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This manual is for GNU Optical. Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission
is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with
no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover
Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
"GNU Free Documentation License".

Author: Alexandre Becoulet

1 Introduction

GNU Optical is a C++ optical design and simulation library. It is free software and this implementation is based on the version that is part of the GNU project .

It provides model classes for optical components, surfaces and materials. It enables building optical systems by creating and placing various optical components in a 3d space and simulates light propagation through the system. Classical optical design analysis tools can be used on optical systems.

It takes advantages of the C++ object model to allow building complex optical systems with a few classes instanciations as optical components are represented by language objects.

1.1 Features list

  • GNU Optical relies on an object oriented optical design approach. This allows designing optical component models and reuse them nested in other designs. Components are stored in herarchical form and live in a three-dimentional space with group (*note sys_Group_class_reference::) local coordinates.
  • Support for sequential and non-sequential ray-tracing.
  • Available components include:
    • Single optical surfaces
    • Lenses
    • mirrors
    • Point sources and
    • image planes.

Surface curve and material used by optical components are described using dedicated models.

  • Several surface curvature models are available:
    • Conic curves.
    • Polynomial curves.
    • rotationally symmetric splines and Grid splines.
    • Zernike polynomials .
    • Foucault test curves.
    • Composition of other curve models.
    • Array of other curve models.
    • User defined curve models.

Most curve models can be described using model specific parameters or by best fitting any curve object.

  • Several glass material models are available:
    • Interpolated dispersion glass model
    • Abbe number and mil number model glass model.
    • Sellmeier glass model.
    • Schott glass model.
    • Conrady glass model.
    • Herzberger glass model.
    • A simple reflective surfaces mirror model.
    • A more accurate metal material model.
    • Air and vaccum models.
  • Surfaces outline shapes are described by a set of model classes too:
    • disk shapes model.
    • Ring shapes model.
    • Ellipse shapes model.
    • Rectangle shapes model.
    • Regular polygon and User defined polygon shapes models.
  • Optical system analysis tools include:
    • Layout and rays rendering in 2d and 3d,
    • Best point of focus finding.
    • Various ray fan plots.
    • spot diagram plots.
  • Several graphical output driver are available to render optical layouts and plots:
    • output in Svg vector format.
    • output in bitmap format using the Gd library. (Unsupported in this version)
    • output in Dxf CAD format. (Unsupported in this version)
    • output in various formats via the PlPlot library. (Unsupported in this version)
    • X11 display on UNIX boxes. (Unsupported)
    • 3d display using the OpenGL library. (Unsupported in this vserion)
    • output in X3D, a standard 3d format. (Unsupported)
  • Various optical design file formats can be read:
    • Oslo glass catalog
    • Zemax glass catalog and optical designs

2 Conventions

2.1 Coordinates system

Each optical element in GNU Optical lives in its own coordinates system. It's usually located at _(0, 0, 0)_ with the _Z_ axis being the local optical axis.

Coordinate System

2.2 Measurement units

  • Lengths are expressed using millimeter unit.
  • Wavelengths are expressed in nanometer unit in vacuum.
  • Absolute refractive indexes are used, with 1 being the refractive index of vacuum.

2.3 Object references

This version of GNU Optical requires C++ 14 or above.

C++ objects are used to model optical elements, materials, curvatures, shapes and other kinds of object GNU Optical deals with. As the optical system is being built, some objects keep references to other objects.

The C++ smart pointer classes are used to manage objects in a convenient way. Objects can only be ha=eap allocated as all references require use of smart pointers.:

using namespace goptical;

auto sys = std::make_shared<sys::System>();

// statically allocated object added to the system
auto source_rays = std::make_shared<sys::SourceRays>(math::Vector3(0, 27.5, -1000));

3 Tutorial

This section contains some commented example of applications and codes which use the GNU Optical library to model optical systems.

3.1 A simple refractor design

Refractor optical system 2d layout

3.1.1 Building the optical system

Unlike much optical design software which relies on a list of surfaces to sequentially propagate light through the system, GNU Optical uses an object representation of the optical system in 3d space.

To model an optical system with GNU Optical, we just have to instantiate components and add them to the system.

For this refractor example we first need to deal with glass materials used in the design. Our achromatic refractor design needs two lenses of different glass materials. In this example we choose to model Bk7 and F3 glasses with the Sellmeier model:

// code from examples/simple_refractor/refractor.cpp

auto bk7 = std::make_shared<material::Sellmeier> (1.03961212, 6.00069867e-3,
                                                  0.231792344, 2.00179144e-2,
                                                  1.01046945, 1.03560653e2);

auto f3 = std::make_shared<material::Sellmeier> (
    8.23583145e-1, 6.41147253e-12, 7.11376975e-1, 3.07327658e-2,
    3.12425113e-2, 4.02094988);

The sys::OpticalSurface class is used to model a single optical surface.

The two lenses have the same disk outline shape, so we declare the shape model once:

/* anchor lens_shape */
auto lens_shape
    = std::make_shared<shape::Disk> (100); // lens diameter is 100mm

// 1st lens, left surface
auto curve1 = std::make_shared<curve::Sphere> (
    2009.753); // spherical curve with given radius of curvature
auto curve2 = std::make_shared<curve::Sphere> (-976.245);

Surface curves rely on dedicated models which are not dependent on optical component being used. Here we need two simple spherical curves for the first lens.

The first lens component can then be instantiated. We need to specify its 3d position, thickness, shape model, curve models and material models. material::none will later be replaced by system environment material.

/* anchor lens1 */
auto s1 = std::make_shared<sys::OpticalSurface> (
    math::Vector3 (0, 0, 0), // position,
    curve1, lens_shape,      // curve & aperture shape
    material::none, bk7);    // materials

// 1st lens, right surface
auto s2 = std::make_shared<sys::OpticalSurface> (
    math::Vector3 (0, 0, 31.336), curve2, lens_shape, bk7, material::none);

More convenient optical surface constructors are available for simple cases, with circular aperture and spherical curvature. They are used for the second lens:

/* anchor lens2 */
// 2nd lens, left surface
auto s3 = std::make_shared<sys::OpticalSurface> (
    math::Vector3 (0, 0, 37.765), // position,
    -985.291, 100,                // roc & circular aperture radius,
    material::none, f3);          // materials

// 2nd lens, right surface
auto s4 = std::make_shared<sys::OpticalSurface> (
    math::Vector3 (0, 0, 37.765 + 25.109), -3636.839, 100, f3,

The sys::Lens class is more convenient to use for most designs as it can handle a list of surfaces. In this example we choose to use the sys::OpticalSurface (*note sys_OpticalSurface_class_reference::) class directly to show how things work. The convenient method is used in the next example.

We then create a point light source at infinite distance with a direction vector aimed at entry surface (left of first lens):

// light source
auto source = std::make_shared<sys::SourcePoint> (sys::SourceAtInfinity,
                                                  math::Vector3 (0, 0, 1));

And we finally create an image plane near the expected focal point:

// image plane
auto image
    = std::make_shared<sys::Image> (math::Vector3 (0, 0, 3014.5), // position
                                    60); // square size,

All these components need to be added to an optical system:

auto sys = std::make_shared<sys::System> ();

// add components
sys->add (source);
sys->add (s1);
sys->add (s2);
sys->add (s3);
sys->add (s4);
sys->add (image);

This simple optical design is ready for ray tracing and analysis.

3.1.2 Performing light propagation

light propagation through the optical system is performed by the trace::tracer class. There are several tracer parameters which can be tweaked before starting light propagation. Some default parameters can be set for an optical system instance; they will be used for each new tracer created for the system.

When light is propagated through the system, a tracer may be instructed to keep track of rays hitting or generated by some of the components for further analysis.

Some analysis classes are provided which embed a tracer configured for a particular analysis, but it's still possible to request a light propagation by directly instantiating a tracer object.

There are two major approaches to trace rays through an optical system:

  • Sequential ray tracing: This requires an ordered list of surfaces to traverse. Rays are generated by the light source and propagated in the specified sequence order. Any light ray which doesn't reach the next surface in order is lost.
  • Non-sequential ray tracing: Rays are generated by the light source and each ray interacts with the first optical component found on its path. Rays are propagated this way across system components until they reach an image plane or get lost.

The default behavior in GNU Optical is to perform a non-sequential ray trace when no sequence is provided.

Non-sequential ray trace

A non-sequential ray trace needs the specification of an entrance pupil so that rays from light sources can be targeted at optical system entry.

