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Dera Backend Service

Dera Backend is a NestJS web service.


In addition to the npm dependencies in package.json, Dera Backend uses

  • Postgres for its application database
  • Flyway to handle database migrations
  • Clerk for user authentication
  • Neon for its users' embeddings

Set up Postgres database

Make sure you have Postgres installed. Create a database for Dera application. The following values are the defaults that have been coded in the sample environment and Flyway configuration files. If you choose to use different values, remember to update those files. Default values:


Login to the database and create a schema for the user: create schema dera authorization dera;. Also make sure you enabled the uuid-ossp extension: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";.

Set up flyway

  1. Install Flyway CLI tool.
  2. Make a copy of sample.flyway.conf and update the values if necessary.

Set up Clerk Authentication

Refer to Dera FE's README for instructions on setting up Clerk Auth.

Set up Neon

  1. Create an account at
  2. Go to and generate an API key. Note down the API key which you will need as the environment variable.

Running it locally

1. Set up environment variables

Make a copy of sample.env and name it .env. Update the values in .env accordingly.

2. Install dependencies

Run yarn --frozen-lockfile.

3. Run database migrations

Run flyway migrate.

4. Run it

  • In development: yarn start:dev.
  • In production: First, build the app with yarn build. Next, run it with yarn start:prod.