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154 lines (120 loc) · 5.27 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (120 loc) · 5.27 KB

wavesurfer.js changelog

2.3.0 (unreleased)

  • Add wavesurfer.getActivePlugins(): return map of plugins that are currently initialised
  • Update progress when seeking with HTML media controls (#1535)
  • Fix wavesurfer.isReady: make it a public boolean, the broken isReady method is removed (#1597)
  • Add support for Blob output type in wavesurfer.exportImage (#1610)
  • Fix fallback to Audio Element in browsers that don't support Web Audio (#1614)
  • Cursor plugin:
    • add formatTimeCallback option
    • add followCursorY option (#1605)
  • Spectrogram plugin: fix ready listener when loading multiple audio files (#1572)
  • Regions plugin: fix ready listener when loading multiple audio files (#1602)
  • Timeline plugin: fix ready listener when loading multiple audio files

2.2.1 (18.03.2019)

  • Add backgroundColor option (#1118)
  • Spectrogram plugin: fix click handler (#1585)
  • Cursor plugin: fix displayTime (#1589)

2.2.0 (07.03.2019)

  • Add rtl option (#1296)
  • Fix peaks rendering issue on zooming and scrolling multicanvas (#1570)
  • Add duration option to specify an explicit audio length (#1441)
  • Spectrogram plugin: fix event listener removal (#1571)
  • Regions plugin: display regions before file load using duration option (#1441)
  • Build: switch to terser-webpack-plugin for minifying

2.1.3 (21.01.2019)

  • Fix removeOnAudioProcess for Safari (#1215, #1367, #1398)

2.1.2 (06.01.2019)

  • Fix computing peaks when buffer is not set (#1530)
  • Cursor plugin: fix displayed time (#1543)
  • Cursor plugin: document new params (#1516)
  • Add syntax highlighting in examples (#1522)

2.1.1 (18.11.2018)

  • Fix order of arguments for PluginClass.constructor (#1472)
  • Microphone plugin: Safari support (#1377)
  • Minimap plugin: fix styling issues and add support for zooming (#1464)
  • Timeline plugin: add duration parameter handling (#1491)
  • Cursor plugin: add showTime option (#1143)
  • Fix: progress bar did not reach 100% when audio file is small (#1502)

2.1.0 (29.09.2018)

  • Add wavesurfer.js logo, created by @entonbiba (#1409)
  • Library version number is now available as WaveSurfer.VERSION (#1430)
  • Fix setSinkId that used deprecated API (#1428)
  • Set isReady attribute to false when emptying wavesufer (#1396, #1403)
  • Microphone plugin: make it work in MS Edge browser (#627)
  • Timeline plugin: display more tick marks as user zooms in closely (#1455)
  • Cursor plugin: fix destroy (#1435)

2.0.6 (14.06.2018)

  • Build library using webpack 4 (#1376)
  • Add audioScriptProcessor option to use custom script processor node (#1389)
  • Added mute and volume events (#1345)

2.0.5 (26.02.2018)

  • Fix util.ajax on iterating requestHeaders (#1329)
  • Add version information to distributed files (#1330)
  • Regions plugin: prevent click when creating / updating region (#1295)
  • Add wavesurfer.isReady method (#1333)

2.0.4 (14.02.2018)

  • Added xhr option to configure util.ajax for authorization (#1310, #1038, #1100)
  • Fix setCurrentTime method (#1292)
  • Fix getScrollX method: Check bounds when scrollParent: true (#1312)
  • Minimap plugin: fix initial load, canvas click did not work (#1265)
  • Regions plugin: fix dragging a region utside of scrollbar (#430)

2.0.3 (22.01.2018)

  • Added support for selecting different audio output devices using setSinkId (#1293)
  • Replace deprecated playbackRate.value setter (#1302)
  • Play method now properly returns a Promise (#1229)

2.0.2 (10.01.2018)

  • Added barGap parameter to set the space between bars (#1058)
  • Replace deprecated gain.value setter (#1277)
  • MediaElement backend: Update progress on pause events (#1267)
  • Restore missing MediaSession plugin (#1286)

2.0.1 (18.12.2017)

  • Core library and the plugins were refactored to be modular so it can be used with a module bundler
  • Code updated to ES6/ES7 syntax and is transpiled with babel and webpack
  • New plugin API
  • MultiCanvas renderer is now the default
  • Added getters and setters for height and color options (#1145)
  • Introduce option to prevent removing media element on destroy (#1163)
  • Added duration parameter for the load function (#1239)
  • New soundtouch.js filter to preserve pitch when changing tempo (#149)
  • Add getPlaybackRate method (#1022)
  • Switched to BSD license (#1060)
  • Added setCurrentTime method
  • Added util.debounce (#993)

1.2.4 (11.11.2016)

  • Fix a problem of Web Audio not playing in Safari on initial load (#749)

1.2.3 (09.11.2016)

  • Add a 'waveform-ready' event, triggered when waveform is drawn with MediaElement backend (#736)
  • Add a 'preload' parameter to load function to choose the preload HTML5 audio attribute value if MediaElement backend is choosen (#854)

1.2.2 (31.10.2016)

  • Determistic way to mute and unmute a track (#841)
  • Replace jasmine with karma / jasmine test suite (#849)
  • Regions plugin: fix a bug when clicking on scroll-bar in Firefox (#851)

1.2.1 (01.10.2016)

  • Added changelog (#824)
  • Correct AMD module name for plugins (#831)
  • Fix to remove small gaps between regions (#834)