Performing light propagation only needs instantiation of a trace::tracer object and invocation of its trace::tracer::trace function. tracer parameters are inherited from system default tracer parameters:

sys->set_entrance_pupil (s1);
trace::Tracer tracer (sys.get ());
tracer.trace ();

When performing a non-sequential ray trace, only optical components based on sys::Surface will interact with light.

All enabled light sources which are part of the system are considered.

Sequential ray trace

Switching to a sequential ray trace is easy: The sequence is setup from components found in the system, in order along the Z axis.

/* anchor seq */
auto seq = std::make_shared<trace::Sequence> (*sys);

sys->get_tracer_params ().set_sequential_mode (seq);

More complicated sequences must be created empty and described explicitly using the trace::sequence::add function.

Optical system and sequence objects can be displayed using stl streams:

std::cout << "system:" << std::endl << sys;
std::cout << "sequence:" << std::endl << seq;

Ray tracing is then performed in the same way as for non-sequential ray traces:

trace::Tracer tracer (sys.get ());
tracer.trace ();

When performing a sequential ray trace, all optical components can process incoming light rays.

A single light source must be present at the beginning of the sequence.

3.1.3 Rendering optical layout and rays

The result of ray tracing is stored in a trace::Result (*note trace_Result_class_reference::) object which stores information about generated and intercepted rays and involved components for each ray. Not all rays' interactions are stored by default, and the result object must be first configured to specify which interactions should be stored for further analysis.

Here we want to draw all rays which are traced through the system. We first have to instruct our trace::Result (*note trace_Result_class_reference::) object to remember which rays were generated by the source component in the system, so that it can used as a starting point for drawing subsequently scattered and reflected rays.

We use an io::Renderer based object which is able to draw various things. We use it to draw system components as well as to recursively draw all rays generated by light sources.

Here is what we need to do in order:

  • Instantiate a renderer object able to write graphics in some output format.
  • Fit renderer viewport to optical system.
  • Draw system components.
  • Optionally change the ray distribution on entrance pupil so that only meridional rays are traced.
  • Instruct the result object to keep track of rays generated by the source component.
  • Perform the ray tracing.
  • Draw traced rays.
io::RendererSvg renderer ("layout.svg", 1024, 100);

// draw 2d system layout
sys->draw_2d_fit (renderer);
sys->draw_2d (renderer);

trace::Tracer tracer (sys.get ());

// trace and draw rays from source
tracer.get_params ().set_default_distribution (
    trace::Distribution (trace::MeridionalDist, 5));
tracer.get_trace_result ().set_generated_save_state (*source);
tracer.trace ();
tracer.get_trace_result ().draw_2d (renderer);

3.1.4 Performing a ray fan analysis

The analysis namespace contains classes to perform some common analysis on optical systems. analysis classes may embed a trace::tracer (*note trace_tracer_class_reference::) object if light propagation is needed to perform analysis.

Ray fan plots can be computed using the analysis::RayFan (*note analysis_RayFan_class_reference::) class which is able to plot various ray measurements on both 2d plot axes.

The example below shows how to produce a transverse aberration plot by plotting entrance ray height against transverse distance:

/* anchor rayfan */
io::RendererSvg renderer ("fan.svg", 640, 480, io::rgb_white);

analysis::RayFan fan (sys);

// select light source wavelens
source->clear_spectrum ();
source->add_spectral_line (light::SpectralLine::C);
source->add_spectral_line (light::SpectralLine::e);
source->add_spectral_line (light::SpectralLine::F);

// get transverse aberration plot
std::shared_ptr<data::Plot> fan_plot
    = fan.get_plot (analysis::RayFan::EntranceHeight,

fan_plot->draw (renderer);
Refractor Fan

3.2 A photo lens design

Tessar lens system 2d layout with chief and marginal rays

3.2.1 Using the Lens component

The sys::Lens class is a convenient way to model a list of optical surfaces. In this example we use it to model a Tessar photo lens by adding all optical surfaces to the lens object. Several functions are available to add surfaces to the lens; one of the simplest can create spherical surfaces with circular aperture for us. In this example, the glass material models used are created on the fly:

// code from examples/tessar_lens/tessar.cpp

// Optical system definition

auto sys = std::make_shared<sys::System>();

/* anchor lens */
auto lens = std::make_shared<sys::Lens>(math::Vector3(0, 0, 0));

//               roc,            ap.radius, thickness,

lens->add_surface(1/0.031186861,  14.934638, 4.627804137,
                 std::make_shared<material::AbbeVd>(1.607170, 59.5002));

lens->add_surface(0,              14.934638, 5.417429465);

lens->add_surface(1/-0.014065441, 12.766446, 3.728230979,
                 std::make_shared<material::AbbeVd>(1.575960, 41.2999));

lens->add_surface(1/0.034678487,  11.918098, 4.417903733);

lens->add_stop(12.066273, 2.288913925);

lens->add_surface(0,              12.372318, 1.499288597,
                 std::make_shared<material::AbbeVd>(1.526480, 51.4000));

lens->add_surface(1/0.035104369,  14.642815, 7.996205852,
                 std::make_shared<material::AbbeVd>(1.623770, 56.8998));

lens->add_surface(1/-0.021187519, 14.642815, 85.243965130);


3.2.2 Adding multiple light sources

The sys::source_point class can be used to create a point light source suitable for analysis, but we sometimes want to trace custom rays. This can be achieved by using the sys::SourceRays component class.

In this example we add both source types to our system but enable a single one at the same time. The sys::SourceRays (*note sys_SourceRays_class_reference::) is used to draw a 2d layout with chief and marginal rays whereas the sys::source_point (*note sys_source_point_class_reference::) source is used with multiple wavelengths for ray fan and spot diagram analysis:

/* anchor sources */
auto source_rays = std::make_shared<sys::SourceRays>(math::Vector3(0, 27.5, -1000));

auto source_point = std::make_shared<sys::SourcePoint>(sys::SourceAtFiniteDistance,
                              math::Vector3(0, 27.5, -1000));

// add sources to system

// configure sources
source_rays->add_marginal_rays(*sys, 14);


The object is located at -1000 on the Z axis and has a height of 27.5.

3.2.3 Plotting spot diagram

The analysis::spot class can be used to plot spot diagrams:


  trace::Distribution(trace::HexaPolarDist, 12));

analysis::Spot spot(sys);

/* anchor end */
/* anchor spot */
  io::RendererSvg renderer("spot.svg", 300, 300, io::rgb_black);

/* anchor end */
Tessar lens spot diagram
/* anchor spot_plot */
  io::RendererSvg renderer("spot_intensity.svg", 640, 480);

  std::shared_ptr<data::Plot> plot = spot.get_encircled_intensity_plot(50);

/* anchor end */
Tessar lens spot intensity diagram

3.2.4 Plotting ray fans

Various ray fan plots can be obtained by using the analysis::RayFan class:

  /* anchor opd_fan */

  analysis::RayFan fan(sys);

  /* anchor end */
  /* anchor opd_fan */
    io::RendererSvg renderer("opd_fan.svg", 640, 480);

    std::shared_ptr<data::Plot> fan_plot = fan.get_plot(analysis::RayFan::EntranceHeight,


  /* anchor end */
Tessar lens OPS Fan diagram
/* anchor transverse_fan */
  io::RendererSvg renderer("transverse_fan.svg", 640, 480);

  std::shared_ptr<data::Plot> fan_plot = fan.get_plot(analysis::RayFan::EntranceHeight,


/* anchor end */
Tessar lens Transverse Fan diagram
/* anchor longitudinal_fan */
  io::RendererSvg renderer("longitudinal_fan.svg", 640, 480);

  std::shared_ptr<data::Plot> fan_plot = fan.get_plot(analysis::RayFan::EntranceHeight,


/* anchor end */
Tessar lens Longitudinal Fan diagram

3.3 system hierarchy and groups

GNU Optical allows arranging components of the optical system in a hierarchical manner. Optical component classes all inherit from the sys::Element class. Elements which inherit from the sys::Group class can contain nested elements.

Each element has a local coordinate system and stores a math::Transform<3> object which describes its translation and rotation relative to the parent coordinate system.

3.3.1 The Lens component

The sys::Lens optical component is a good example of group component. It is based on the sys::Group class so that it can embed sys::OpticalSurface and sys::Stop elements.

