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Graph Attention Networks for Entity Summarization is the model that applies deep learning on graphs and ensemble learning on entity summarization tasks.


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Graph Attention Networks for Entity Summarization

The sheer size of modern knowledge graphs has led to in- creased attention being paid to the entity summarization task. Given a knowledge graph T and an entity e found therein, solutions to entity summarization select a subset of the triples from T which summarize e’s concise bound description. Presently, the best performing approaches rely on sequence-to-sequence models to generate entity summaries and rely on little to none of the structure information of T during the sum- marization process. We hypothesize that this structure information can be exploited to compute better summaries. To verify our hypothesis, we develop GATES, a new entity summarization approach that com- bines topological information and knowledge graph embeddings to en- code triples. The topological information is encoded by means of a Graph Attention Network. We evaluate GATES on the ESBM benchmark. Our results show that GATES outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches DeepLENS and ESA and reaches up to 0.62 F-measure.


On this experiment, ESBM benchmark v.1.2 is used as dataset to train and test the GATES model. It consists of 175 entities related to 150 entities from DBpedia and 25 entities from LinkedMDB.

Pre-trained Knowledge Graph Embedding Models

GATES implements knowledge graph embedding and also provides pre-trained model for each model on ESBM benchmark dataset as follows:

  • ComplEx
  • ConEx
  • DistMult

Pre-trained Word Embedding Models

GATES applies Glove and fastText as word embeddings.


  1. Download pre-trained model
  2. Extract the zip file in data folder


  1. Download pre-trained model
  2. Extract the zip file and put the file on data folder

Environment and Dependency


  • Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
  • python 3.6+
  • pytorch 1.7.0


Our dependencies from external library that are required to run the model, you need to install them as follow:

pip install numpy==1.19.2
pip install tqdm
pip install gensim==3.8.3
pip install scipy==1.5.4
pip install nltk==3.5
pip install psutil==5.8.0


pip install -r requirements.txt

Visualization Tools

We use a third party to visualize the training and validation loss, and accuracy. If you haven't install visdom yet, please install visdom as follows:

pip install visdom

And run the visdom before you execute the train model. Just type visdom on terminal and enter.



git clone


usage: [-h] [--mode MODE] [--kge_model KGE_MODEL]
               [--loss_function LOSS_FUNCTION] [--ent_emb_dim ENT_EMB_DIM]
               [--pred_emb_dim PRED_EMB_DIM] [--hidden_layers HIDDEN_LAYERS]
               [--nheads NHEADS] [--lr LR] [--dropout DROPOUT]
               [--weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY] [--regularization REGULARIZATION]
               [--save_every SAVE_EVERY] [--n_epoch N_EPOCH]
               [--word_emb_model WORD_EMB_MODEL]
               [--word_emb_calc WORD_EMB_CALC]
               [--use_epoch USE_EPOCH [USE_EPOCH ...]]
               [--concat_model CONCAT_MODEL]
               [--weighted_edges_method WEIGHTED_EDGES_METHOD]

GATES: Graph Attention Network for Entity Summarization

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mode MODE           use which mode type: train/test/all
  --kge_model KGE_MODEL
                        use ComplEx/DistMult/ConEx
  --loss_function LOSS_FUNCTION
                        use which loss type: BCE/MSE
  --ent_emb_dim ENT_EMB_DIM
                        the embeddiing dimension of entity
  --pred_emb_dim PRED_EMB_DIM
                        the embeddiing dimension of predicate
  --hidden_layers HIDDEN_LAYERS
                        the number of hidden layers
  --nheads NHEADS       the number of heads attention
  --lr LR               use to define learning rate hyperparameter
  --dropout DROPOUT     use to define dropout hyperparameter
  --weight_decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        use to define weight decay hyperparameter if the
                        regularization set to True
  --regularization REGULARIZATION
                        use to define regularization: True/False
  --save_every SAVE_EVERY
                        save model in every n epochs
  --n_epoch N_EPOCH     train model in total n epochs
  --word_emb_model WORD_EMB_MODEL
                        use which word embedding model: fasttext/Glove
  --word_emb_calc WORD_EMB_CALC
                        use which method to compute textual form: SUM/AVG
  --use_epoch USE_EPOCH [USE_EPOCH ...]
                        how many epochs to train the model
  --concat_model CONCAT_MODEL
                        use which concatenation model (1 or 2). In which, 1
                        refers to KGE + Word embedding, and 2 refers to KGE +
                        (KGE/Word embeddings) depends on the object value
  --weighted_edges_method WEIGHTED_EDGES_METHOD
                        use which apply the initialize weighted edges method:

Training the model

python --mode train --weighted_edges_method tf-idf

Testing the model

python --mode test --weighted_edges_method tf-idf

Evaluation Result

Evaluation Method: F-Measure

Model DBpedia LMDB FACES
K=5 K=10 K=5 K=10 K=5 K=10
DeepLENS 0,402 0,574 0,474 0,493 0,133 0,249
ESA 0,331 0,532 0,350 0,416 - -
NEST - - - - 0,272 0,346
GATES 0,447 0,592 0,491 0,505 0,229 0.356


Graph Attention Networks for Entity Summarization is the model that applies deep learning on graphs and ensemble learning on entity summarization tasks.






