. #447 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • UIImage:
    • scaled(toWidth:, opaque:, with orientation:) and scaled(toHeight:, opaque:, with orientation:) now have an optional parameter for opaqueness. #446 by vyax
  • Array/Collection/Sequence
    • The conformance of sum(), last(where:), reject(where:), count(where:), forEachReversed(), forEach(where:, body:), accumulate(initial:, next:), filtered(_:, map:) and contains(_:) has been changed from Array to Sequence #470 by vyax
    • The conformance of average(), firstIndex(where:), lastIndex(where:), indices(where:), forEach(slice:, body:), group(by:), firstIndex(of:) and lastIndex(of:) has been changed from Array to Collection #470 by vyax




  • UIImage:
    • scaled(toWidth:, with orientation:) and scaled(toHeight:, with orientation:) were ignoring an image's scale. #446 by vyax



  • Swift 4.1 / Xcode 9.3
    • Added Swift 4.1 support.
  • Linux Support:
    • Updated all swift files to use Swift's 4.1 # if canImport(module) statement, which brings the project one step closer to first-class Linux support.
  • Sequence
    • all() method moved from ArrayExtensions to SequenceExtensions. #424 by n0an.
    • none() method moved from ArrayExtensions to SequenceExtensions. #424 by n0an.
    • Added any() method to return if any element of sequence elements conforms to given condition. #424 by n0an.
  • SignedInteger
    • added ordinalString(locale:) method to return string ordinal representation of number in specified locale language. #434 by n0an.
  • SignedNumeric
    • added spelledOutString(locale:) method to return string representation of number spelled in specified locale language. #434 by n0an.
  • String
    • added computed property isSpelledCorrectly to check if the given string has typos or not. #430 by n0an.
    • added removingPrefix(_ prefix:) method to remove given prefix from the string. #430 by n0an.
    • added removingSuffix(_ suffix:) method to remove given suffix from the string. #430 by n0an.
  • SwiftLint:
    • reduced the number of disabled rules in .swiftlint.yml, please add disable and enable statements from now on when needed in code.
    • added SwiftLint to test targets to insure code style consistency across the project.


  • SignedNumeric:
    • asLocaleCurrency now returns an optional string.
  • Array:
    • rotate method now returns a discardableResult.
    • shuffle method now returns a discardableResult.
    • sort<T: Comparable>(by:, ascending:) method now returns a discardableResult.
    • keep method now returns a discardableResult.


  • UIStoryboard:
    • mainStoryboard property has been renamed to main.
  • Array:
    • deprecated pop method in favor of Swift’s popLast.
    • deprecated push method in favor of Swift’s append.
    • deprecated swap method in favor of Swift’s swapAt.
    • deprecated item(at index: Int) method in favor of subscript(safe:).
    • duplicatesRemoved method has been renamed to withoutDuplicates.
  • Bool:
    • deprecated toggled property, use !self instead.
    • deprecated toggle method, use self = !self instead.


  • String
    • Fixed UIView extension addShadow was not showing the shadow on view bug. #420 by LucianoPAlmeida.


  • MKPolyline
    • Added .coordinates property, to return an array of coordinates for the provided polyline. #416 by @freak4pc.
    • Added init(coordinates:) initializer, to initialize a MKPolyline with a provided array of coordinates. #416 by @freak4pc.
  • Optional
    • Added .unwrapped(or:) method, to get the value wrapped by an optional or throw a custom error. #413 by @calebkleveter.
  • UIButton
    • added centerTextAndImage(spacing:) to Center align title text and image on UIButton. #365 by @imjog.
  • Array
    • added divided(by:) to separate an array into 2 arrays based on a predicate. #367 by @neoneye.
  • Int
    • added roundToNearest(n:) to round an integer to the closest multiple of a given n. #381 by @vyax.
  • FileManager
    • added jsonFromFile(atPath path:, readingOptions:) to open a JSON file and serialize its content to a [String, Any]? instance with a provided path. #390 by jason-ingenuity.
    • added jsonFromFile(withFilename filename:, at bundleClass:, readingOptions:) to open a JSON file and serialize its content to a [String, Any]? instance given a filename. #390 by jason-ingenuity.
  • Int
    • added a more performant and memory efficient digits property to return array of integers. #393 by FrankKair.
  • StringProtocol
    • added commonSuffix(with:, options:) to get the longest common suffix of the receiver and a given string. #379 by @vyax.
  • UICollectionView
    • added register(nibWithCellClass:, at bundleClass:) method to be able to register a cell with custom nib just by its class name. #386 by jason-ingenuity.
  • UIFont
    • added bold and italic to UIFont. #382 by @vyax.
  • UIImage
    • added withRoundedCorners(radius:) to round the corners of an image. The parameter radius is optional, the resulting image will be round if it is unspecified. #380 by @vyax.
  • UITableView
    • added register(nibWithCellClass:, at bundleClass:) method to be able to register a cell with custom nib just by its class name. #386 by jason-ingenuity.
  • URL
    • added queryParmeters property to get the query parameters from a URL as a dictionary. #370 by nathanbacon.
    • added thumbnail(fromTime:) to generate a thumbnail image from a given url. 410 by BennX.
  • UserDefaults
    • added object(type: with key: usingDecoder decoder:) method to be able to retrieve Codable objects from UserDefaults. #388 by jason-ingenuity.
    • added set(codable: forKey key: usingEncoder encoder:) method to be able to store Codable objects from UserDefaults. #388 by jason-ingenuity.
  • String
    • added computed property isWhitespace to check if the given string is blank or not.#363 by rkp1026.
    • added isDigits to check if string only contains digits. #396 by seifeet.
    • added toSlug() to return a slug version of a given string. 397# by FrankKair
  • New UIStackView
    • added init(arrangedSubviews:, axis:, spacing:, alignment:, distribution:) to directly initialize a UIStackView with an array of UIViews. #409 by BennX


