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Developer notes

The purpose of this document is to collect information and tips for people wanting to enhance, fix, debug, or just learn about the internals of FlowStorm.

FlowStorm design

FlowStorm is made of three parts :

  • An instrumentation system
  • A runtime system
  • A debugger system

If you want some diagrams of how all this works together take a look at here


The instrumentation system is responsible for instrumenting your code. This means interleaving extra code to trace what your program is doing. There are currently 3 ways of instrumenting :

  • Hansel a library to add instrumentation by re-writing forms at macroexpansion time
  • ClojureStorm a Clojure dev compiler that will instrument by emitting extra bytecode
  • ClojureScriptStorm a ClojureScript dev compiler that will instrument by emitting extra javascript

They are all independent from FlowStorm but you need to choose one of them to use FlowStorm with your programs.

When starting, FlowStorm will setup callbacks to them, which they will use when generating instrumentation.

You can see how it hooks with each of them in :

flow-storm.tracer/[hansel-config | hook-clojure-storm | hook-clojurescript-storm]

Whatever instrumentation system the user chooses, when instrumented code runs it will hit :

  • flow-storm.tracer/trace-fn-call
  • flow-storm.tracer/trace-fn-return
  • flow-storm.tracer/trace-fn-unwind
  • flow-storm.tracer/trace-expr-exec
  • flow-storm.tracer/trace-bind

See the runtime for what happens next.


The runtime is FlowStorm's subsystem that runs inside the debuggee process.

Its responsibility is to record all the traces that arrive via the flow-storm.tracer/trace-* set of functions while flow-storm.tracer/recording is true.

It will record everything in two registries flow-storm.runtime.indexes.api/forms-registry and flow-storm.runtime.indexes.api/flow-thread-registry. Take a look at their docs strings for more info.

The forms registry will store all the instrumented forms by form-id, which is a hash of the form.

The threads registry on the other side will be storing one timeline per thread plus a multi-thread timeline when its recording is on. The timeline is the main recording structure, and what every FlowStorm functionality is build upon.

You can see a diagram of the timeline internal structure here.

It is currently implemented as flow-storm.runtime.indexes.timeline-index/ExecutionTimelineTree type, which internally uses a mutable list. It would be simpler if this could be an immutable list but the decision was made because it needs to be fast to build, and without too much garbage generation, so we don't make the debuggee threads too slow. With the current architecture transients can't be used because there isn't a trace that indicates that a thread is done, so it can't be persisted. Maybe it can be done in the future if some kind of batching by time is implemented.

All objects that represent traces are defined by types in flow-storm.runtime.types.* instead of maps. This is to reduce memory footprint.

All the timelines can be explored from the repl by using the functions defined in flow-storm.runtime.indexes.api.

The runtime exposes all the indexes functionality to debuggers via flow-storm.runtime.debuggers-api. The main difference between this and flow-storm.runtime.indexes.api is that the former will return value ids instead of actual values, since not all values can leave the debuggee process (think of infinite sequences), and also because of performance, since most of the time, for big nested values, the user is interested in a small part of them and serializing is expensive.

When debugging locally, the functions in flow-storm.runtime.debuggers-api will be called directly, while they will be called through a websocket in the remote case.

The runtime part is packaged into com.github.flow-storm/flow-storm-inst as well as in com.github.flow-storm/flow-storm-dbg artifacts.


The debugger is the part of FlowStorm that implements all the tools to explore the recordings with a GUI.

Its main entry point is flow-storm.debugger.main/start-debugger.

It has a bunch of subsystems that implement different aspects of it :

  • flow-storm.debugger.state/state
  • flow-storm.debugger.runtime-api/rt-api
  • flow-storm.debugger.ui.main/ui
  • flow-storm.debugger.websocket/websocket-server
  • flow-storm.debugger.repl.core/repl

All namespaces have doc strings explaining they purpose and how they work.

Not all subsystems will be running in all modes. For example the websocket-server and the repl client will be only running in remote debugging mode, since they are not needed for local debugging.

The debugger uses a custom component system defined in flow-storm.state-management, which is a very simple mount like component system. It doesn't use mount since we don't want to drag too many dependencies to the user classpath.

The debugger GUI is implemented as a JavaFX application, with all screens implemented in flow-storm.debugger.ui.*.

The coordinate system

All expressions traces will contain a :coord field, which specifies the coordinate inside the form with id :form-id a value refers to.

The coordinates are stored as a string, like "3,2". They are stored as strings for performance reasons. This is because on ClojureStorm, they can be compiled to the strings constant pool, which will be interned when the class is loaded and they can thereof be referenced by traces.

As an example, the coordinate "3,2" for the form :

(defn foo [a b] (+ a b))

refers to the second symbol b in the (+ a b) expression, which is under coordinate 3.

The coordinates are a zero based collection of positional indexes from the root, for all but for maps and sets.

For them instead of an index it will be, for a :

map key : a string K followed by the hash of the key form
map value: a string V followed by the hash of the key form for the val

For sets it will also be a string K followed by the hash of the set element form.

As an example :

(defn foo [a b] (assoc {1 10 (+ 42 43) 100} :x #{(+ 1 2) (+ 3 4) (+ 4 5) (+ 1 1 (* 2 2))}))

some examples coordinates :

[3 1 "K-240379483"]   => (+ 42 43)
[3 2 "K1305480196" 3] => (* 2 2)

You can see an implementation of this hash function in hansel.utils/clojure-form-source-hash.

The reason we can't use indices for maps and sets is because the order is not guaranteed.


As described in the runtime section, recorded values never leave flow-storm.runtime.debuggers-api.

