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Anshoo Arora edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 1 revision

Custom logs

You can now create your own custom logs, tables with custom headers, pass your POJOs directly to be converted into a <table> etc. You can also specify any CSS classes to be applied on the table, like in the below example with "table-sm" (a bootstrap table class).

public class MyCustomLog {
    private List<Object> names = Arrays.asList("Anshoo", "Extent", "Klov");
    private Object[] favStack = new Object[]{"Java", "C#", "Angular"};
    private List<Object> ignored = Arrays.asList("Anshoo/Ignore", "Extent/Ignore", "Klov/Ignore");
    private Map<Object, Object> items = new HashMap<Object, Object>() {
            put("Item1", "Value1");
            put("Item2", "Value2");
            put("Item3", "Value3");
extent.createTest("GeneratedLog").generateLog(Status.FAIL, MarkupHelper.toTable(new MyCustomLog(), "table-sm"));


Report filters for Status/Tag specific reports

It is now possible to create separate reports for each status (or a group of them). For example, 2 reports can be created per run session to 1. view all tests and 2. view only failed ones. The example below shows just that:

ExtentReports extent = new ExtentReports();
// will only contain failures
ExtentSparkReporter sparkFail = new ExtentSparkReporter("target/spark/fail.html")
    .as(new Status[] { Status.FAIL })
// will contain all tests
ExtentSparkReporter sparkAll = new ExtentSparkReporter("spark/all.html");
extent.attachReporter(sparkFail, sparkAll);

Choose which views to display, in a particular order

It is now possible to select the views and their order. For example: if you want the Dashboard view to be the primary view, followed by Tests, you can use the snippet below:

ExtentReports extent = new ExtentReports();
ExtentSparkReporter spark = new ExtentSparkReporter("spark/spark.html")
    .as(new ViewName[] { ViewName.DASHBOARD, ViewName.TEST })

The above will limit the report to 2 views, with DASHBOARD view the primary one, followed by TEST. No other views will be displayed. Default setting is to display all views in this order: TEST, TAG, EXCEPTION, DASHBOARD.

Ordered, Unordered lists

Use MarkupHelper::createOrderedList or MarkupHelper.createUnorderedList for quick POJO to HTML list conversion.

String[] items = new String[] { "Item1", "Item2", "Item3" };
Set<Object> items = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("Item1", "Item2", "Item3"));
List<Object> items = Arrays.asList(new Object[] { "Item1", "Item2", "Item3" });


Map<Object, Object> items = new HashMap<Object, Object>()
     put("Item1", "Value1");
     put("Item2", "Value2");
     put("Item3", "Value3");


Pojo to HTML Table

Pass your pojo to MarkupHelper::toTable to convert it into a table structure. Note: this performs only single-level parsing, no deep searches.

public class MyObject {
    private List<Object> names = Arrays.asList("Anshoo", "Extent", "Klov");
    private Object[] favStack = new Object[]{"Java", "C#", "Angular"};
    private List<Object> ignored = Arrays.asList("Anshoo/Ignore", "Extent/Ignore", "Klov/Ignore");
    private Map<Object, Object> items = new HashMap<Object, Object>() {
            put("Item1", "Value1");
            put("Item2", "Value2");
            put("Item3", "Value3");
extent.createTest("Test").info(MarkupHelper.toTable(new MyObject()));


JSON configuration

Version 4 and earlier had the ability to consume configuration-XML files, a functionality that remained unchanged in v5.0. External configuration can now be loaded via JSON also, as demonstrated below:


    "theme": "standard",
    "encoding": "utf-8",
    "protocol": "HTTPS",
    "timelineEnabled": false,
    "offlineMode": true,
    "documentTitle": "ExtentReports",
    "reportName": "ExtentReports",
    "timeStampFormat": "MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss a",
    "theme": "STANDARD",
    "js": "",
    "css": ""
final File CONF = new File("config/spark-config.json");
ExtentSparkReporter spark = new ExtentSparkReporter("target/spark/spark.html");

Configuration builders

Until version 4, it was only possible to specify a configuration entry at once, example:

ExtentSparkReporter spark = new ExtentSparkReporter("spark.html");

Now, it is possible build and pass the entire configuration at once:
