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731 lines (585 loc) · 25.9 KB

File metadata and controls

731 lines (585 loc) · 25.9 KB


This changelog references the relevant changes done in this project.

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and to the CHANGELOG recommendations.





[0.15.1] - (2020-07-07)


  • Add default FB og:image
  • Add ListingSessionBundle compatibility
  • Add ListingPublicBundle compatibility


  • Fix update "unread" message in dashboard
  • Fix multi timezone in day mode
  • Fix admin access front link
  • Fix Nesting level too deep error in user comparison in twig


  • Update doc for SF 3.4
  • Update listing option bundle to v0.15.1
  • Update report bundle to v0.15.1
  • Add acceptation delay constraint in day mode
  • Replace parameter by in day mode
  • Change invoice number generation method
  • Handle end date not manually selected in range mode
  • Change form phone fields to TelType
  • Add condition to replace Translation extension
  • Update listing-alert-bundle to v0.15.1
  • Fork sonata user bundle
  • Replace app/console by bin/console in bin init scripts
  • Add NotFoundException to listings unreachable
  • Remove the comma for last link in edit dashboard page.
  • Add alert box when user delete his listing in edit listing page.
  • Move the description and title block on the right of the category block in deposit listing page.
  • Design changes for calendar title.
  • Remove in user profile page, language related last comma
  • Remove in home and search page category related last comma
  • Enhance error message displaying
  • Change comment count displaying
  • Add comment counts on HP listings
  • Add transchoice to nb comments

[0.15.0] - (2019-03-21)


  • Add favicon for all devices
  • Upgrade Symfony from 2.8 to 3.4
  • Upgrade all dependencies to their last stable versions
  • Add PHP7.1 compatibility


  • Fix js escaping on result
  • Simulate user click on a button type submit to make SF isClicked working if the click is done programmatically


  • Replace app/console by bin/console in bin init scripts
  • Update doc for PHP7, Docker usage
  • Improve all documentation

[0.12.0] - (2019-01-30)


  • Add multi timezones functionality
  • Add hasBookingsInProgress method in User


  • Fix add_time_unit_text filter for duration < 1 hour
  • Fix DST while availabilities edition
  • Fix localizeddate timezone errors due to old ICU version. (To revert when ICU will be updated to a recent version on servers)
  • Fix search without time range in no day mode
  • Fix booking availability checking in No Day Mode, add missing user timezone texts
  • Fix search by times


  • Update migration script for times date equal to 1970-01-01
  • Update liip image listing image sizes
  • Factorize booking validator errors

[0.11.0] - (2019-01-19)


  • Add payment cards breadcrumbs
  • Add CocoricoElasticSearchBundle compatibility
  • Add CocoricoSwiftReaderBundle
  • Add Elastic search starting script
  • Add multi time range overlapping days functionality


  • Fix categories export in sonata
  • Replace hasOption by getOption in Cocorico commands conditions
  • Fix user language code too short
  • Fix various CS
  • Add time range form errors
  • Set phoneVerified to false by default in user fixtures
  • Fix feed blocks on HP if no feed items
  • Prevent bank account data saving in DB in case of wrong bank account data filled
  • Fix tel link phone
  • Fix bug #71 - Listing status available while duplication
  • Remove unneeded '}}' at the end of some meta titles
  • Fix user facebook mother tongue
  • Fix booking duration in not day mode
  • Fix MP BankAccount retrieval when bank account id is not set


  • Change who we are page content
  • Move rating_reviews twig file
  • Change new message displaying to modal popin on listing show page
  • Update SMSBundle to v0.3.1
  • Add JS escaping on initMultiSelect
  • Add app/bootstrap.php.cache to .gitignore
  • Replace nl to br in review comments
  • Add hours and timeZone to bookings imminent email alert checking
  • Split global twig form fields templates
  • Remove time_picker parameter and force form time fields to be handled by timepicker
  • Update Facebook version to 2.10 (JS SDK and HWI Oauth Bundle)
  • Update Elastic search bundle
  • Update Listing Deposit Bundle to 0.2
  • Update MangoPay Bundle to 0.6.2
  • Update Report Bundle to 0.1.2

