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130 lines (107 loc) · 16.7 KB

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130 lines (107 loc) · 16.7 KB

Syncing new affiliations

Make sure that you don't have different case email duplicates in src/cncf-config/email-map: cd src, ./ cncf-config/email-map.

  1. If you generated new email-map using ./, then: mv email-map cncf-config/email-map.
  2. To generate git.log file and make sure it includes all repos used by devstats. Use the final command line it generates. Make it uniq:
  • On DevStats test master: helm install devstats-test-debug ./devstats-helm --set skipSecrets=1,skipPVs=1,skipBackupsPV=1,skipBackups=1,skipProvisions=1,skipCrons=1,skipAffiliations=1,skipGrafanas=1,skipServices=1,skipIngress=1,skipStatic=1,skipNamespaces=1,skipPostgres=1,projectsOverride='+cncf\,+opencontainers\,+istio\,+knative\,+zephyr\,+linux\,+rkt\,+sam\,+azf\,+riff\,+fn\,+openwhisk\,+openfaas\,+cii',bootstrapPodName=debug,bootstrapCommand=sleep,bootstrapCommandArgs={360000s}.
  • ../devstats-k8s-lf/util/ debug.
  • helm delete devstats-test-debug.
  • kubectl delete pod debug.
  1. To get LF repos use:
  • AWS_PROFILE=... KUBECONFIG=... helm2 install --name devstats-debug ./devstats-helm --set skipSecrets=1,skipPVs=1,skipProvisions=1,skipCrons=1,skipAffiliations=1,skipGrafanas=1,skipServices=1,skipNamespace=1,bootstrapPodName=debug,bootstrapCommand=sleep,bootstrapCommandArgs={36000s}.
  • AWS_PROFILE=... KUBECONFIG=... ../devstats-k8s-lf/util/ debug.
  • ONLY='iovisor mininet opennetworkinglab opensecuritycontroller openswitch p4lang openbmp tungstenfabric cord' GHA2DB_PROPAGATE_ONLY_VAR=1 GHA2DB_EXTERNAL_INFO=1 GHA2DB_PROCESS_REPOS=1 GHA2DB_LOCAL=1 get_repos.
  • AWS_PROFILE=... KUBECONFIG=... helm2 delete --purge devstats-debug.
  • AWS_PROFILE=... KUBECONFIG=... kubectl delete po debug.
  1. Update repos.txt to contain all repositories returned by the above commands. Update to include data from CNCF, CDF, LF and GraphQL. Run ./
  2. To run cncf/gitdm on a generated git.log file run: cd src/; cp all_affs.csv all_affs.old; ~/dev/alt/gitdm/src/ -i git.log -r "^vendor/|/vendor/|^Godeps/" -R -n -b ./ -t -z -d -D -A -U -u -o all.txt -x all.csv -a all_affs.csv > all.out. New approach is ./mtp but it don't have a way (yet) to deal with the same emails mapped into different user names from different per-thread buckets.
  3. Run: ./
  4. If updating via or (step 8) - run too:
  • LF actors: AWS_PROFILE=... KUBECONFIG=... ./
  • CNCF, CDF and GraphQL actors: KUBECONFIG=... ./
  • Concat: ./, ./
  1. Consider ./ or ./ (if you run this, then copy result json somewhere and get 0-committers from previous version to save GH API points). Sometimes you should just run ./ without cache.
  2. Recommended: ./ 2> errors.txt will refetch repos metadata and commits since last fetched and get users data from github_users.json so you can save a lot of API points. You can prepend with NCPUS=N to override autodetecting number of CPU cores available.
  3. To copy source type from previous JSON version do ./, ./
  4. Run ./ to fix typical company names spell errors, lower/upper case etc. Update company-names-mapping before running this (with a new typos/correlations data from the last 3 steps).
  5. To update (enhance) github_users.json with new affiliations [SHUFFLE=1] ./ If you run ghusers you may need to update skip_github_logins.txt with new broken GitHub logins found. This is optional if you already have an enhanced json. You can prepend with NCPUS=N to override autodetecting number of CPU cores available.
  6. To merge with previous JSON use: ./
  7. To merge multiple GitHub logins data (for example propagate known affiliation to unknown or not found on the same GitHub login) run: ./
  8. Because this can find new affiliations you can now use ./ to import back from github_users.json and then ./ cncf-config/email-map and restart from step 5. This uses company-names-mapping file to import from GitHub company field.
  9. Run ./ and examine its output correlations.txt to try to normalize company names and remove common suffixes like Ltd., Corp. and downcase/upcase differences.
  10. Run ./check_spell for fuzziness/spell check errors finder (uses Levenshtein distance to find bugs).
  11. Run ./ and examine its output JSONs - those GitHub profiles have some useful data directly available - this will save you some manual research work.
  12. ALWAYS before any commit to GitHub run: ./ to remove any forbiden affiliations, please also see
  13. You can use ./ to clear all affiliations on a generated github_users.json.
  14. To make json unique, call ./unique_json.rb github_users.json. To sort JSON by commits, login, email use: ./sort_json.rb github_users.json.
  15. You should run genderize/geousers/localize/agify (if needed) before the next step.
  16. To generate human readable text affiliation files: first run: ./
  17. You can create smaller final json for cncf/devstats using ./ github_users.json; ./check_source.rb github_users.json; ./ github_users.json stripped.json; ONLY_AFF=1 ./ github_users.json affiliated.json; cp affiliated.json ~/dev/go/src/
  18. To generate final unknowns.csv manual research task file run: ./gen_aff_task.rb unknowns.txt. You can also generate all actors ./gen_aff_task.rb alldevs.txt. You can prepend with ONLY_GH=1 to skip entries without GitHub. You can prepend with ONLY_EMP=1 to skip entries with any affiliation already set. You can filter only specific entries, for example: ./filter_task.rb unknowns.txt unknown_with_linkedin.json unknowns_with_linkedin.txt.
  19. To manually edit all affiliations related files: edit cncf-config/email-map all.txt all.csv all_affs.csv github_users.json stripped.json affiliated.json ../developers_affiliations.txt ../company_developers.txt affiliations.csv
  20. To add all possible entries from github_users.json to cncf-config/email-map use This is optional.
  21. Finally copy github_users.json to github_users.old. You can check if JSON fileds are correct via ./ github_users.json, ./ stripped.json small, ./ affiliated.json small.
  22. If any file displays error with 'Invalid UTF-8' encoding, scrub it using Ruby tool: ./scrub.rb filename.
  23. To add user with 'xyz' GitHub id, use: PG_PASS=... ./gh.rb xyz - this will generate JSON entry that can be added to github_users.json after tweaking email, source, affiliation and possible some more fields.
  24. To generate unknown CII committers create devstats-reports pod (see cncf/devstats-helm:test/, search for Create reports pod), then run inside reports pod: PG_DB=cii ./affs/, or ./affs/
  25. Get result CSV: wget
  26. Obsolete way to get unknown committers on the local database: PG_PASS=... ./sh/
  27. Use [KEYW=1] [FREQ=10000] [API_KEY=...] [SKIP_GDPR=1] PG_PASS=... ./unknown_committers.rb cii_unknown_committers.csv to generate task.csv file to research CII committers. After this step you can also use ./top_to_task.rb to generate top_task.csv (this converts Top N CSV output into the task.csv file, optional).
  28. Use ./csv_merge.rb commits task.csv *_task.csv to merge tasks generated for different projects, to create a file containing all those projects data sorted by contributions/commits desc.
  29. Use [SHUFFLE=1] ./ensure_emails.rb github_users.json to ensure that most up-to-date GitHub users emails are present (this will query all GitHub logins so can take even a day to finish on 300k+ JSON).
  30. Use OUT=fn.csv ./merge_affs_csvs.rb csvfile1.csv csvfile2.csv ... to merge multiple CSVs to import.
  31. Use [SKIP_JSON=1] ./affs_analysis.rb filename.csv to analyse committers/commits affiliated/independent/unknown stats.

