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39/Flux Security Signature

The Flux Security Signature is a NUL terminated string that represents content secured with a digital signature.

Editor Jim Garlick <>
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Related Standards


The Flux Security IMP is the privileged component of Flux responsible for launching tasks in a multi-user Flux installation. Each job request is signed by the submitting user and verified by the IMP as a precondition for performing the user transition and starting tasks. Signing deters tampering when the job passes through the unprivileged Flux instance. This is the primary use case for the Flux Security Signature.

A job request is expressed as jobspec (RFC 14). Importantly, jobspec contains the proposed command line to run as well as the current working directory and environment. Signing the jobspec ensures that these parameters are passed to the IMP exactly as specified by the user.

RFC 15 refers to the signed jobspec as J. The content of J is thus fully specified by this document and RFC 14.


  • The signature mechanism SHOULD be configurable so that a site's existing security infrastructure can be used, if applicable.
  • The signature payload MUST accommodate the maximum size of a serialized RFC 14 jobspec.
  • The signature MUST be a UTF-8 string that does not contain NUL characters.
  • The signature SHOULD support a configurable time-to-live.


The Flux Security Signature is structured like the JSON Web Signature Compact Serialization of RFC 7515. It SHALL contain three components concatenated with period (.) delimiters:


  • The header SHALL be formatted using Flux Security Key Value Encoding (RFC 38), then base64 encoded. The REQUIRED keys are listed below. The header is not encrypted.
  • The payload is an arbitrary sequence of zero or more bytes that SHALL be base64 encoded. The payload is not encrypted.
  • The signature SHALL be a mechanism-dependent UTF-8 string that represents a signature over the other two components including the delimiter. The signature string SHALL NOT contain the NUL or period (.) characters.

The header and payload SHALL be encoded in the RFC 4648 standard variant of base64.

The header SHALL contain the following keys:

version (integer)
The Flux Security Signature version (currently must be set to 1).
mechanism (string)
The mechanism used to create signature component.
userid (integer)
The claimed userid.

Mechanism-specific keys MAY also be included in the header.


Signing mechanisms include:


The munge mechanism uses the MUNGE, authentication service, which is simple to set up, and is often already present on HPC clusters.

The header mechanism key SHALL be set to the string munge. No mechanism-specific header keys are required.

Signing SHALL consist of the following steps:

  1. Compute the 32 byte SHA-256 hash digest over HEADER.PAYLOAD
  2. Construct a 33 byte MUNGE payload by concatenating a single byte hash type field of 0x01 (indicating SHA-256) and the hash digest computed above.
  3. Encode the payload with munge_encode(3) to obtain the MUNGE credential which becomes the signature component.


MUNGE credentials conform to the signature component requirement of being a UTF-8 string without embedded NUL characters or periods. See also: MUNGE Credential Format.

Verification SHALL consist of the following steps:

  1. Decode the MUNGE credential with munge_decode(3) to obtain the MUNGE payload and the MUNGE-authenticated userid. Return values of EMUNGE_SUCCESS, EMUNGE_CRED_REPLAYED, or EMUNGE_CRED_EXPIRED SHALL be treated as success.
  2. Re-compute the 32 byte SHA-256 hash digest over HEADER.PAYLOAD
  3. Check that the MUNGE payload consists of 33 bytes: a single byte hash type field of 0x01 followed by the same 32 byte SHA-256 hash digest computed above.
  4. Check that the MUNGE-authenticated userid matches the header userid field.
  5. Call munge_ctx_get(3) on MUNGE_OPT_ENCODE_TIME to obtain the wall clock time that the credential was encoded.
  6. Check that the time elapsed since the credential was encoded does not exceed the configured site time-to-live.


MUNGE imposes a short time-to-live on its credentials, but since Flux job requests may be pending for days, expired credential errors from MUNGE are ignored and a site configured time-to-live is imposed instead. Similarly, MUNGE detects replay attacks by only allowing a credential to be decoded once per host, but since Flux job requests may need to be verified by multiple parties on the same node, replay errors from MUNGE are ignored.


The none mechanism is useful for testing and for situations where the signature format is needed for consistency but the veracity of the signature is not important, such as in a single-user Flux instance.

The header mechanism key SHALL be set to the string none. No mechanism-specific keys are required. The none mechanism does not support a time-to-live.

Signing SHALL consist of the following steps:

  1. Set the signature component to the string none.

Verification SHALL consist of the following steps:

  1. Check that the signature component is the string none.
  2. Check that the real user id matches the header userid.


Requiring that the header userid matches the real user id deters use of the none mechanism in inappropriate situations, e.g. as a precondition to performing a user transition in the IMP.


As a reminder, the payload and header components are simply base64 encoded and may be read or written in a mechanism independent manner.