[0.10.0] - (2019-01-16)


  • Add compatibility for Mangopay Card Saving Bundle v0.1.0 and MangoPay Bundle v0.6
  • Add InsertNewTranslationsCommand to copy existing translatable contents into new locale contents


  • Fix listing availabilities checking in not day mode and with availabilities by default unavailable


  • Disable JMS translation reference file adding

[0.9.1] - (2019-01-15)


  • Add translations checking functionality
  • Add Cookie consent box
  • Add 301 redirect to listing show URL when slug has changed


  • Fix registration email subject translation
  • Fix JS time range minutes comparison
  • Fix warning messages while route translations extractions


  • Ensure that one to many entities are not removing in sonata admin through sonata_type_collection
  • Enhance booking button in booking price form

[0.9.0] - (2019-01-10)



  • Set gc_probability to null


  • Add BookingSubscriber for new booking
  • Update MangopayBundle to 0.5

[0.8.1] - (2019-01-10)


  • Add user addresses in admin
  • Add user delivery addresses in admin


  • Add form errors in edit listing location
  • Fix refund amount with 3 decimals


  • Move date and time js to a separate file
  • Set TimeRangeType options overridable
  • Set user locale equal to default app locale in User DataFixtures

[0.8.0] - (2019-01-02)


  • Add bookings accessor by user type in User entity and CS
  • Add map drag refreshing results functionality
  • Add ListingDepositBundle functionality


  • Optimise user and listing fields in almost admin edition pages (bookingBankWire, PayinRefund, Booking, ...)
  • Fix listing address geolocation while listing deposit and listing address edition when no click on validate address
  • Add person type in user fixtures
  • Add nationality field on registration form
  • Fix currency locale format on map infobox
  • Fix infobox image loading by loading it only on box click
  • Fix google map issue while listing deposit
  • Fix translations in HP
  • Fix price scales fields in admin if price precision parameter is equal to 0
  • Fix missing translator parameters
  • Fix IBAN form field length
  • Fix bank wire amount in mail send to offerer when booking is canceled by asker
  • Fix registration email subject translation


  • Change labels on registration form when person type is legal
  • Remove unused registration handling in new listing form handler
  • Set listing user in listing form handler for listing deposit
  • Remove unused registration handling in new booking form handler
  • Remove sonata admin user show action
  • Change reviewer images in reviews list
  • Enhance categories edition submission without CategoryFieldBundle
  • Remove unused parameters

[0.7.0] - (2017-03-27)


  • Add new login / registration step before new listing / new booking action
  • Update listing characteristics values and types management in admin
  • Add MessageBundle sms notification and update sms-bundle to v0.3
  • Add geolocation country filtering


  • Remove error when booking duration is less than 1 hour in booking price form
  • Remove errors fields message on new booking page when a secondary submission (Voucher, Delivery, ...) is done
  • Enhance categories edition submission without CategoryFieldBundle
  • Remove unused parameters


  • Disable 301 redirect when offerer go to the new booking page of its listing
  • Change MessageBundle mail notification method

[0.6.0] - 2018-10-05


  • Add Booking user delivery address
  • Add delivery address in new booking form
  • Add listing characteristics values and types management in admin
  • Add form type for user entity
  • Decouple user login/registration from new listing and booking
  • Force authentication before listing deposit and booking request
  • Add user legal type


  • Fix listing favorites search request persisting
  • Fix SMS calls when SMS Bundle is not enabled
  • Fix SQL for booking expiration and expiring alert
  • Fix Google "Browser API keys cannot have referer restrictions when used with this API"
  • Fix phone_prefix user form field case
  • Fix price scales fields in admin if price precision parameter is equal to 0


  • Split each dashboard profile actions in multiple controllers
  • Factorize profile contact edition
  • Change profile payment edition to bank account edition
  • Refactor booking actions checking
  • Disable booking cancelation if booking has discount voucher amount
  • Accept parameters value equal to 0 from ConfigBundle
  • Add a no results message
  • Set query hydration to HYDRATE_ARRAY on getHighestRanked
  • Disallow cocorico_user_login_check urls into robots.txt

[0.5.0] - 2018-03-20


  • Add minimal tests
  • Add multi parameters on Booking validator messages
  • Add static property access twig function
  • Add Booking in Admin Review
  • Add security voter to voucher page access
  • Add Carrier bundle hatchback field to booking admin
  • Add listing search engine on user profile page
  • Add error message on listing calendar edition
  • Set booking status to STATUS_PAYMENT_REFUSED when booking can not be validated
  • Add booking acceptation delay
  • Add listing show query overriding
  • Add parameter type in CocoricoConfigBundle


  • Fix js escaping on result
  • Fix #116 issue (update "unread" message in dashboard)
  • Fix Booking expiration alert
  • Replace depreciated 'intention' by 'csrf_token_id' in BookingNewType
  • Fix search categories field displaying
  • Fix #135 issue error when add to favourite
  • Fix booking validation date by adding time to date verification
  • Fix discount unicity issue while adding / removing discounts
  • Fix similar listings
  • Fix favorites listings
  • Fix googlemaps MarkerWithLabel issue 393


  • Update doc
  • Move some GlobalHelper methods to Utils\PHP class
  • Handle translator provider errors
  • Change parameter unit from hours to minutes
  • Add minor corrections to ReviewBundle
  • Disable listing deposit and new booking to admin user
  • Add phone to registration form
  • Add phone and email verification message on profile edition
  • Decouple SMSBundle
  • Factorize and CS search

[0.4.1] - 2017-11-22


  • Add PHP 7.1 compatibility
  • Add listing location in listing admin
  • Add Carrier Bundle compatibility


  • Fix user bad credential translation


  • Update doc for PHP7 and Docker usage
  • Facilitate listing search form filters twig modifications in result page

[0.4.0] - 2017-11-13


  • Add rss feeds to home page
  • Add "guzzlehttp/guzzle" to composer.json for DistanceMatrix usage
  • Pre-filled reservation fields with the upcoming availability
  • Add time_hours_available parameter and relative functionalities
  • Add default users time zone parameter and relative functionalities
  • Add missing listing link in reviews list
  • Add rotating_file handler to monolog
  • Add flags icons
  • Add function to get culture code from locale
  • Strip private info in all user texts (listing, user, reviews, messages)
  • Add createdAt index in all timestampable entities


  • Fix bug #71 - Listing status available while duplication
  • Fix data fixtures for listing geo location
  • Fix phone_prefix default value on ProfileContactFormType
  • Fix missing breadcrumbs in Listing Categories and Location edition
  • Fix hour removing bug in search form
  • Fix search form css in day mode
  • Fix time zone on booking minimum start time error displaying
  • Fix end time of TimeRange validation by removing end time relation with hours_available parameter
  • Fix some Symfony 2.8 depreciation
  • Fix booking cancelation policy type checking while refunding by verifying also the booking start time
  • Fix IPInfoDB dataType of ajax call by changing it to "json" instead of "jsonp"
  • Fix Country name in booking new
  • Fix missing translations in admin
  • Fix listing delivery and options missing on booking new
  • Fix booking pre-fill dates on BookingPrice for booking.min_start_time_delay different of 24
  • Fix facebook login popup language
  • Fix out of memory in admin forms containing a lot of listings
  • Fix multi categories displaying in listings search result page and home page
  • Fix JMS extraction on admins for subject equal to null
  • Fix listing reviews order displaying in frontend and dashboard (listing, user)
  • Fix GeocodingController createAction in listing show page
  • Fix add_time_unit_text filter for duration < 1 hour
  • Fix responsive of search form
  • Fix cron docs
  • Fix new booking form handler without BOOKING_NEW_FORM_PROCESS listeners
  • Fix user label translation in payin refund in sonata admin
  • Fix IBAN form field length
  • Fix times search fields in range display mode