  • String
    • Fixed isNumeric to check if string is a valid Swift number and added isDigits to check if string only contains digits. #396 by seifeet.
  • Collection


  • NSPredicate
    • Added operator ! to return a new predicate formed by NOT-ing a given predicate.
    • Added operator + to return a new predicate formed by AND-ing two given predicates.
    • Added operator | to return a new predicate formed by OR-ing a two given predicates.
    • Added operator - to return a new predicate formed by removing the argument from the second predicate. #345 by yycking.
  • NSAttributedString
    • Added attributes property to get the attributes that apply to a simple NSAttributedString. #333 by nathanbacon.
    • Added applying(attributes: , toRangesMatching: ) function to return an attributed string with attributes applied to substrings matching the passed regex pattern by nathanbacon.
    • Added applying(attributes: , toOccurrencesOf: ) function to return an attributed string with attributes applied to substrings matching the passed string by nathanbacon.
  • Array
    • Added sort(by: KeyPath) and sorted(by: KeyPath) to sort arrays based on Swift 4 keyPath. #343 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • String
    • Added loremIpsum(ofLength: ) static function to return a lorem ipsum string. #318 by omaralbeik.
  • UIDatePicker
    • Added textColor to get and set the text color of a UIDatePicker. #328 by omaralbeik.
  • NSImage
    • Added write(to url: URL, fileType type: _, compressionFactor: _) to write NSImage to url. #320 by omaralbeik.
  • Date
    • Added random(from: Date, upTo: Date) -> Date method that return radom date in in the specified range #336 by akuzminskyi.
    • Added string(withFormat format: String) method to get a string from a date with the given format.
    • Added init?(integerLiteral value: Int) initializer to create date object from Int literal. #342 by n0an.
  • UIViewController
    • Added showAlert(title: String?, message: String?, buttonTitles: [String]?, highlightedButtonIndex: Int?, completion: ((Int) -> ())?) for conveniently displaying an alert from any view controller #364 by rkp1026


  • Array
    • Breaking Change indexes(of:) has been renamed to indices(of:). #355 by Najdan
    • shuffle and shuffled are no more constrained to Equatable. #327 by LucianoPAlmeida.


  • Int
    • Fixed where the base in isPrime() was not correct. #323 by Asura19.
  • UINavigationBar
    • Fixed a bug where makeTransparent was keeping the background color. #344 by omaralbeik.
  • Continuous Integration
    • Fixed swiftlint warning in NSImageExtensions.


API Breaking

  • String
    • length is deprecated, use native count instead.
    • slicing(i:) is deprecated, use string[safe: i] instead.
    • slicing(from: to:) is deprecated, use string[safe: start..<end].
    • firstIndex(of:) is deprecated, use the natives index(of: Character) or range(of: StringProtocol) instead.
    • splitted(by:) is deprecated, use the native split(separator: ) instead.
    • reversed() -> String is deprecated, use the Swift 4 new reversed() -> ReversedCollection<String>. #305 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • Date
    • weekday is now a get-only property.
    • isInThisWeek has been renamed to isInCurrentWeek.
    • isInThisMonth has been renamed to isInCurrentMonth.
    • isInThisYear has been renamed to isInCurrentYear.
    • isInWeekday has been renamed to isWorkday. #313 by kaphacius.


