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Welcome to the Tic-Tac-Toe project !! This repository contains two implementations of the classic game Tic-Tac-Toe:

Features of GUI implementation.

The GUI implementation of this Tic-Tac-Toe project provides a user-friendly graphical interface for playing the game. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Player Names: Players can enter their names before starting the game, providing a personalized gaming experience.

  2. Interactive Grid: The game grid is displayed on the canvas, and players can click on the grid cells to make their moves.

  3. Symbols: The game uses "X" and "O" symbols for the two players, with distinctive colors for each symbol (red for "X" and blue for "O").

  4. Score Tracking: The GUI implementation keeps track of the scores for both players and the number of ties, making it easy to see who is winning.

  5. Game Over Detection: The program detects when a player wins, when the game ends in a tie, or when it's still ongoing.

  6. Play Again: After a game concludes, players can click to start a new game, resetting the board and continuing the fun.

  7. Responsive Design: The graphical interface adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring an optimal gaming experience on various devices.

  8. Visual Feedback: The game provides visual feedback for game outcomes, displaying the winner's name and scores.

These features make the GUI implementation a user-friendly and enjoyable way to play Tic-Tac-Toe. Players can compete against each other while keeping track of their performance.

Instructions to run the application.

  1. Clone the repo.
git clone

  1. Navigate to the root folder of the application.
cd Tic-Tac-Toe

  1. Run the python file.


Contributions are always welcome !!

If you would like to contribute to the project, please fork the repository and make a pull request.

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