  • Upgrade Microsoft Translator API request method from Bing to Azur
  • Change homepage by extending to 100% visual image
  • Change monolog action_level to critical
  • Factorize DateRange and TimeRange creation in ListingSearchRequest, BookingPriceFormHandler and BookingFormHandler
  • Remove dates and times synchronisation from booking price form to listing search form
  • Change the maximum date time of the booking acceptation (and refusal )
  • Remove duplicate datetimepicker css in all.css
  • Enhance getNbUnReadMessages
  • Extract js libraries from jquery.main.js
  • Replace map markers spider by slider in InfoBox for listings with same locations
  • Add markers and cluster overlay effect while listing mouseover
  • Update ListingSearchBundle composer dependency to v0.2.2 (Listing search by distance and search extension when insufficient results)
  • Change delivery twig templates path scheme for overriding purposes
  • Remove bootstrap duplicated datetimepicker from bootstrap.min.js
  • Time form field enhancement (timepicker min hour available, nb_minute form label hiding/displaying, time search form error )
  • Use flags icons into images/flags folder
  • Uniformize users name truncation (ex : Firstname L.)
  • Replace method to know which bundles is enabled by using kernel.bundles instead of EntityManager methods
  • Update deployment.rst

[0.3.4] - 2017-05-31


  • Add ListingCategoryFieldBundle support
  • Add filter button in result page
  • Add jsqueeze JS compiler to compile all js in prod
  • Add css minifycsscompressor filter on fullcalendar.css
  • Add csrf option to hwi_oauth
  • Add characteristics tooltip in offerer dashboard
  • Optimisation of mongodb prices and status edition and search
  • Add DeliveryBundle support
  • Add NumberRange Form type
  • Add CAST DQL function
  • Add support for search by range values for fields of type numeric and date in ListingCategoryFieldBundle


  • Fix jquery warning
  • Fix categories displaying
  • Fix listing duplication error when listing doesn't have availabilities
  • Update guzzlehttp/guzzle to 5.3.1 to Fix Security HTTP Proxy header vulnerability (CVE-2016-5385)
  • Fix translations tabs if locales number is equal to 1
  • Fix ConfigBundle LoadDataFixture when no parameters are allowed to be edited
  • Fix mongodb times storing and search by time range
  • Fix init-db command (doctrine/DoctrineBundle#561)


  • Split listing categories and location dashboard edition and ajaxify categories edition
  • New booking page dates displaying
  • Change Readme about DB grant
  • Create ListingSearchFormBuilder and use it for categories search instead of ListingFormSubscriber
  • Enhance date range options in DateRangeType and in Jquery Datepicker

[0.3.3] - 2017-04-26



  • Fix admin translation
  • Fix duplicate booking options in admin
  • Fix similar listings back link
  • Fix design related change on manual translations fields
  • Fix user image order in listing result
  • Fix Jquery CDN fallback
  • Fix duplicate listing dashboard forms name (to display them into Web Profiler)


  • Change listing availabilities route translation
  • Change doc
  • Remove arrows in user language select list
  • Allow all countries in listing deposit
  • Remove SBO characteristics description requirement
  • Do not display bill link in asker payments if asker fees are 0
  • Add error icon in translation tabs in case of error
  • Add Google API account creation explanation into README
  • Set disabled property to true in UserAdmin for Mangopay related fields
  • Set disabled property to true in ReviewAdmin for almost review fields


[0.3.2] - 2017-01-25


  • Add booking policy block informations in listing show page
  • Add new LanguageFiltered type to replace LocaleType dynamically poor for multi languages
  • Guess lang to translation for auto translation


  • Fix User country and nationality default values
  • Fix arrows bug display in from and to translations fields
  • Expire bookings with start date greater than today date
  • Fix duplicate mails send while subscription
  • Fix subscription validation page title
  • Fix unused email subject param in registration mail


  • Change duplicate h1 to h2 in listing show page
  • Rename AddressFormType To UserAddressFormType
  • Replace LocaleType and LanguageType usages by LanguageFiltered
  • Optimize createNewListingThread call