  • New String extensions
    • added padStart(length: with:) and padEnd(length: with:) to pad the string to a length on the start or end.
    • added paddingStart(length: with:) and paddingEnd(length: with:) to return a padding string to a length on the start or end. #300 by LucianoPAlmeida
  • New NSImage extensions
    • added scaled(toMaxSize:) to scale image to maximum size with respect to aspect ratio #291 by buddax2.
  • New Date extensions
    • added isWithin(_ value: , _ component: , of date:) method to check if date is within a number of date components of another date. 295 by kaphacius.
  • New Optional extensions
    • added optional assignment operator ??= #296 by buddax2.
  • New Calendar extensions
  • New Color tests
    • added tests for cgFloatComponents. #297 by stupergenius.
    • added lighten(by percentage:) and darken(by percentage:) methods to change the hue of a color. #325 by oettingerj.
  • New CGColor tests
    • added tests for uiColor and nsColor. #281 by c1phr
  • New Date tests
  • Updated Travis image to Xcode 9.1. #314 by kaphacius
  • Removed cross references from extensions. #297 by stupergenius.
  • Updated copyright headers to Copyright © 2017 SwifterSwift everywhere. #308 by camdeardorff.


  • Date
    • complete rewrite for most extensions. #309 by omaralbeik
    • fixed a bug in year where setting year was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in month where setting month was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in day where setting day was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in hour where setting hour was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in minute where setting minute was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in second where setting second was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • added validation to setters for properties above.
    • fixed the above bugs in changing method as well.
    • fixed a bug where quarter was returning 1 always.
    • Added more tests to edge cases.


API Breaking



  • Color
    • Refactored duplicated code from UIColorExtensions and NSColorExtensions into ColorExtensions. thanks to SD10.
    • Refactored duplicated tests from UIColorExtensionsTests and NSColorExtensionsTests into ColorExtensionsTests. #260 by LeLuckyVint.
    • Add cgFloatComponents to get RGB components for a Color represented as CGFloat numbers (between 0 and 1)
    • blend now support NSColor as well.
    • Corrected some typos in README. #263 by nick3399.
  • New String extensions
    • Add localized(comment:) to returns a localized string, with an optional comment for translators. #269 by Vyax.
  • New NSPredicate extensions
    • Add not to returns a new predicate formed by NOT-ing the predicate.
    • Add and(_ predicate: NSPredicate) to returns a new predicate formed by AND-ing the argument to the predicate.
    • Add or(_ predicate: NSPredicate) to returns a new predicate formed by OR-ing the argument to the predicate. #273 by Vyax.
  • New UILabel extensions
    • Add convenience init(text: String?) to initialize a UILabel with text. #271 by Vyax.
  • New Bool extensions
    • Add random to returns a random boolean value. #272 by Vyax.
  • Continuous Integration
    • Add macOS tests to travis-ci.
    • Add calls to swiftlint and pod lib lint in Travis #264 by calebkleveter.
  • New SignedNumeric extensions tests


  • Color
    • Fixed a bug in rgbComponents, shortHexString, and shortHexOrHexString where an exception was raised when color is white or black.
    • Corrected a typo in rgbComponenets -> rgbComponents


API Breaking

  • Swift4 / Xcode9 🎉
  • UIColor
    • social has been renamed to Social to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • material has been renamed to Material to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • flatUI has been renamed to FlatUI to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • css has been renamed to CSS to match Apple Swift guidelines
  • NSColor
    • social has been renamed to Social to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • material has been renamed to Material to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • flatUI has been renamed to FlatUI to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • css has been renamed to CSS to match Apple Swift guidelines


  • SwiftLint
    • Added SwiftLint to enforce Swift style and conventions.
  • Danger
    • Added Danger to continuous integration. #252 by SD10.
  • New Date extensions
    • added isBetween(_ startDate: Date, _ endDate: Date, includeBounds: Bool = false) -> Bool method to check if a date is between two other dates. #248 by BennX.
  • New UIFont extensions
  • UITableView
    • dequeueReusableCell now returns an optional
    • dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView now returns an optional
  • UICollectionView
    • dequeueReusableCell now returns an optional
    • dequeueReusableSupplementaryView now returns an optional
  • UIAlertController
    • Added preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle = .alert to init from error.
  • UIStoryboard
    • instantiateViewController now returns an optional.
  • Continuous Integration
    • Travis now builds watchOS target.


  • SwifterSwift
    • didTakeScreenShot now returns the notification, make sure to remove listener when you don't need it anymore.


API Breaking

  • Swift 3.2
    • Code has been updated to Swift 3.2; please use v3.1.1 if you are still using Swift 3 or Xcode 8
  • SwifterSwift
    • userDefaults is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard instead.
    • object(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: _) instead.
    • string(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: _) instead.
    • integer(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: _) instead.
    • double(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.double(forKey: _) instead.
    • data(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's _) instead.
    • bool(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: _) instead.
    • array(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: _) instead.
    • dictionary(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.dictionary(forKey: _) instead.
    • float(forKey: String) is deprecated, use SwifterSwift's UserDefaults.standard.float(forKey: _) instead.
    • set(_ value: Any?, forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.setValue(_, forKey: _) instead.
  • Int
    • Property romanNumeral is now a method.
  • String
    • Property lines is now a method.
    • Property mostCommonCharacter is now a method.
    • Property reversed is now a method.
    • Property unicodeArray is now a method.
    • Property words is now a method.
    • Property wordCount is now a method.
  • UICollectionView
    • Property numberOfItems is now a method.
  • UITableView
    • Property numberOfRows is now a method.
  • UIViewController
    • Removed navigationBar that was causing app to crash, thanks to drewpitchford for reporting in #243.