When displaying the system and ray trace sequence of the tessar lens design described in the previous section , we notice that the system hierarchy has been flattened in the sequence:

   [1]<goptical/core::sys::Lens at [0, 0, 0]
   [10]<goptical/core::sys::image at [0, 0, 125.596]
   [11]<goptical/core::sys::SourceRays at [0, 27.5, -1000]
   [12]<goptical/core::sys::source_point at [0, 27.5, -1000]
   [11]<goptical/core::sys::SourceRays at [0, 27.5, -1000]
   [12]<goptical/core::sys::source_point at [0, 27.5, -1000]
   [2]<goptical/core::sys::OpticalSurface at [0, 0, 0]
   [3]<goptical/core::sys::OpticalSurface at [0, 0, 4.6278]
   [4]<goptical/core::sys::OpticalSurface at [0, 0, 10.0452]
   [5]<goptical/core::sys::OpticalSurface at [0, 0, 13.7735]
   [6]<goptical/core::sys::Stop at [0, 0, 18.1914]
   [7]<goptical/core::sys::OpticalSurface at [0, 0, 20.4803]
   [8]<goptical/core::sys::OpticalSurface at [0, 0, 21.9796]
   [9]<goptical/core::sys::OpticalSurface at [0, 0, 29.9758]
   [10]<goptical/core::sys::image at [0, 0, 125.596]

Positions of optical surfaces are relative to the parent lens position.

3.3.2 A newton telescope with corrector

Object-oriented programming together with the hierarchical optical components organization in GNU Optical allows writing complex and dynamically parameterized optical component models composed of simple components.

Using the telescope model

Usage of the newton telescope model class (*note Design_telescope_Newton_class_reference::) is presented here as an example of parameterized models which contain simple components. The following example shows how to build an optical design composed of a light source, the newton telescope model, a corrector lens assembly and an image plane.

The model constructor is called with the basic newton telescope parameters and the model internally computes other parameters of the telescope and instantiates internal optical components as needed.

// code from examples/hierarchical_design/newton.cpp

/* anchor telescope */
auto sys = std::make_shared<sys::System> ();

// light source
auto source = std::make_shared<sys::SourcePoint> (sys::SourceAtInfinity,
sys->add (source);

// Newton telescope
auto newton = std::make_shared<Design::telescope::Newton> (
    math::vector3_0, // position
    1494.567 / 2.,   // focal len
    245.1);          // aperture diameter
sys->add (newton);

We can query the telescope model to get the 3d position of the focal plane within parent coordinates. This enables us to attach the image plane or next optical component at right location without much calculation.

Adding a corrector

We choose to attach a Wynne 4 lens corrector to the telescope. As usual we describe the corrector lens group using the sys::Lens (*note sys_Lens_class_reference::) component:

// Wynne 4 lens corrector for parabolic mirrors
auto wynne
    = std::make_shared<sys::Lens> (newton->get_focal_plane (),
                                   -48.4585); // z offset of first surface

//  roc       ap.radius  thickness  material
wynne->add_surface (21.496, 23.2 / 2., 1.905, bk7);
wynne->add_surface (24.787, 22.5 / 2., 1.574);
wynne->add_surface (55.890, 22.5 / 2., 1.270, bk7);
wynne->add_surface (45.164, 21.8 / 2., 18.504);
wynne->add_surface (29.410, 14.7 / 2., 0.45, bk7);
wynne->add_surface (13.870, 14.1 / 2., 16.086);
wynne->add_surface (23.617, 13.1 / 2., 1.805, bk7);
wynne->add_surface (0, 12.8 / 2., 9.003);

sys->add (wynne);

// image plane
auto image = std::make_shared<sys::Image> (wynne->get_exit_plane (), 15);
sys->add (image);

The first surface of the corrector is located relative to origin of the `wynne' lens component with a Z offset of -48.4585 in the lens coordinate system but the whole lens is rotated and positioned at the telescope focal plane in the parent coordinate system.

Finally an image plane is created and positioned according to the corrector position and last surface thickness.