[0.3.1] - 2016-12-24


  • Add geo localized breadcrumbs
  • Add "Access to site" link in admin
  • Add SeoBundle functionality : display seo content on listing search result page
  • Add SeoBundle functionality : Sitemap generation
  • Add CMSBundle functionality : Footer links management
  • Add SeoBundle functionality : JSON-LD Markups data
  • Add form tag to message in booking show page


  • Fix duplicate rows in ListingSearchManager->getFindQueryBuilder
  • Fix user profile urls translation
  • Fix missing label_catalogue on some Bundles
  • Fix admin "go to site" link by disassociating it from translations activation
  • Fix missing admin translations
  • Fix GeoBundle findAll repositories methods conflict with default findAll method in SonataAdmin
  • Fix search form categories list by adding missing fields in findQueryBuilder
  • Fix selected countries validation while listing deposit when all countries are enabled
  • Fix voucherIsEnabled method when ListingOption bundle is enabled
  • Fix characteristics admin translations
  • Fix user address fields requirement


  • Replace condition voucherIsEnabled by mangopayIsEnabled in BookingManager->findPayedByAsker
  • Factorize user login in listing deposit form
  • Hide ratings in marker popin when no ratings
  • Set first name and last name required in user admin form
  • CS
  • Disable Curl SSL VERIFYHOST in non prod env
  • Uniformize breadcrumbs management
  • Move bundles services loading from bundles config.yml to bundles extension (UserBundle, PageBundle)
  • Change and enhance placeholder method for translations form fields
  • Enhance PageBundle translations
  • Change Listing repository findPublishedListing method
  • Remove all Microdata markups content
  • Add sitemap.xml to rsync_exclude.txt
  • Add and setting bookings number as asker/offerer in User entity
  • Add command to reset bookings number as asker/offerer
  • Add drop down icon to flags and currencies switchers
  • Change packages repository method in composer.json
  • Remove autoescape in show_voucher
  • Change duplicate h1 to h2 in listingshow page
  • Move capitalize select box text css in all-override.css
  • Change error fields name in edit_contact

[0.2.6] - 2016-11-29


  • Add multiple methods to geo localize user and add his location on listing location search field
  • Set last listing address as default address while listing deposit
  • Add user listings link in SBO users view list


  • Fix missing user zip address while user geo localization
  • Fix invalid country in listing location


  • Change voucherIsEnabled by mangopayIsEnabled in BookingManager->findPayedByAsker and minor things
  • Disable Curl SSL VERIFYHOST in non prod env


[0.2.5] - 2016-10-19


  • Add listing markers cluster on map
  • Add markers spidering when overlaps


  • Fix duplicate search query by removing iterator call in twig
  • Fix place autocomplete missing in user profile page


  • Disable web profiler in staging env
  • Display all markers of a listing search request on the map independently of pagination
  • Change listings marker aspect on the map depending on whether they are on the current page


[0.2.4] - 2016-10-05



  • Fix reviewer name in dashboard reviews
  • Fix participant name in reservation thread messages when asker cancel booking
  • Fix search by date without time in not day mode
  • Fix timepicker compatibility in mobile device
  • Fix google map infobox.js remote access disabled
  • Fix admin listing images upload by disabling it
  • Fix sensio/distribution-bundle / composer 1.1.0 type hint compatibility


  • Display pay button in admin bank wires if its status is todo
  • Default user phone prefix to +33
  • Enhance ReviewBundle
  • Footer link
  • gc_probability setted to 0 for prod env


[0.2.3] - 2016-08-23


  • Add booking duration in booking price
  • Add DQL MySQL timestamp diff function
  • Add ReportBundle support


  • Fix flash bags on review manager
  • Fix duration computing without time range


  • CS


[0.2.2] - 2016-07-06


  • Add Min/Max listing duration informations on listing show page
  • Add time picker in time type fields
  • Add timepicker parameter