  • New Date extensions
    • added secondsSince(_ date: Date) method to get a number of seconds between two dates.
    • added minutesSince(_ date: Date) method to get a number of minutes between two date.
    • added hoursSince(_ date: Date) method to get a number of hours between two dates.
    • added daysSince(_ date: Date) method to get a number of days between two date.
    • added isInThisYear property to check if the date is in the current year.
    • added isInThisMonth property to check if the date is in the current month.
    • added isInThisWeek property to check if the date is in the current week.
  • New URLRequest extensions
    • added init?(urlString: String) fallible initializer create a URLRequest from URL string.
  • New UIWebView extensions
    • added loadURL(_ url: URL) method to load a URL.
    • added loadURLString(_ urlString: String) method to load a URL string.
  • New UserDefaults extensions
    • added subscript(key: String) method to get values from UserDefaults using the [] operator.
    • added float(forKey key: String) method to get a Float value from UserDefaults.
    • added date(forKey key: String) method to get a Date value from UserDefaults.
  • Improved file structre, as in #236
  • Improved README
    • Removed unnecessary description in Installation section
    • Updated List of All Extensions section to match the new file structure.




API Breaking



  • New NSAttributedString extensions
    • added NSAttributedString + NSAttributedString operator to return a new appended NSAttributedString.
    • added NSAttributedString += String operator to append a string to a NSAttributedString.
    • added NSAttributedString + String operator to return a new appended NSAttributedString. #218 by @LucianoPAlmeida
  • New UIColor extensions
    • added flatUI struct with all Flat UI colors. #213 by @tache
    • added coreImageColor property to return CoreImage.CIColor. #213 by @tache
    • added hsbaComponents property to get components of hue, saturation, and brightness, and alpha. #213 by @tache
    • added uInt property to get components of hue, saturation, and brightness, and alpha as UInt. #213 by @tache
  • New NSColor extensions
    • added flatUI struct with all Flat UI colors. #213 by @tache
  • New UIImage extensions
    • added tint() to get UIImage tinted with color. #213 by @tache
  • New SignedNumber extensions. #224 by @omaralbeik
    • moved abs from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
    • moved isPositive from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
    • moved isNegative from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
    • moved string from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
    • moved asLocaleCurrency from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
  • New SignedInteger extensions. #224 by @omaralbeik
    • moved isEven from IntExtensions
    • moved isOdd from IntExtensions
    • moved digits from IntExtensions
    • moved digitsCount from IntExtensions
    • moved timeString from IntExtensions
    • moved gcd(of n) from IntExtensions
    • moved lcm(of n) from IntExtensions
  • Added SwifterSwift module_name to podspecs file to help solving conflicts with other 3rd party libraries. #226 by @omaralbeik
  • Moved missing examples from the old docs. #216 by @LucianoPAlmeida
  • New Int extensions
    • added isPrime() to check if integer is prime number. #221 by @pvtmert
  • Improve sum & average extensions by not relying on reduce. #225 by @SD10
  • New SVG logo in README! by @omaralbeik



API Breaking

  • String

    • firstCharacter has been renamed to firstCharacterAsString. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • lastCharacter has been renamed to lastCharacterAsString. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • firstCharacter has been renamed to firstCharacterAsString. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • float has been renamed to float(locale: Locale = .current). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • double has been renamed to double(locale: Locale = .current). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • subscript(i: Int) has been renamed to subscript(safe i: Int). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • subscript(range: CountableRange<Int>) has been renamed to subscript(safe range: CountableRange<Int>). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • subscript(range: ClosedRange<Int>) has been renamed to subscript(safe range: ClosedRange<Int>). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • replacing(_ substring: String, with newString: String) is deprecated, use Apple's replacingOccurrences(of: substring, with: newString) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • int8 is deprecated, use Int8(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • int16 is deprecated, use Int16(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • int32 is deprecated, use Int32(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • int64 is deprecated, use Int64(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • float32 is deprecated, use Float32(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • float64 is deprecated, use Float64(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • UIColor

    • init(hex: Int, transparency: CGFloat = 1) is now a failable initializer init?. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • init(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int, transparency: CGFloat = 1) is now a failable initializer init?. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • redComponent is deprecated, use the new instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • greenComponent is deprecated, use the new instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • blueComponent is deprecated, use the new instead. #208 by @omaralbeik


