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Purpose :

Workflows for germline short variant discovery with GATK4.

haplotypecaller-gvcf-gatk :

The haplotypecaller-gvcf-gatk4 workflow runs HaplotypeCaller from GATK4 in GVCF mode on a single sample according to the GATK Best Practices (June 2016), scattered across intervals.


  • One analysis-ready BAM file for a single sample (as identified in RG:SM)
  • Set of variant calling intervals lists for the scatter, provided in a file


  • One GVCF file and its index

joint-discovery-gatk :

The second WDL implements the joint discovery and VQSR filtering portion of the GATK Best Practices (June 2016) for germline SNP and Indel discovery in human whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and exome sequencing data.


  • One or more GVCFs produced by HaplotypeCaller in GVCF mode
  • Bare minimum 1 WGS sample or 30 Exome samples. Gene panels are not supported.
  • When deteriming disk size in the json, use the guideline below
    • small_disk = (num_gvcfs / 10) + 10
    • medium_disk = (num_gvcfs * 15) + 10
    • huge_disk = num_gvcfs + 10


  • A VCF file and its index, filtered using variant quality score recalibration
    (VQSR) with genotypes for all samples present in the input VCF. All sites that
    are present in the input VCF are retained; filtered sites are annotated as such
    in the FILTER field.

Software version requirements :

  • GATK 4.beta.3 or later
  • Picard 2.x
  • Samtools (see gotc docker)
  • Python 2.7

Cromwell version support

  • Successfully tested on v29
  • Does not work on versions < v23 due to output syntax


  • Runtime parameters are optimized for Broad's Google Cloud Platform implementation.
  • HaplotypeCaller in GATK4 is still in evaluation phase and should not be used in production until it has been fully vetted. In the meantime, use the GATK3 version for any production needs.
  • VQSR wiring. The SNP and INDEL models are built in parallel, but then the corresponding recalibrations are applied in series. Because the INDEL model is generally ready first (because there are fewer indels than SNPs) we set INDEL recalibration to be applied first to the input VCF, while the SNP model is still being built. By the time the SNP model is available, the indel-recalibrated file is available to serve as input to apply the SNP recalibration. If we did it the other way around, we would have to wait until the SNP recal file was available despite the INDEL recal file being there already, then apply SNP recalibration, then apply INDEL recalibration. This would lead to a longer wall clock time for complete workflow execution. Wiring the INDEL recalibration to be applied first solves the problem.