  • Fix error occurring when a date is filled without the other one
  • Fix error occurring when a time is filled without the other one
  • Fix CS in common.js > getNbUnReadMessages
  • Fix Translate manager with missing key or secret param
  • Fix ie edge/ipad timepicker compatibility


  • Reduce number of twig core extension service args
  • Factorize and simplify Javascript date and time management
  • Fontello icons code
  • Remove unused glyphicons halflings
  • Remove "updated at" column in admin booking list
  • Change default time_unit parameter to 60 min


  • Fix TimeRange form type sf 2.8 depreciation
  • Remove TimeHidden form type

[0.2.1] - 2016-06-28


  • Fix sensio/distribution-bundle / composer 1.1.0 type hint compatibility
  • Fix google map infobox.js remote access disabled
  • Disable manual translations on listing and user edition when there is only one locale available on platform
  • Set SMS default locale equal to app default locale
  • Add booking status "new" criteria to SMS booking acceptation


  • Change listing search by categories by including listings without categories
  • Update doc/index.rst

[0.2.0] - 2016-04-08


  • Add DoctrineMigrationBundle


  • Change version of sonata-project/doctrine-orm-admin-bundle to dev-master instead 2.3 to resolve AuditBlockService
  • Change version of sonata-project/admin-bundle to 2.4@dev instead 2.3 to resolve AuditBlockService
  • Change version of "knplabs/doctrine-behaviors" from dev-master to ^1.3 release
  • Change version of "hwi/oauth-bundle" from "0.4.*@dev" to "^0.4"
  • Update "egeloen/ckeditor-bundle" from "~3.0" to "^4.0"
  • Update "helios-ag/fm-elfinder-bundle" from "~5.0" to "^6.0"
  • Update "fzaninotto/faker" from "1.5.*@dev" to "^1.5"
  • Update "jms/di-extra-bundle" from "1.4.*@dev" to "^1.7"
  • Update "willdurand/geocoder-bundle" from "3.1.*@dev" to "^4.1"
  • Change CocoricoGeoBundle to be compatible with "willdurand/geocoder-bundle" 4.1
  • Change credit link
  • Change doc index.rst
  • Change listing_search_min_result value from 5 to 1
  • Change page fixture description


See and

  • Renamed AbstractType::setDefaultOptions to AbstractType::configureOptions
  • Renamed AbstractType::getName to AbstractType::getBlockPrefix
  • Renamed @translator service to @translator.default
  • Replace @request service call by Request object injection in the action method
  • Replace form.csrf_provider service call by security.csrf.token_manager service call
  • Replace intention option by csrf_token_id option in security.yml
  • Replace intention form option resolver by csrf_token_id in forms
  • Replace Twig initRuntime method by adding needs_environment = true in filters arg functions
  • Replace setNormalizers by setNormalizer
  • Change setAllowedValues to modify one option at a time
  • Add choices_as_values => true to the ChoiceType and flip keys and values of choices option
  • Split security.context service into security.authorization_checker and security.token_storage
  • Rename precision option to scale
  • Remove scope from service definitions
  • Replace sameas by same as in Twig templates
  • Replace form tag by twig form_start function
  • ...


  • Add __toString to Contact entity
  • Fix admin datagrid filter status for BookingPayinRefund
  • Gmap Markers autoescape html
  • Add custom DoctrineCurrencyAdapter to fix Lexik currency bundle convert sql request
  • Listing discount editions error displaying
  • Change listing category parent label in admin
  • Add required attributes to page admin form fields
  • Fix links translations in error pages
  • Fix find bookings payed by asker when MangoPayBundle is not enabled

[0.1.1] - 2016-04-04


  • Add currency on booking amount error message
  • Add fees help in sonata admin for bank wire
  • Add default currency on admin BankWire "Debited funds" field


  • Fix duplicate error message on new booking
  • Fix bookings refusing while booking acceptation
  • Fix currency format on all bills
  • Fix admin currency vertical align on price fields
  • Fix admin listing "rules" field requirement


  • Update documentation
  • Change min listing price parameter to 1 (default currency)
  • Change composer.json support section

[0.1.0] - 2016-03-23


  • First commit