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New TypeScript version

wavesurfer.js v7 is a TypeScript rewrite of wavesurfer.js that brings several improvements:

  • Typed API for better development experience
  • Enhanced decoding and rendering performance
  • New and improved plugins
waveform screenshot

Getting started

Install and import the package:

npm install --save wavesurfer.js
import WaveSurfer from 'wavesurfer.js'

Alternatively, insert a UMD script tag which exports the library as a global WaveSurfer variable:

<script src=""></script>

Create a wavesurfer instance and pass various options:

const wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create({
  container: '#waveform',
  waveColor: '#4F4A85',
  progressColor: '#383351',
  url: '/audio.mp3',

To import one of the plugins, e.g. the Regions plugin:

import Regions from 'wavesurfer.js/dist/plugins/regions.js'

Or as a script tag:

<script src=""></script>

TypeScript types are included in the package, so there's no need to install @types/wavesurfer.js.

See more examples.

API reference

See the documentation on wavesurfer methods, options and events.

Wavesurfer options

  • container: HTMLElement | string - Required: an HTML element or selector where the waveform will be rendered.
  • height: number | 'auto' - The height of the waveform in pixels, or "auto" to fill the container height
  • waveColor: string | string[] | CanvasGradient - The color of the waveform
  • progressColor: string | string[] | CanvasGradient - The color of the progress mask
  • cursorColor: string - The color of the playpack cursor
  • cursorWidth: number - The cursor width
  • barWidth: number - Render the waveform with bars like this: ▁ ▂ ▇ ▃ ▅ ▂
  • barGap: number - Spacing between bars in pixels
  • barRadius: number - Rounded borders for bars
  • barHeight: number - A vertical scaling factor for the waveform
  • barAlign: 'top' | 'bottom' - Vertical bar alignment
  • minPxPerSec: number - Minimum pixels per second of audio (i.e. zoom level)
  • fillParent: boolean - Stretch the waveform to fill the container, true by default
  • url: string - Audio URL
  • peaks: Array<Float32Array | number[]> - Pre-computed audio data
  • duration: number - Pre-computed duration
  • media: HTMLMediaElement - Use an existing media element instead of creating one
  • autoplay: boolean - Play the audio on load
  • interact: boolean - Pass false to disable clicks on the waveform
  • hideScrollbar: boolean - Hide the scrollbar
  • audioRate: number - Audio rate
  • autoScroll: boolean - Automatically scroll the container to keep the current position in viewport
  • autoCenter: boolean - If autoScroll is enabled, keep the cursor in the center of the waveform during playback
  • sampleRate: number - Decoding sample rate. Doesn't affect the playback. Defaults to 8000
  • splitChannels: WaveSurferOptions[] - Render each audio channel as a separate waveform
  • normalize: boolean - Stretch the waveform to the full height
  • plugins: GenericPlugin[] - The list of plugins to initialize on start
  • renderFunction: (peaks: Array<Float32Array | number[]>, ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => void - Custom render function
  • fetchParams: RequestInit - Options to pass to the fetch method

Wavesurfer events

  • load: [url: string] - When audio starts loading
  • loading: [percentage: number] - When audio is being loaded
  • decode: [duration: number] - When the audio has been decoded
  • ready: [duration: number] - When the audio is both decoded and can play
  • redraw: [] - When a waveform is drawn
  • play: [] - When the audio starts playing
  • pause: [] - When the audio pauses
  • finish: [] - When the audio finishes playing
  • timeupdate: [currentTime: number] - On audio position change, fires continuously during playback
  • audioprocess: [currentTime: number] - An alias of timeupdate but only when the audio is playing
  • seeking: [currentTime: number] - When the user seeks to a new position
  • interaction: [newTime: number] - When the user interacts with the waveform (i.g. clicks or drags on it)
  • click: [relativeX: number] - When the user clicks on the waveform
  • drag: [relativeX: number] - When the user drags the cursor
  • scroll: [visibleStartTime: number, visibleEndTime: number] - When the waveform is scrolled (panned)
  • zoom: [minPxPerSec: number] - When the zoom level changes
  • destroy: [] - Just before the waveform is destroyed so you can clean up your events


The "official" plugins have been completely rewritten and enhanced:

  • Regions – visual overlays and markers for regions of audio
  • Timeline – displays notches and time labels below the waveform
  • Minimap – a small waveform that serves as a scrollbar for the main waveform
  • Envelope – a graphical interface to add fade-in and -out effects and control volume
  • Record – records audio from the microphone and renders a waveform
  • Spectrogram – visualization of an audio frequency spectrum (written by @akreal)
  • Hover – shows a vertical line and timestmap on waveform hover

CSS styling

wavesurfer.js v7 is rendered into a Shadow DOM tree. This isolates its CSS from the rest of the web page. However, it's still possible to style various wavesurfer.js elements with CSS via the ::part() pseudo-selector. For example:

#waveform ::part(cursor):before {
  content: '🏄';
#waveform ::part(region) {
  font-family: fantasy;

You can see which elements you can style in the DOM inspector – they will have a part attribute. See this example for play around with styling.

Upgrading from v6

Most options, events, and methods are similar to those in previous versions.

Notable differences

  • The backend option is removed – HTML5 audio (or video) is the only playback mechanism. However, you can still connect wavesurfer to Web Audio via MediaElementSourceNode. See this example.
  • The Markers plugin is removed – you should use the Regions plugin with just a startTime.
  • No Microphone plugin – superseded by the new Record plugin with more features.
  • The Cursor plugin is replaced by the Hover plugin.

Removed options

  • backend, audioContext, closeAudioContext, audioScriptProcessor – there's no Web Audio backend, so no AudioContext
  • autoCenterImmediatelyautoCenter is now always immediate unless the audio is playing
  • backgroundColor, hideCursor – this can be easily set via CSS
  • mediaType, mediaControls – you should instead pass an entire media element in the media option. Example.
  • partialRender – done by default
  • pixelRatiowindow.devicePixelRatio is used by default
  • renderer – there's just one renderer for now, so no need for this option
  • responsive – responsiveness is enabled by default
  • scrollParent – the container will scroll if minPxPerSec is set to a higher value
  • skipLength – there's no skipForward and skipBackward methods anymore
  • splitChannelsOptions – you should now use splitChannels to pass the channel options. Pass height: 0 to hide a channel. See this example.
  • drawingContextAttributes, maxCanvasWidth, forceDecode – removed to reduce code complexity
  • xhr - please use fetchParams instead
  • barMinHeight - the minimum bar height is now 1 pixel by default

Removed methods

  • getFilters, setFilter – as there's no Web Audio "backend"
  • drawBuffer – to redraw the waveform, use setOptions instead and pass new rendering options
  • cancelAjax – you can pass an AbortSignal in fetchParams
  • skipForward, skipBackward, setPlayEnd – can be implemented using setTime(time)
  • exportPCM is replaced with exportPeaks that returns arrays of floats
  • toggleMute is now called setMuted(true | false)
  • setHeight, setWaveColor, setCursorColor, etc. – use setOptions with the corresponding params instead. E.g., wavesurfer.setOptions({ height: 300, waveColor: '#abc' })

See the complete documentation of the new API.


Have a question about integrating wavesurfer.js on your website? Feel free to ask in our Discussions forum.


  • Q: Does wavesurfer support large files?
  • A: Since wavesurfer decodes audio entirely in the browser using Web Audio, large clips may fail to decode due to memory constraints. We recommend using pre-decoded peaks for large files (see this example). You can use a tool like bbc/audiowaveform to generate peaks.

  • Q: What about streaming audio?
  • A: Streaming isn't supported because wavesurfer needs to download the entire audio file to decode and render it.

  • Q: There is a mismatch between my audio and the waveform.
  • A: If you're using a VBR (variable bit rate) mp3 file, there might be a mismatch between the audio and the waveform. This can be fixed by converting your file to CBR (constant bit rate). See this issue for details.


To get started with development, follow these steps:

  1. Install dev dependencies:
  1. Start the TypeScript compiler in watch mode and launch an HTTP server:
yarn start

This command will open http://localhost:9090 in your browser with live reload, allowing you to see the changes as you develop.


The tests are written in the Cypress framework. They are a mix of e2e and visual regression tests.

To run the test suite locally, first build the project:

yarn build

Then launch the tests:

yarn cypress


We appreciate your feedback and contributions!

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please don't hesitate to post in our forum.

We hope you enjoy using wavesurfer.ts and look forward to hearing about your experiences with the library!


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  • TypeScript 75.5%
  • JavaScript 20.4%
  • HTML 3.9%
  • Shell 0.2%