Querying model and rendering layouts

The model class may also provide access to some internal construction details:

std::cout << "unvignetted image diameter: "
          << newton->get_unvignetted_image_diameter () << std::endl;

std::cout << "secondary minor axis size: "
          << newton->get_secondary_minor_axis () << std::endl;

std::cout << "secondary offset: " << newton->get_secondary_offset ()
          << std::endl;

std::cout << "field angle: " << newton->get_field_angle () << std::endl;

2d and 3d layouts of the whole system or groups can be rendered. The following code uses paging to render two such different views of the system:

  trace::Tracer tracer (sys.get ());

  // set system entrance pupil (needed by non-sequential ray trace)
  sys->set_entrance_pupil (newton->get_primary ());

  // trace rays through the system
  tracer.get_params ().set_default_distribution (
      trace::Distribution (trace::CrossDist, 5));
  tracer.get_trace_result ().set_generated_save_state (*source);
  tracer.trace ();

  /* anchor layout */
  io::RendererSvg svg_renderer ("layout.svg", 640, 480);
  io::RendererViewport &renderer = svg_renderer;

  // horizontal page layout
  renderer.set_page_layout (1, 2);

  // 3d system layout on 1st sub-page
  renderer.set_page (0);
  renderer.set_perspective ();

  sys->draw_3d_fit (renderer, 300);
  sys->draw_3d (renderer);

  tracer.get_trace_result ().draw_3d (renderer);

  // 2d Wynne corrector layout on 2nd sub-page
  renderer.set_page (1);

  wynne->draw_2d_fit (renderer);
  wynne->draw_2d (renderer);

  tracer.get_trace_result ().draw_2d (renderer, false, wynne.get ());
  /* anchor end */
3d layout of the system and 2d layout closeup of the corrector

3.4 A parameterizable segmented mirror model

This section shows how to take advantages of the hierarchical design feature of GNU Optical to write your own parameterizable optical component models. The code of a segmented mirror component model is presented and this new component is used as the primary mirror in a Ritchey-Chretien telescope design.

3d layout of a Ritchey-Chretien telescope with segmented primary mirror (X3D output)

3.4.1 Writing the component model class

The segmented mirror model uses hexagonal segments and takes a surface curve model, an aperture shape model, segment size and segment separation as parameters. We start the definition of our model class which inherits from the sys::Group class:

// code from examples/segmented_mirror/segmented.cpp

class HexSegMirror : public sys::Group
  HexSegMirror (const math::VectorPair3 &pos,
                const std::shared_ptr<curve::Base> &curve,
                const std::shared_ptr<shape::Base> &shape, double seg_radius,
                double separation)
      : sys::Group (pos)

When the model is instantiated, all hexagonal mirrors need to be created from the constructor. We use two loops in order to build the hexagonal mirror tessellation:

if (seg_radius > separation)
  throw (Error ("overlapping segments"));

// sqrt(3)/2
static const double sqrt_3_2 = 0.86602540378443864676;

// hexagonal tessellation
int x_count = ceil (shape->max_radius () / (separation * 1.5));
int y_count = ceil (shape->max_radius () / (separation * 2 * sqrt_3_2));

for (int x = -x_count; x <= x_count; x++)
    for (int y = -y_count; y <= y_count; y++)
        // find segment mirror 2d position
        double yoffset = x % 2 ? separation * sqrt_3_2 : 0;
        math::Vector2 p (x * separation * 1.5,
                         yoffset + y * separation * 2 * sqrt_3_2);

The aperture shape is then used to check if a segment mirror must exist at each location:

// skip if segment center is outside main shape
if (!shape->inside (p))

The segment mirror curve must take into account the offset from the main mirror origin. We also decide to subtract the sagitta offset from the segment curve and add it to its Z component position instead; this allows its origin to lie on the segment surface, which may be more convenient when tilting the segment. The curve::Composer (*note curve_Composer_class_reference::) class is used here to apply required transformations to the model curve passed as a parameter:

// find curve z offset at segment center to shift both
// curve and segment in opposite directions.
double z_offset = curve->sagitta (p);

// create a composer curve for this segment and use it to translate
// main curve
std::shared_ptr<curve::Composer> seg_curve
    = std::make_shared<curve::Composer> ();

seg_curve->add_curve (curve).xy_translate (-p).z_offset (

The segment mirror is then created and added to the model group:

// create a segment mirror with hexagonal shape and translated
// curve
std::shared_ptr<sys::Mirror> seg = std::make_shared<sys::Mirror> (
    math::Vector3 (p, z_offset), seg_curve,
    std::make_shared<shape::RegularPolygon> (seg_radius, 6));

// attach the new segment to our group component
add (seg);

We finally add some code to keep track of the segments so that they can be accessed (and modified) separately after model instantiation:

            // keep a pointer to this new segment
            _segments.push_back (seg);

  get_segments_count () const
    return _segments.size ();

  get_segment (size_t i)
    return (i);

  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sys::Mirror> > _segments;

This model class is less than 70 lines long, including comments.

