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128 lines (78 loc) · 7.16 KB

Product Roadmap

The following is the planned Roadmap for the development of Kindly:
Product Roadmap - updated Summer of 2024

All active Milestones in the Kindly project will follow this Roadmap and new feature suggestions will be considered for future releases.

We encourage new contributors to work on any aspect of the project that feels appropriate to their experience and interest but please always consider where an Issue falls within the roadmap.

If you submit a new Issue (whether it's a bug or new feature request) please indicate the most adequate Milestone based on the current Roadmap.

User Stories

The following User Stories follow the projected Roadmap shown above. When working on any Issue collaborators are encouraged to look for additional improvement opportunities that will fullfil these stories. Similarly, new Issue submissions are always welcomed but may be prioritized for fulfillment if they conform to any of the stories below.

User Account Milestone 🗝️

  • As a User I want to have an option to reset my password from the login page
  • As a User I want to be able to suspend my account
  • As a User I want to be able to delete my account
  • As a User I want to be able to browse through Kindly before I need to create an account in order to interact with Donations
  • As a User I want to be able to sign up and login to Kindly with my login from social platforms such as Google or Facebook
  • As a User I want to be able to keep my account logged in between visits to Kindly

Donations Milestone 🤝

  • As a Donor I want to be able to mark any of my items as 'Reserved'
  • As a Donor I want to prevent new Inquiries about any Items I have marked as 'Reserved'
  • As a Refugee I want to receive confirmation what an Item has been reserved for me upon request
  • As a Refugee I want to be able to view all details of an Item without having to navigate into a new page
  • As a System Admin I want to guarantee that irrelevant data, such as Items that are no longer available, is removed from the database at periodic intervals
  • As a Volunteer I want to guarantee that the availability of Donations is distributed through the community by limiting the number of donations that can be received in one week

Browsing Milestone 🔎

  • As a Refugee I want to be able to easily consult the list of Items donated by a User specific user of the app
  • As a Refugee I want to be able to filter all Items by different categories and categories so I can easily find the Items most relevant to my needs

Messaging Milestone 📩

  • As a User I want to receive notifications when there are updates to my conversations in Kindly

Submitting a new Issue

Everyone is welcome to submit a new Issue to Kindly - whether you intend to resolve it yourself or would just like to raise the awareness of the community to it.

Before you submit an Issue

Check the backlog for any duplicates - it's possible that someone has already submitted the same issue you've just spotted and having duplicates in the backlog can lead to confusion and a slowdown in development

How to submit an Issue

Once you reach the Issues tab on the Kindly repo and create a new Issue you will be prompted with a template in the New Issue Description - please stick to this format and fill in as much detail as possible where prompted.

Include a clear example of the current behaviour with (as much as possible):

  • A way to reproduce the problem
  • Screenshots of the behaviour
  • Information on any triage you've attempted

Asking for Help

Help with an Issue

If you have gotten stuck on an Issue you are contributing to and need technical help:

  • Update the status of that Issue to Blocked. Other developers will be monitoring Issues with this status and prioritising them in their contributions.
  • Add a comment to the Issue explaining the help you need

Help with a question

The Issues tab is a working tool for the active development of Kindly, so it should be kept clear of communication not relating to development.

If you have a question or suggestion directly related to an open Issue please use the comments on that Issue ticket to discuss it with anyone working on it / the core team.

If you have a question related to Trafalgar Girls, Kindly or the community at large:

  • Check the documentation first - there's a chance your question can be answered by reading the README file
  • Reach out on Discord

Contributing Code

Developers at all levels of experience and comfort in the Kindly tech stack are welcome to contribute!

However, before you set out to submit code, please review our best practices and our installation guide.

Database Schema

Kindly uses a Postgres database served through Supabase

Kindly database schema

Contributing changes to our database

Refer to the official documentation on managing migrations for any contributions that require changes to the Supabase project.

Finding an Issue

As a newcomer

If it's your first time submitting code to Kindly and/or you are looking to get acquainted with any one part of our tech stack or code base, we recommending finding an Issue labeled Good first issue. You can filter for these.

As a senior

If you've been contributing to Kindly for a while (Thanks! ✨) and are quite comfortable with the tech stack and code base:

  • Check first for any Issues with the status Blocked
  • If you have been given access along with the core team, help the development by reviewing any pending Pull Requests before starting a new Issue
  • Check for any Issues labeled High Priority
  • Consider pairing up with a less experienced developer dipping into a more complex issue - part of the ethos for Kindly is sharing knowledge

Being Assigned an Issue

Once you've identified an Issue you'd like to contribute to please add a comment to its thread requesting to be assigned.

💡 If you add the keyword !request to your comment an automated workflow will assign the issue to you so long as it is available.

In that comment, add a brief outline of the approach you're hoping to take. This does not need to be a comprehensive report but it helps us promote knowledge sharing in the community and can help other contributors quickly identify any potential clashes with their code or it may outline a good opportunity to collaborate with someone.

🔎 Keep in mind that if an issue becomes stale you may be automatically unassigned in order to allow other contributors to pick it up. You will always be notified if this workflow is triggered but please make sure to only pick up issues when you are ready to contribute to them.

To help us maintain a swift workflow in the project please only request one issue at a time unless you are implementing changes that affect two issues closely related. We try to keep issues in the backlog free, if they are not being addressed immediately, to allow new contributors to pick them up


Have fun! 🎡