Example command generated by cncf/devstats/get_repos:

  • ./ /root/devstats_repos/Azure/* /root/devstats_repos/BuoyantIO/* /root/devstats_repos/GoogleCloudPlatform/* /root/devstats_repos/OpenBMP/* /root/devstats_repos/OpenObservability/* /root/devstats_repos/RichiH/* /root/devstats_repos/Virtual-Kubelet/* /root/devstats_repos/alibaba/* /root/devstats_repos/apcera/* /root/devstats_repos/appc/* /root/devstats_repos/brigadecore/* /root/devstats_repos/buildpack/* /root/devstats_repos/cdfoundation/* /root/devstats_repos/cloudevents/* /root/devstats_repos/cncf/* /root/devstats_repos/containerd/* /root/devstats_repos/containernetworking/* /root/devstats_repos/coredns/* /root/devstats_repos/coreos/* /root/devstats_repos/cortexproject/* /root/devstats_repos/cri-o/* /root/devstats_repos/crosscloudci/* /root/devstats_repos/datawire/* /root/devstats_repos/docker/* /root/devstats_repos/dragonflyoss/* /root/devstats_repos/draios/* /root/devstats_repos/envoyproxy/* /root/devstats_repos/etcd-io/* /root/devstats_repos/facebook/* /root/devstats_repos/falcosecurity/* /root/devstats_repos/fluent/* /root/devstats_repos/goharbor/* /root/devstats_repos/graphql/* /root/devstats_repos/grpc/* /root/devstats_repos/helm/* /root/devstats_repos/iovisor/* /root/devstats_repos/istio/* /root/devstats_repos/jaegertracing/* /root/devstats_repos/jenkins-x/* /root/devstats_repos/jenkinsci/* /root/devstats_repos/knative/* /root/devstats_repos/kubeedge/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-client/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-csi/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-graveyard/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-helm/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-incubator-retired/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-incubator/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-retired/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-security/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-sig-testing/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes-sigs/* /root/devstats_repos/kubernetes/* /root/devstats_repos/ligato/* /root/devstats_repos/linkerd/* /root/devstats_repos/lyft/* /root/devstats_repos/miekg/* /root/devstats_repos/mininet/* /root/devstats_repos/nats-io/* /root/devstats_repos/networkservicemesh/* /root/devstats_repos/open-policy-agent/* /root/devstats_repos/open-switch/* /root/devstats_repos/open-telemetry/* /root/devstats_repos/opencontainers/* /root/devstats_repos/opencord/* /root/devstats_repos/openebs/* /root/devstats_repos/openeventing/* /root/devstats_repos/opennetworkinglab/* /root/devstats_repos/opensecuritycontroller/* /root/devstats_repos/opentracing/* /root/devstats_repos/p4lang/* /root/devstats_repos/pingcap/* /root/devstats_repos/prometheus/* /root/devstats_repos/rkt/* /root/devstats_repos/rktproject/* /root/devstats_repos/rook/* /root/devstats_repos/spiffe/* /root/devstats_repos/spinnaker/* /root/devstats_repos/tektoncd/* /root/devstats_repos/telepresenceio/* /root/devstats_repos/theupdateframework/* /root/devstats_repos/tikv/* /root/devstats_repos/torvalds/* /root/devstats_repos/tungstenfabric/* /root/devstats_repos/uber/* /root/devstats_repos/virtual-kubelet/* /root/devstats_repos/vitessio/* /root/devstats_repos/vmware/* /root/devstats_repos/weaveworks/* /root/devstats_repos/youtube/* /root/devstats_repos/zephyrproject-rtos/*.

To sync maintainers:

  1. Open CNCF projects maintainers list
  2. Save "Name", "Company", "GitHub name" columns to a new sheet and download it as "maintainers.csv".
  3. Add "name,company,login" CSV header.
  4. Example file
  5. Run [DBG=1] [ONLYNEW=1] ./ script. Follow its instructions.
  6. Run [DBG=1] ./ Follow its instructions.