  • New String extensions
    • added cgFloat(locale: Locale = .current) to get CGFloat value from string. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • added words to return an array of all words in a string. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • added wordCount to get count of words in a string. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • New Int extensions
  • New Array extensions
  • New UITextField extensions
    • added addPaddingLeftIcon(_ image: UIImage, padding: CGFloat) to add padding to the left of the textfield rect. #203 by @xingfuqiu
    • added hasValidEmail to check if textFields text is a valid email format. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • added textType to set textField for common text types like email addresses & passwords. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • New UIColor extensions
    • added rgbComponenets to get RGB components for a UIColor. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • Added usage examples in documentation for Foundation extensions. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • Moved many duplicated extensions from DoubleExtensions and FloatExtensions into the new FloatingPointExtensions, this makes the code easier to maintain and brings support for other FloatingPoint types like CGFloat, Double32, ... #208 by @omaralbeik


  • Fixed XCTAssertNotNil cannot handle optionals. #188. by @omaralbeik
  • Fixed Tests are failing at non-english machine / Bug in String.double #187. by @omaralbeik


API Breaking


  • Documentation should be greatly improved and up to date now that we are using Jazzy to auto-generate docs! 🎉 #198 by @omaralbeik

  • SwifterSwift now supports subspecs to offer more control over imported extensions: #198 by @omaralbeik

    • SwifterSwift/Foundation
    • SwifterSwift/UIKit
    • SwifterSwift/Cocoa
  • Array extensions now have throwing signatures. #170 by @LucianoPAlmeida

  • New Array extensions

    • added groupByKey to group the elements of the array by key in a dictionary. #181 by @LucianoPAlmeida
    • added forEach(slice:body:) to iterate by specified slice size and call a closure. #194 by @LucianoPAlmeida
  • New Dictionary extensions

    • add count(where:) to count dictionary elements where the condition returns true. #193 by @LucianoPAlmeida
  • New String extensions

    • added isValidFileUrl to check if a String is a valid file URL. #175 by @LucianoPAlmeida
    • added hasUniqueCharacters() method to check if string only contains unique characters. #195 by @FrankKair
  • New Data extensions

  • New UITextField extensions

    • added addPaddingLeft extension to add padding to a UITextField. #185 by @SD10



  • New Array extensions
    • added removeAll passing an array of items.
    • added swap and safeSwap extensions to swap to elements in an array.
    • new firstIndex and lastIndex that returns the (first or last) index where the condition is true.
    • new indexes extension that return indexes where the condition is true.
    • new all and none that checks if (all or none) of array elements match condition.
    • new last extension to find the last element that matches condition.
    • new reject extension to filter elements that not matches condition.
    • new count extension to count elements that match condition.
    • new forEachReversed extension to iterate over an array in reverse order.
    • new accumulate extension to reduces an array while returning each interim combination.
    • new forEach with condition to a filtered interaction over the array.
    • new keep extension to keep all elements that in order are until the condition is false.
    • new take extension that returns all elements that in order are until the condition is false.
    • new skip extension that returns all elements that in order are after the condition is false.
    • new filtered: map extension to perform a map and filter operation in just one iteration.
  • New Character extensions
    • added isLetter & isWhiteSpace extensions
    • new lowercased extension to lower case the character
    • new uppercased extension to upper case the character
  • New Date extensions
    • new isInWeekday extension to check if the date is within a weekday period
  • New Dictionary extensions
    • new removeAll extension to remove the values for all keys in an array.
    • new + operator to merge to dictionaries in a new one and += to merge one dictionary into another.
    • new - operator to get a new dictionary with the values for all keys in an array removed and -= to remove the values for all keys in an array.
  • New String extensions
    • new matches extension to check if the string matches a regex pattern.
  • New Locale extensions
    • new posix property extension to convenience create the "en_US_POSIX" locale.
  • New CLLocation extensions
    • new midLocation to find the half-way point along a great circle path between relative to another point.
    • new bearing to calculate the bearing relative another location.


  • Fixes on wrong access levels for some extensions
  • Improve NSAttributedStringExtensions extensions
  • Fixes on implementations of some array extensions
  • Fixes on some UIButtonExtensions
  • Improvements on some Date extensions
  • Improvements on some methods signatures based on Swift 3 API guidelines
  • Improve code coverage.
  • Improvements on documentation headers


This release has drastically increased test coverage: currently 92%. Areas affected are:


- ArrayExtensions tests
- CharacterExtensions tests
- DateExtensions tests
- DictionaryExtensions tests
- StringExtensions tests
- LocaleExtensions tests


- UIColorExtensions tests
- UIButtonExtensions tests


- CGSizeExtensions tests
- CGPointExtensions tests
- CLLocationExtensions tests


  • New Character extensions

    • new * operator (repeat character n amount of times)
    • added isLowercased & isUppercased extensions
  • New UICollectionView extensions

    • new extensions to register/dequeue cells using UICollectionViewCell class as identifier
    • new extensions to register/dequeue reusable views using UICollectionReusableView class as identifier
  • New UITableView extensions

    • new extensions to register/dequeue cells using UITableViewCell class as identifier
    • new extensions to register/dequeue header/footer views using UITableViewHeaderFooterView as identifier
  • New UIStoryboard extensions

