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This folder contains the definition of the Eclipse package that assembles a full Eclipse application containing GEMOC plugins.

The result of building the pom.xml is an Eclipse application.

Technical notes

  • in order to ease future updates of the Eclipse application, the installed features are referenced as "required" by the org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_studio.branding.feature.
  • features not strictly part of GEMOC but useful for the studio are referenced in org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_studio.additions.feature.

How to add a new feature

  • add the P2 repository that contains the feature you wish to add to the studio as a repository in the pom.xml. This must be either in the general Repositories section if the repo is an official distribution or in the "use_CI_repositories" profile if the repository is a nightly build (typically build on a Continuous Integration server).
  • add the feature as a required dependency either in org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_studio.branding.feature or org.eclipse.gemoc.gemoc_studio.additions.feature.
  • (Optionnal) if you want to ease the update of this specific feature by the end user, you can also add the repository url to the gemoc_studio.p2.inf file (in the addRepository part) So the user of the Studio will directly have this repository in the available update site.