They are stored into a registry, and a reference to them is returned. This references are defined in flow-storm.types/ValueRef, which acts as a reified pointer.

Whatever is using flow-storm.runtime.debuggers-api will deal with this ValueRefs instead of actual values.

Two functions are also exposed by flow-storm.runtime.debuggers-api to work with ValueRefs :

  • val-pprint for printing a value into a string representation with provided print-level and print-length
  • shallow-val for returning the "first level" of the value and more ValueRefs to keep exploring it

The values registry implementation is a little more involved than just a map from (hash value) -> value because not all values can be hashed, specially infinite sequences. For that, every value is wrapped in a flow-storm.runtime.values/HashableObjWrap which will use flow-storm.utils/object-id for the hash.


Events are a way for the runtime to communicate information to the debugger.

All possible events are defined in

If there is nothing subscribed to runtime events the events will accumulate inside, and as soon as there is a subscription they will be dispatched. This is to capture events fired by recording when the debugger is still not connected.

On the debugger side they will accumulate on and will be dispatched by a specialized thread. Most events are processed by but any part of the debugger can listen to runtime events by adding a callback with


Most of the runtime functionality the debugger calls is called synchronously, but there are some functions where doing like this leads to suboptimal UX. This are most functionality that needs to search or collect on the timeline. For big recordings this could take a long time. For this reason, functions that loop on the timeline run under tasks. This are looping process that run async, can report progress and can be interrupted.

All the functions that run tasks ends up in -task, like search-collect-timelines-entries-task. From the debugger, for calling a task function flow-storm.debugger.ui.tasks/submit-task can be used.

On the runtime side, there are a couple of utilities that make implementing this interruptible loopings easies :

  • flow-storm.runtime.debuggers-api/submit-batched-collect-interruptible-task (for collecting functionality that traverse the entire timeline)
  • flow-storm.runtime.debuggers-api/submit-find-interruptible-task (for looping through first match)


Remote debugging

Remote debugging means that the debugger and the runtime run in different processes. This is optional in Clojure but the only way of debugging in ClojureScript.

The difference with local debugging is that the interaction happens over a websocket and a repl connection instead of direct function calls. Interaction here refers to api calls from the debugger to the runtime and events flowing the other way around.

The debuggee can start a repl server which the debugger can then connect to, while and the debugger will start a websocket server that the runtime will connect to by running flow-storm.runtime.debuggers-api/remote-connect.

The reason there are two different kinds of connections between the same processes are capabilities and performance. The repl connection is the only way of accomplishing some functionality in ClojureScript, while the websocket is better suited for events dispatches.

Most of the api calls travel trough the websocket connection, you can see which goes through which connection in flow-storm.debugger.runtime-api/rt-api.

FlowStorm dev tips

The easiest way in my opinion to work with the FlowStorm codebase is by starting a repl with the :dev and :storm aliases (unless one needs to specifically try Vanilla FlowStorm).

The FlowStorm codebase includes a dev namespace inside src-dev/dev.clj, which contains some handy code for development, and is designed so you can work without having to restart the repl.

Specially :

  • start-local to start everything locally, with spec checking the flow-storm.debugger.state/state
  • start-remote to start only the debugger and connect to a different process, with spec checking the flow-storm.debugger.state/state
  • stop to shutdown the system gracefully
  • refresh which will use tools.namespace to refresh namespaces

After the UI is running, everything you eval under the dev-tester namespace will be recorded. The dev-tester namespace contains a bunch of meaningless functions, with the only purpose of generating data for testing the system.

In most situations, you should be able to change and re-eval a function on the repl and retry it without restarting the UI.

Working with the UI

When tweaking the UI ScenicView helps a lot, since it allows us to explore the JavaFX Nodes tree, and also reload css on the fly.

Using FlowStorm as a backend for other tooling

FlowStorm includes an nRepl middleware flow-storm.nrepl.middleware which exposes all its functionality as nRepl operations.

For examples of tooling using this middleware, take a look at cider-storm.

Working with ClojureStorm

Since ClojureStorm is a fork of Clojure, any technique you use for working with the Clojure compiler will apply here.

For example if you start the repl with :storm, :dev and :jvm-debugger you should be able to connect a Java debugger like IntelliJ's one and add breakpoints. Then run whatever expression at the repl and step with the debugger.

Another handy tool for troubleshooting instrumentation is clj-java-decompiler.

Let's say you have instrumented:

(defn sum [a b] (+ a b))

You can then decompile it into :

public final class dev_tester$sum extends AFunction
    public static Object invokeStatic(final Object a, final Object b) {
        Number add;
        try {
            Tracer.traceFnCall(new Object[] { a, b }, "user", "sum", -1340777963);
            Tracer.traceBind(a, "", "a");
            Tracer.traceBind(b, "", "b");
            Tracer.traceExpr(a, "3,1", -1340777963);
            Tracer.traceExpr(b, "3,2", -1340777963);
            add = Numbers.add(a, b);
            Tracer.traceExpr(add, "3", -1340777963);
            Tracer.traceFnReturn(add, "", -1340777963);
        catch (Throwable throwable) {
            Tracer.traceFnUnwind(throwable, "", -1340777963);
            throw throwable;
        return add;

    public Object invoke(final Object a, final Object b) {
        return invokeStatic(a, b);

or its bytecode equivalent.

Working with ClojureScriptStorm

For working with ClojureScript storm we can use FlowStorm! since it is a Clojure codebase. Take a look at this for ideas :

Installing local versions

You can install both artifacts locally by running :

$ VERSION=3.8.4-SNAPSHOT make install-inst # for building and installing the inst artifact
$ VERSION=3.8.4-SNAPSHOT make install-dbg  # for building and installing the dbg artifact