    • added extension to instantiateViewController with class as identifier
    • added extension get mainStoryboard
  • New UIView extensions

    • added quick getter and setter for frame’s X and Y values
  • New Array extensions

    • added safeSwap method as a fail-safe way to swap to elements in an array
  • New NSView extensions

    • borderColor (IBInspectable)
    • borderWidth (IBInspectable)
    • cornerRadius (IBInspectable)
    • height
    • shadowColor (IBInspectable)
    • shadowOffset (IBInspectable)
    • shadowOpacity (IBInspectable)
    • shadowRadius (IBInspectable)
    • size
    • width
    • addSubviews(subviews:)
    • removeSubviews()
  • New Optional extensions

    • unwrapped(or:) unwrap an optional or provide default value
    • run(block:) block to run if optional unwrapped is not nil


  • Improve UIImageView extensions

    • fixes infinite recursive call in blurred() method
    • removes superfluous error from download(url:) method completion block
  • Replace deprecated M_PI with .pi

  • Fixes wrong implementation of -= CGPoint operator

  • Improve Array extensions

    • properties with O(n) or higher complexity have been changed to methods
    • reduced shuffle method complexity by using Fisher-Yates algorithm and is now completely random
    • removeDuplicates renamed to duplicatesRemoved.
    • remove generic constraint on firstIndex(of:) and lastIndex(of:)
  • Improve String extensions

  • Improve Date extensions

  • Improve Data extensions

  • Improve Dictionary extensions


This release has drastically increased test coverage: currently 88%. Areas affected are:


- CharacterExtensions tests
- StringExtensions tests
- ArrayExtensions tests
- IntExtensions tests
- DateExtensions tests
- DataExtensions tests
- DoubleExtensions tests
- FloatExtensions tests
- CGFloatExtensions tests
- CGPointExtensions tests


- UIColorExtensions tests
- UIAlertControllerExtensions tests
- UIBarButtonItemExtensions tests
- UIButtonExtensions tests
- UITextViewExtensions tests
- UISegmentedControlExtensions tests
- UINavigationControllerExtensions tests
- UINavigationBarExtensions tests
- UINavigationItemExtensions tests
- UISliderExtensions tests
- UITableViewExtensions tests
- UICollectionViewExtensions tests
- UIViewControllerExtensions tests
- UIStoryboardExtensions tests
- UITextFieldExtensions tests
- UIViewExtensions tests
- UIImageExtensions tests


- NSColorExtensions tests
- NSViewExtensions tests


  • Major bug fixes in DateExtensions.
  • New Tests.


Fixed Cocoapods.


This is the biggest update since v1.3! With over 100 new extensions, improved Cocoa support, new tests, and many minor bug fixes.

New Extensions

  • CGColorExtensions
  • NSColorExtensions
  • URLExtensions
  • StringExtensions
  • length: Number of characters in string.
  • isValidSchemedUrl: Check if string is a valid schemed URL.
  • UIImageExtensions:
  • original: UIImage with .alwaysOriginal rendering mode.
  • template: UIImage with .alwaysTemplate rendering mode.
  • UISearchBarExtensions:
  • clear: Clear text.
  • UITextFieldExtensions:
  • clear: Clear text.

Improved extensions

  • StringExtensions:
  • trimmed
  • copyToPasteboard
  • truncated
  • SwifterSwift
  • isInTestFlight
  • UIColorExtensions:
  • shortHexString
  • complementary
  • Improved initializers

New Tests

  • StringExtensionsTests
  • NSAttributedStringExtensionsTests
  • UIColorExtensionsTests
  • DateExtensionsTests
  • CharacterExtensionsTests


Added project to CodeCov for better code coverage visualization.


General bug fixes and improvements.


###watchOS Support: Thanks to Paweł Urbanek for his great work adding watchOS target!


###tvOS Support: Thanks to Paweł Urbanek for his great work adding tvOS target!



  • Fixed a bug in indexPathForLastItem.
  • Renamed indexPathForLastItem(in section: Int) to indexPathForLastItem(inSection section: Int) to match Apple naming conventions


  • Fixed a bug in indexPathForLastRow.
  • Renamed indexPathForLastRow(in section: Int) to indexPathForLastRow(inSection section: Int) to match Apple naming conventions


  • Fixed a bug in count(of string: String, caseSensitive: Bool)
  • Added slicing(from i: Int, length: Int): Sliced string from a start index with length.
  • Added slice(from i: Int, length: Int): Slice given string from a start index with length (if applicable).
  • Added slicing(from start: Int, to end: Int): Sliced string from a start index to an end index.
  • Added slice(from start: Int, to end: Int): Slice given string from a start index to an end index (if applicable).
  • Added slicing(at i: Int): Sliced string from a start index.
  • Added slice(at i: Int): Slice given string from a start index (if applicable).


  • Added tests for count(of string: String, caseSensitive: Bool)
  • Added tests for slicing methods


  • Added Releases Flow
  • Updated Adding new Extensions


Thanks to Paweł Urbanek and Michael




  • Added complementary
  • Added init?(complementaryFor color: UIColor)

Thanks to matt


  • Added isInTestFlight



  • Added enum DayNameStyle.
  • Added enum MonthNameStyle.
  • Added isInYesterday.
  • Added isInTomorrow.
  • Added nearestHour.
  • Added dayName(ofStyle style: DayNameStyle).
  • Added monthName(ofStyle style: MonthNameStyle).


  • Added trimmedText.


  • Added cssColors.
  • Added init?(hexString: String, transparency: CGFloat).
  • Added shortHexString.
  • Added shortHexOrHexString.


  • Added subscript(i: Int).
  • Added subscript(range: CountableRange).
  • Added subscript(range: ClosedRange).


  • Swift Package Manager support


  • Extension moved to Source directory; tests moved to Tests directory for a cleaner structure




  • Added reloadData(_ completion: () -> Void).


  • Added reloadData(_ completion: () -> Void).



  • Fixed typos in README.



  • Changed nearestHourQuarter to nearestQuarterHour. Thanks to Robert Nix for reporting.
  • Updated initializers to be optional.


  • fixed selected color in setColors method.




  • Fixed bugs in fadeIn, fadeOut and rotate(byAngle) methods. Thanks to bastianschilbe for reporting.
  • Removed isVisible property since it was causing many problems and not working correctly.
  • Added parentViewController property to return view's parent view controller.



Fixed a bug in DateExtensinos where the year was not set correctly. Thanks to songhailiang you for reporting this bug.



  • func addConstraints(withFormat: String, views: UIView...): Add Visual Format constraints
  • func fillToSuperview(): Anchor all sides of the view into it's superview
  • func anchor(top: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor?, left: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor?, bottom: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor?, right: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor?, topConstant: CGFloat, leftConstant: CGFloat, bottomConstant: CGFloat, rightConstant: CGFloat, widthConstant: CGFloat, heightConstant: CGFloat) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]: Add anchors from any side of the current view into the specified anchors and returns the newly added constraints.
  • func anchorCenterXToSuperview(withConstant: CGFloat): Anchor center X into current view's superview with a constant margin value.
  • anchorCenterYToSuperview(constant: CGFloat): Anchor center Y into current view's superview with a constant margin value.
  • func anchorCenterSuperview(): Anchor center X and Y into current view's superview


  • kFormatted: String formatted for values over ±1000 (example: 1k, -2k, 100k, 1kk, -5kk..)

Thanks to Jonathan Bijos & zzjzz9266a for adding new extensions.


Added CollectionViewExtensions



  • removed duplicated contains a method
  • use of reducing to remove duplicates (Thanks to sairamkotha)


This version adds more than 90 new extensions making it the widest extensions library available online for Swift 3 with more than 360 properties and methods for more than 35 type. This is the biggest update since library launch! We're so excited 🤓

Here are some changes:

  • Updated some properties and methods names to follow Swift API Design Guidelines.
  • Added default values to methods parameters (where possible).
  • All units documentation has been re-written in Xcode,
    • Now you see "SwifterSwift: " at the beginning of description to know the source of the extension while writing your code.
    • All method parameters and return types have been documented in Xcode as well.
    • All extensions documentation has been re-written in Wiki, separating properties from methods in different tables.
  • All extensions files re-organized in separate extensions based on type (properties, methods, initializers, ..)
  • Fixed some bugs where some extensions were not public.
  • New section explaining how to add new extensions in Contributing Guidelines
  • And finally: new logo


New Extensions:

Updated Extensions:

  • UIColorExtensions:
    • struct socialColors -> struct social


New Extensions:

  • ConvenienceExtensions:

    • func string(forKey: String): Get a string from UserDefaults
    • func integer(forKey: String): Get an integer from UserDefaults
    • func double(forKey: String): Get a double from UserDefaults
    • func float(forKey: String): Get a float from UserDefaults
    • func data(forKey: String): Get a data from UserDefaults
    • func bool(forKey: String): Get a bool from UserDefaults
    • func array(forKey: String): Get an array from UserDefaults
    • func dictionary(forKey: String): Get a dictionary from UserDefaults
  • StringExtensions:

    • func toDate(withFormat format: String): Return Date value from string of date format (if applicable).
    • var toURL: Return URL from string (if applicable).
  • UIAlertControllerExtensions:

    • addAction(title, style, isEnabled, handler): Add an action to Alert.
    • addTextField(text, placeholder, editingChangedTarget, editingChangedSelector): Add a text field to Alert.
  • UINavigationBarExtensions:

    • func setColors(background, text): Set Navigation Bar background and text colors.