3.4.2 Using the model in Ritchey-Chretien design

Our new model can now be used like other component models in optical systems and groups. We use it here with a ring aperture shape and conic curvature to model the primary mirror of a Ritchey-Chretien telescope:

auto sys = std::make_shared<sys::System> ();

// Ring shaped segmented mirror with conic curve
auto primary = std::make_shared<HexSegMirror> (
    math::Vector3 (0, 0, 800),
    std::make_shared<curve::Conic> (-1600, -1.0869),
    std::make_shared<shape::Ring> (300, 85), 28, 30);
sys->add (primary);

auto secondary = std::make_shared<sys::Mirror> (
    math::VectorPair3 (0, 0, 225, 0, 0, -1), 675, -5.0434, 100);
sys->add (secondary);

auto image
    = std::make_shared<sys::Image> (math::VectorPair3 (0, 0, 900), 15);
sys->add (image);

auto stop = std::make_shared<sys::Stop> (math::vector3_0, 300);
sys->add (stop);
sys->set_entrance_pupil (stop);

auto source = std::make_shared<sys::SourcePoint> (sys::SourceAtInfinity,
sys->add (source);

3.5 A custom surface curve model

Common curve models are available in the curve namespace but extending this set with user-defined models is easy, as explained in this tutorial.

3.5.1 Writing the curve model class

In this example, we chose to model a rotationally symmetric catenary curve. This curve has the following sagitta formula:

z = a \, \cosh \left (r \over a \right ) - a

Our curve model needs to provide several functions in order to be useful to the raytracer. Fortunately there are base classes which provide default implementations for most curve model functions. This include differentiation functions and ray intersection functions.

The curve::rotational class allows modeling rotationally symmetric curves by only dealing with 2d formulas. Our model class just has to inherit from this class and provide an implementation for the `sagitta' function:

// code from examples/curve_model/usercurve.cpp

class MyCatenarycurve : public curve::Rotational
  MyCatenarycurve (double a) : _a (a) {}

  double sagitta (double r) const { return _a * cosh (r / _a) - _a; }
  /* anchor mycurve2 */
  double derivative (double r) const { return sinh (r / _a); }
  /* anchor mycurve1 */

  double _a;

The model can be improved by specifying the derivative function. This make calculations more efficient by avoiding use of the default numerical differentiation implementation:

double derivative(double r) const
  return sinh(r / _a);

Although more functions from curve::Base and curve::rotational can be reimplemented to further improve model efficiency, this curve model can readily be used in an optical design.

3.5.2 Using the new model in optical design

To check our model, we then use it in a simple optical system composed of a point source, a mirror and an image plane. The catenary mirror resemble a parabolic mirror as used in a newton telescope.

auto sys = std::make_shared<sys::System> ();

// light source
auto source = std::make_shared<sys::SourcePoint> (sys::SourceAtInfinity,
sys->add (source);

// mirror
auto shape = std::make_shared<shape::Disk> (200);
auto curve = std::make_shared<MyCatenarycurve> (-3000);
auto primary
  = std::make_shared<sys::Mirror> (math::Vector3 (0, 0, 1500), curve, shape);

sys->add (primary);

// image plane
auto image = std::make_shared<sys::Image> (math::vector3_0, 15);
sys->add (image);

The best point of focus is slightly offset from the parabola focal length. We use the analysis::focus class to find the best point of focus and move the image plane at this location:

auto focus = std::make_shared<analysis::Focus> (sys);

image->set_plane (focus->get_best_focus ());

Finally we plot some spot diagrams using the analysis::spot class. The point light source is rotated for each diagram:

io::RendererSvg renderer ("spot.svg", 200 * 3, 200 * 2, io::rgb_black);

renderer.set_margin_ratio (.35, .25, .1, .1);
renderer.set_page_layout (3, 2);

for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    analysis::Spot spot (sys);

    renderer.set_page (i);
    spot.draw_diagram (renderer);

    source->rotate (0, .1, 0);
spot diagrams with image at best point of focus for the catenary curve