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84 lines (66 loc) · 5.29 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (66 loc) · 5.29 KB


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commit a3346a6670981e7abc4830e0efd1a77b97681d77


qtile rofi kitty picom ibus nemo amixer brightnessctl gnome-screenshot light-locker touchegg dunst feh nm-applet tkinter

⚠️ I might have forgotten some dependencies. If something doesn't work, please check if a missing package could be the reason. Please check the README file on how to install these dependencies.

⚠️ QTile doesn't fully supports Wayland, but this configuration works, with some lacking characteristics. You might need to install additional dependencies to run it on Wayland.


Workspace (group) shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Super+i Switch to group i.
Super+Shift+i Move current window to group i.
Super+Pg Down Switch to next group.
Super+Pg Up Switch to previous group.
Super+Shift+Pg Down Move current window to next group.
Super+Shift+Pg Up Move current window to previous group.
Super+Home Switch to first group.
Super+End Switch to last group.
Super+Shift+Home Move current window to first group.
Super+Shift+End Move current window to last group.

Window focus and position

Shortcut Action
Super+H / Super+Left Move focus to the left.
Super+L / Super+Right Move focus to the right.
Super+J / Super+Down Move focus down.
Super+K / Super+Up Move focus up.
Super+Shift+H / Super+Shift+Left Move window to the left.
Super+Shift+L / Super+Shift+Right Move window to the right.
Super+Shift+J / Super+Shift+Down Move window down.
Super+Shift+K / Super+Shift+Up Move window up.
Super+Ctrl+H / Super+Ctrl+Left Grow window to the left.
Super+Ctrl+L / Super+Ctrl+Right Grow window to the right.
Super+Ctrl+J / Super+Ctrl+Down Grow window down.
Super+Ctrl+K / Super+Ctrl+Up Grow window up.
Super+Shift+Ctrl+H Swap column to the left.
Super+Shift+Ctrl+L Swap column to the right.
Super+Shift+Space Toggle window split.
Super+R Toggle between layouts (BSP, Max, Floating).
Super+F Bring window forwards.
Super+N Reset windows positions and sizes.
Super+M Toggle window floating.
Super+Shift+M Toggle window fullscreen.
Super+Q Close window.

Launching apps

Shortcut Action
Super+Tab Launch rofi.
Super+F Launch the file manager.
Super+Return Launch a terminal.
Super+Shift+R Launch a prompt widget.
Raise Volume Raise volume.
Lower Volume Lower volume.
Mute Volume Mute volume.
Brightness Up Raise brightness.
Brightness Down Lower Brightness.
Print Take screenshot.
Super+Print Launch gnome-screenshot.
Super+Escape Lock screen.