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Open source release of EMCAPSNet

This directory contains a preliminary release of the EMCAPSNet model and is under construction.

Training a model on smallNORB requires:

  • GPU (8)
  • TensorFlow
  • Numpy

To evaluate the pre-trained smallNORB checkpoint a GPU is required. Download the checkpoint from: Extract into: $HOME Download the smallNORB tfrecords from: Extract into: $HOME/smallNORB/ The smallNORB tfrecords can also be generated from norb/norb_convert

To test on smallNORB, with a test error of 1.8: From the deepest google_research directory, run:

python -m capsule_em.experiment  --train=0 --eval_once=1 --eval_size=24300 --ckpnt=$HOME/model.ckpt-1 --final_beta=0.01 --norb_data_dir=$HOME/smallNORB/ --patching=False

To get 1.3 (1.4 in the paper), enable patching:

python -m capsule_em.experiment  --train=0 --eval_once=1 --eval_size=24300 --ckpnt=$HOME/model.ckpt-1 --final_beta=0.01 --norb_data_dir=$HOME/smallNORB/ --patching=True

A docker is now added to the repository. Please install docker with NVIDIA support. Then modify the with your smallNORB directory (-v option). Running ./ will start training the model.