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Super Saiyan components, son of awesome Bulma


With npm do

npm install trunx

Notice that you should also have React installed, minimum version supported is 17 (the transpiled code uses react/jsx-runtime). However it is not listed as a peer dependency, you may also use trunx without React.


React components

Components are documented inline with TSDocs. You can configure your editor to display documentation and examples.

Almost all trunx components have a bulma prop that accepts:

  • a string
  • an array of bulma classes
  • an object which keys are bulma classes
  • an array of any of the previous

You know, trunx is a Super Sayan because it is written in TypeScript. The bulma prop can be autocompleted and typos can be avoided thanks to type checking.

Almost all trunx components support a className prop, in case you need to append you custom CSS classes.

Some trunx components render their homomnym HTML tag.

import { Div, Span } from "trunx"
import { FC } from "react"

export const MyComponent: FC<{ isSuccess: boolean }> = ({ isSuccess }) => (
  <Div bulma="block">
      bulma={["has-text-weight-semibold", { "has-text-primary": isSuccess }]}
      Lorem ipsum...

There are also trunx React components that implement a Bulma element or a Bulma Component. This means that they usually add a related Bulma class. For example Button components renders a button tag with the Bulma button class. They may have props related to some Bulma class (.e.g. color, size). Most of the Bulma related props start with is, has and the prop name is just the camel-case version of its related Bulma class. For example isRounded prop corresponds to is-rounded Bulma class.

<Button color="primary" size="large" isRounded>

You can use the bulma prop in case you need to add more Bulma classes that has not a related prop.

<Columns isGapless>
  <Column bulma="is-half"></Column>

Components list

  • HTML tags related: A, Article, Div, Heading, P, Span.
  • Bulma related:
    • Breadcrumb
    • Button
    • Buttons
    • ButtonDelete
    • Card
      • CardContent
      • CardFooter
      • CardHeader
      • CardHeaderIcon
      • CardHeaderTitle
      • CardImage
    • Cell
    • Checkbox
    • Column
    • Columns
    • Container
    • Content
    • Control
    • Field
    • FieldHorizontal
      • FieldBody
      • FieldLabel
    • FileUpload
    • Figure
    • FixedGrid
    • Footer
    • Grid
    • Help
    • Hero
      • HeroBody
      • HeroFoot
      • HeroHead
    • Icon
      • IconText
    • Input
    • Label
    • Menu
      • MenuLabel
      • MenuList
    • Message
    • Modal
      • ModalCard
      • ModalClose
      • ModalContent
    • Navbar
      • NavbarBrand
      • NavbarBurger
      • NavbarDivider
      • NavbarDropdown
      • NavbarDropdownMenu
      • NavbarEnd
      • NavbarItem
      • NavbarLink
      • NavbarMenu
      • NavbarStart
    • Notification
    • Pagination
      • PaginationEllipsis
      • PaginationLink
      • PaginationList
      • PaginationNext
      • PaginationPrevious
    • Progress
    • Radio
    • Section
    • Select
    • Table
    • Textarea


The trunx package provides a utility for conditionally joining CSS classes together.

import { classnames } from "trunx"

classnames("foo", "bar") // 'foo bar'
classnames("foo", ["bar"]) // 'foo bar'
classnames({ foo: true }, { bar: false }) // 'foo'

It accepts a generic "class names" type.

type T = "foo" | "bar" // my CSS classes
classnames<T>("foo", "quz") // ERROR: not assignable to type ClassnamesArg<T>[]

For example you can use it to compose Bulma classes.

import { FC, PropsWithChildren, ButtonHTMLAttributes } from "react"
import { Bulma, classnames } from "trunx"

type MyButtonProps = ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement> &
  Partial<{ isLoading: boolean }>

export const MyButton: FC<PropsWithChildren<MyButtonProps>> = ({
}) => (
    className={classnames<Bulma>("button", { "is-loading": isLoading })}


I really like Bulma CSS framework and I am also a Dragon Ball fan. That is why I am creating this component library. I hope you enjoy it!

Trunks (Japanese: トランクス Hepburn: Torankusu) is a fictional character in the Dragon Ball manga series created by Akira Toriyama.

I remember when I was reading the comics and Trunks arrived from the future. He was really powerful and could defeat Frieza in few seconds. One of the best twists of the entire series, in my opinion.
