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1/ Ansible Installation

Become Root user

sudo su -

Install Python

yum install python

Check the Python version

python --version

Install PIP

yum install python-pip

Install Ansible

pip install ansible

Check Ansible version

ansible --version

Create directory

mkdir /etc/ansible

Create User

useradd ansadmin

Set password

passwd ansadmin

Sudo access to ansadmin user

echo "ansadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

2/ Docker Installation

Install Docker

yum install docker

Start Docker

service docker start

Check Docker status

service docker status

Add Ansible user as part of docker group

usermod -aG docker ansadmin

3/ Set Password Authentication

Edit sshd config file.

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config [search for /password. Change the PasswordAuthentication yes]

EC2 uses keys for remote access

PasswordAuthentication yes

Reload sshd service

service sshd reload

4/ Generate SSH Keys

Become ansadmin user

su - ansadmin

Generate ssh keys

ssh-keygen [No need to pass anything, keep hitting “Enter”]

Go to .ssh folder

ls -la

cd .ssh



5/ Create user and set privileges on target host

Login to Dev Instance

sudo su -

Add ansible user and set password

adduser ansadmin

Grant Ansible User Sudo Privileges

echo "ansadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

Add Ansible user as part of docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker ansadmin

To check the group details

id ansadmin

6/ Copy the ssh keys

Login to ansible instance

su – ansadmin

Go to ansible directory

cd /etc/ansible

Create host file and add Dev instance IP

sudo vi hosts (Add the target host IP & localhost)

Copy ssh key to target instance

ssh-copy-id ansadmin@targethostipaddress

Copy ssh key to localhost

ssh-copy-id ansadmin@localhost

Ping the target instance

ansible -m ping all


1/ Create target directory

Login to ansible instance

su - ansadmin

Change directory and follow the steps

cd /opt

sudo mkdir docker

sudo chown -R ansadmin:ansadmin /opt/docker

ls -l /opt

cd docker

ls –l

2/ Create Playbooks and Dockerfile under /opt/docker folder

Login to Docker hub once so when you run playbook the images can be pushed

docker login -u dockerid

Create a dockerfile

wget (Refer script folder)

Write a playbook to create a docker image and push to docker hub

wget (Refer script folder)

Write a playbook to pull docker image and run a container

wget (Refer script folder)

Create hosts file

vi hosts (Add the target host IP & localhost)

3/ Jenkins "Exec Command"

ansible-playbook -i /opt/docker/hosts /opt/docker/docker-create-push-webapp.yml --limit localhost

ansible-playbook -i /opt/docker/hosts /opt/docker/docker-pull-run-webapp.yml --limit targethostipaddress