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This repository created for personal use and added tools from my latest blog post.

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Recon My Way.

Recon my way -- tools and setting up Guide.

This repository contains the tools and scripts, I added in my recent blog post Recon-My way

I created this because there are many tools available these days and new users are confused about which tools to use and which are not much useful.

Anyone can contribute to this repository If they think they have a useful tool.

I have also added my two simple scripts.

subdomain.rb & recon.rb

Standard machine to use. - Debian- 9.4 4 GB RAM on DigitalOcean (You can use according to your requirements.)

Installation instructions.

  1. Git Installation

root@recon-my-way:~ sudo apt-get update root@recon-my-way:~ sudo apt-get upgrade root@recon-my-way:~ sudo apt-get install git

2.Go language installation.

root@recon-my-way:~ curl -O root@recon-my-way:~ sha256sum go1.10.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz root@recon-my-way:~ tar xvf go1.10.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz root@recon-my-way:~ sudo chown -R root:root ./go root@recon-my-way:~ sudo mv go /usr/local root@recon-my-way:~ vi ~/.profile and add export GOPATH=$HOME/work export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin source ~/.profile

Cleaing Up- root@recon-my-way:~ rm -rf go1.10.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz root@recon-my-way:~ rm -rf work

  1. Ruby Language installation.

root@recon-my-way:~ apt-get install ruby-full

  1. Curl Language installation.

root@recon-my-way:~ apt install curl

  1. Pip & pip3 install.

root@recon-my-way:~ apt install python-pip root@recon-my-way:~ apt install python3-pip #python 3

Setting up tools for subdomain.rb & recon.rb.

for subdomain.rb

  1. Amass root@recon-my-way:~ cd /usr/local/go root@recon-my-way:/usr/local/go# go get -u root@recon-my-way:/usr/local/go# amass

  2. Aquatone

root@recon-my-way:~# gem install aquatone

  1. Knockpy

  2. Subfinder

  3. Sublist3r (Optional)

for recon.rb

  1. host
  2. nmap
  3. AWS CLI
  4. Dirsearch/Gobuster.

Tools installation.

  1. JSParser

  2. LinkFinder

  3. VHost Scan

  4. AltDNS

  5. Amass

  6. Aquatone

  7. Bucket Finder.

  8. Censys Enumeration.

  9. Censys subdomain finder.

  10. Dirsearch

  11. Domain Profiler

  12. Domains from CSP

  13. Knock

  14. Lazy Recon.

  15. LazyS3

  16. Lazy Shot

  17. Mass Scan

  18. S3 Bucket Finder

  19. Sub Resolve.

  20. WebScreenshot

  21. recon.rb

  22. subdomain.rb