Add new project (cncf or non-cncf) to get affiliation for it.

Please follow the instructions from

Geodata and gender

To add geo data (country_id, tz) and gender data (sex, sex_prob), do the following:

  • Download file from geonames server.
  • Create geonames database via: sudo -u postgres createdb geonames, sudo -u postgres psql -f geonames.sql. Table details in
  • Unzip and run PG_PASS=... ./ allCountries.tsv - this will populate the DB.
  • Create indices on columns to speedup localization: sudo -u postgres psql -f geonames_idx.sql.
  • Make sure that you don't have any nil, null and false values saved in any *_cache.json file (those files are also saved when you CTRL^C running enchancement).
  • Regexp to search is / \(null\|nil\|false\)\(\n\|,\) , but agify_cache.json and genderize_cache.json can have null so search only for false and nil: / \(nil\|false\)\(\n\|,\).
  • If this is a first geousers run create geousers_cache.json via cp empty.json geousers_cache.json.
  • To use cache it is best to have stripped.json from the previous run. See step 24.
  • Enchance github_users.json via SHUFFLE=1 PG_PASS=... ./ github_users.json stripped.json geousers_cache.json 20000. It will add country_id and tz fields.
  • Go to and get you API_KEY, basic subscription ($9) allows 100,000 monthly gender lookups.
  • If this is a first genderize run create genderize_cache.json via cp empty.json genderize_cache.json.
  • Enchance github_users.json via SHUFFLE=1 PG_PASS=... API_KEY=... ./ github_users.json stripped.json nationalize_cache.json 20000. It will eventually fill missing country_id and tz fields.
  • Enchance github_users.json via SHUFFLE=1 API_KEY=... ./ github_users.json stripped.json genderize_cache.json 20000. It will add sex and sex_prob fields.
  • Enchance github_users.json via SHUFFLE=1 API_KEY=... ./ github_users.json stripped.json agify_cache.json 20000. It will add age field.
  • You can skip API_KEY=... but only 1000 gender lookups/day are allowed then.
  • Copy enhanced json to devstats: ONLY_AFF=1 ./ github_users.json affiliated.json; cp affiliated.json ~/dev/go/src/
  • Import new json on devstats using ./import_affs tool.

Manual affiliations

  • To import manual affiliations from a google sheet save this sheet as affiliations.csv and then use ./ script.
  • Prepend with UPDATE=1 to only import those marked as changed: column changes='x'.
  • Prepend with RECHECK=1 to always ask for operation and allow updating found -> not found.
  • Prepend with DBG=1 to enable verbose output.
  • After finishing import add a status line to affiliations_import.txt file and update the online spreadsheet.
  • Update company-names-mapping if needed and then run ./
  • Run: ./ and ./ cncf-config/email-map.
  • Run: ./, then follow its suggestions about search and check, then (remove csv header): cat new_affs.csv >> all_affs.csv, ./ all_affs.csv.
  • Finall: cp all_affs.csv all_affs.old.
  • After importing new data run ./src/ 2018-08-22 (from the src's parent directory). Do this after processing all data mentioned here, not after just importing new CSV.
  • Import generated csv/burndown.csv data into
  • To calculate CNCF/LF ratio use number of CNCF found from last commit - number of CNCF found from some previous commit diveded by the same ratio for all actors.

Complex PRs post merge

For complex merges that modify developers_affiliationsN.txt file(s) do the following:

  • Copy PR modifications and save them in pr_data.txt.
  • Run; cat new_affs.csv >> all_affs.csv; ./
  • Run PG_PASS=... ./unknown_committers.rb pr_unknowns.csv.
  • Run mv pr_data.csv affiliations.csv; ./

Alternative way using diff (for simple PRs that only add new users):

  • Merge a PR from GitHub UI, then git pull.
  • git diff HEAD^ ../*.txt > input.diff.
  • PG_PASS=... ./update_from_pr_diff.rb ./input.diff github_users.json cncf-config/email-map.
  • ./ && ./