Updated Extensions:

  • ConvenienceExtensions:

    • var deviceHeight -> var screenHeight
    • var deviceWidth -> var screenWidth
  • ArrayExtensions:

    • func removeAll(item: Element) -> func removeAll(_ item: Element))
  • DateExtensions:

    • func add(component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) -> add(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)
    • func adding(component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) -> adding(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)
    • func changing(component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) -> changing(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)
    • func isIn(current: Calendar.Component) -> isInCurrent(_ component: Calendar.Component)
  • StringExtensions:

    • func contain(string: String, caseSensitive: Bool) -> func contain(_ string: String, caseSensitive: Bool)
    • func lines() -> var lines
    • static func random(of length: Int) -> static func random(ofLength: Int)
    • func replace(string: String, with: String) -> func replace(_ substring: String, with: String)
    • func truncate(to length: Int, trailing: String?) -> func truncate(toLength: Int, trailing: String?)
    • func truncated(to length: Int, trailing: String? = "...") -> func truncated(to length: Int, trailing: String?)
  • UIButtonExtensions:

    • func imageForAllStates(image: UIImage) -> func setImageForAllStates(_ image: UIImage)
    • func titleColorForAllStates(color: UIColor) -> func setTitleColorForAllStates(_ color: UIColor)
    • func titleForAllStates(title: String) -> func setTitleForAllStates(_ title: String)
  • UIColorExtensions:

    • init(netHex:Int) -> init(hex:Int, transparency: CGFloat = 1)
  • UIImageExtensions:

    • func scaledToHeight(height: CGFloat, with orientation: UIImageOrientation?) -> scaled(toHeight: CGFloat, with orientation: UIImageOrientation?)
    • func scaledToWidth(width: CGFloat, with orientation: UIImageOrientation?) -> scaled(toWidth: CGFloat, with orientation: UIImageOrientation?)
  • UIImageViewExtensions:

    • func download(fromUrl: String?, contentMode: UIViewContentMode, placeHolder: UIImage?)) -> download(from: URL?, contentMode: UIViewContentMode, placeHolder: UIImage?, completionHandler: ((UIImage?, Error?) -> Void)?)
  • UISliderExtensions:

    • func setValue(value: Float, animated: Bool, duration: TimeInterval, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> func setValue(_ value: Float, animated: Bool, duration: TimeInterval, completion: (() -> Void)?)
  • UITableViewExtensions:

    • var totalRows -> var numberOfRows
  • UITextFieldExtensions:

    • func setPlaceHolderTextColor(color: UIColor) -> func setPlaceHolderTextColor(_ color: UIColor)
  • UIViewExtensions:

    • func loadFromNibNamed(nibNamed: String, bundle : Bundle?) -> func loadFromNib(named: String, bundle : Bundle?)

Removed Extensions:

  • StringExtensions:
    • var locale



  • textField: Return the text field inside search bar


  • setPlaceHolderTextColor(color): Change place holder text color
  • leftViewTintColor: Left view tint color
  • rightViewTintColor: Right view tint color


  • replaceTitle(with image): Replace title with an image in naivgation item


  • setColors(background, selectedBackground, item, selectedItem): Change UITabBar colors


  • filled(withColor): Return image filled with color
  • init(color, size): Create image from color and size


  • scrollToBotom(): Scroll to the bottom of text view
  • scrollToTop(): Scroll to the top of text view


  • segmentTitles: Segments titles
  • segmentImages: Segments images


  • setValue(value, animated, duration, completion): Set slide bar value with completion handler


  • show(vibrate): Added optional vibration while presenting the alert


  • asLocaleCurrency: Return string with number and current locale currency


  • asLocaleCurrency: Return string with number and current locale currency


  • asLocaleCurrency: Return string with number and current locale currency


  • Fixed a bug in toDouble, toFloat, toFloat32, toFloat64 where number is not calculated if not in English


  • adding(component, value): Return date by adding a component
  • nearestHourQuarter: Return the nearest quarter to date
  • nearestHalfHour: Return nearest half hour to date
  • changing(component, value): Return date by changing a component
  • Fixed a bug in nearestFiveMinutes, nearestTenMinutes where date was always rounded always to next 5, 10 mins



  • requiredHeight: Return required height for a label


  • blur(withStyle: UIBlurEffectStyle): Make image view blurry
  • blurred(withStyle: UIBlurEffectStyle): Return a blurred version of an image view


  • makeTransparent(withTint: UIColor): Make navigation controller's navigation bar transparent


  • makeTransparent(withTint: UIColor): Make navigation controller's navigation bar transparent


  • trimmedText: Return text with no spaces or new lines in beginning and end


  • addShadow(ofColor, radius, offset, opacity): /// Add shadow to view


  • filled(withColor): Return image filled with color


  • nearestFiveMinutes: Return nearest five minutes to date
  • nearestTenMinutes: Return nearest ten minutes to date


  • shake: Completion handler added to shake function