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How to use this Dockerfile

To run a Wima Docker container you have two options:

  • You can build your own image using the Dockerfile we provide and then run the container from it or
  • you can run the container directly from the image we provide in Docker Hub.

Both options require that you have docker installed on your machine.

Build your own image and run the container from it

You have to download the Wilma's code from GitHub and navigate to extras/docker directory. There, to compile your own image just run:

sudo docker build -t pep-proxy-image .

Note If you do not want to have to use sudo in this or in the next section follow these instructions.

This builds a new Docker image following the steps in Dockerfile and saves it in your local Docker repository with the name pep-proxy-image. You can check the available images in your local repository using:

sudo docker images

Note If you want to know more about images and the building process you can find it in Docker's documentation.

Now you can run a new container from the image you have just created with:

sudo docker run -d --name pep-proxy-container \
  -v [host_config_file]:/opt/fiware-pep-proxy/config.js \
  -p [host_port]:[container_port] pep-proxy-image

Where the different params mean:

  • -d indicates that the container runs as a daemon
  • --name is the name of the new container (you can use the name you want)
  • -v stablishes a relation between a local folder (in your host computer) and a container's folder. In this case it is used to pass to the container the configuration file that PEP Proxy needs to work. host_config_file has to be the location of a local file with that configuration following the config template.
  • -p stablishes a relation between a local port and a container's port. You can use the port you want in host_port but container_port has to be the same that you have set in config.app_port in your config file. If you have set config.https to true you have to use here the HTTPS port.
  • the final param is the name of the image

Here is an example of this command:

sudo docker run -d --name pep-proxy \
   -v /home/root/workspace/fiware-pep-proxy/config.js:/opt/fiware-pep-proxy/config.js \
   -p 80:80 pep-proxy-image

Once the container is running you can view the console logs using:

sudo docker logs -f pep-proxy

To stop the container:

sudo docker stop pep-proxy

Run the container from the last release in Docker Hub

You can also run the container from the image we provide in Docker Hub. In this case you have only to execute the run command. But now the image name is fiware/pep-proxy:version where version is the release you want to use:

sudo docker run -d --name pep-proxy-container \
   -v [host_config_file]:/opt/fiware-pep-proxy/config.js \
   -p [host_port]:[container_port] fiware/pep-proxy

Note If you do not specify a version you are pulling from latest by default.

Building using an alternative sources and Linux Distros

The Dockerfile is flexible enough to be able to use alternative base images should you wish. The base image defaults to using the node:slim distro, but other base images can be injected using --build-arg parameters on the commmand line. For example, to create a container based on Red Hat UBI (Universal Base Image) 8 add BUILDER, DISTRO, PACKAGE_MANAGER and USER parameters as shown:

sudo docker build -t pep-proxy \
  --build-arg \
  --build-arg \
  --build-arg PACKAGE_MANAGER=yum \
  --build-arg USER=1001 . --no-cache

To create a container based on Alpine Linux add BUILDER, DISTRO, PACKAGE_MANAGER and USER parameters as shown:

docker build -t pep-proxy \
  --build-arg BUILDER=node:16-alpine \
  --build-arg DISTRO=node:16-alpine \
  --build-arg PACKAGE_MANAGER=apk . \
  --build-arg USER=406 . --no-cache

Currently, the following --build-arg parameters are supported:

Parameter Description
BUILDER Preferred linux distro to use whilst building the image, defaults to node:${NODE_VERSION}
DISTRO Preferred linux distro to use for the final container image, defaults to node:${NODE_VERSION}-slim
DISTROLESS Preferred Distroless Image to use for the final container. Distroless images can be built using -target=distroless , defaults to${NODE_VERSION}
DOWNLOAD The GitHub SHA or tag to download - defaults to latest
GITHUB_ACCOUNT The GitHub Action to download the source files from, defaults to ging
GITHUB_REPOSITORY The name of the GitHub repository to download the source files from, defaults to fiware-pep-proxy
NODE_VERSION the version of Node.js to use
PACKAGE_MANAGER Package manager to use whilst creating the build, defaults to apt
SOURCE_BRANCH The GitHub repository branch to download the source files from, defaults to master
USER User in the final container image, defaults to node

Docker Environment Variables

  • PEP_PROXY_PORT - default value is 80

  • PEP_PROXY_HTTPS_ENABLED - default value is false

  • PEP_PROXY_HTTPS_PORT - default value is 443

  • PEP_PROXY_IDM_HOST - default value is

  • PEP_PROXY_IDM_PORT - default value is 443

  • PEP_PROXY_IDM_SSL_ENABLED - default value is true

  • PEP_PROXY_APP_HOST - default value is'

  • PEP_PROXY_APP_PORT - default value is 80

  • PEP_PROXY_APP_SSL_ENABLED - default value is false - Use true if the app server listens in HTTPS

  • PEP_PROXY_APP_ID - default value is left blank and must be overridden

  • PEP_PROXY_USERNAME - default value is left blank and must be overridden

  • PEP_PROXY_PASSWORD - default value is left blank and must be overridden

  • PEP_PROXY_AUTH_ENABLED - default value is false

  • PEP_PROXY_PDP - default value is idm can be set to authzforce, iShare or xacml

  • PEP_PROXY_PDP_PROTOCOL - default value is http

  • PEP_PROXY_PDP_HOST - default value is localhost

  • PEP_PROXY_PDP_PORT - default value is 8080

  • PEP_PROXY_PDP_PATH - default value is blank

  • PEP_PROXY_TENANT_HEADER - default value is left blank. Typically set to NGSILD-Tenant or fiware-service.




  • PEP_PROXY_AZF_CUSTOM_POLICY - default value is undefined which impliesthe usage of default policy checks (HTTP verb + path).

  • PEP_PROXY_PUBLIC_PATHS - default value is [] - Use , to split paths - example: PEP_PROXY_PUBLIC_PATHS=/public/*,/static/css/

  • PEP_PROXY_CORS_ORIGIN - default value is *


  • PEP_PROXY_CORS_OPTIONS_SUCCESS_STATUS - default value is 204

  • PEP_PROXY_CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS - all headers area allowed by default, set to a comma delimited list to restrict this.

  • PEP_PROXY_CORS_CREDENTIALS - The Access-Control-Allow-Credentials

  • PEP_PROXY_CORS_MAX_AGE - The Access-Control-Max-Age header is not sent by default. set to true to enable it.

  • PEP_PROXY_MAGIC_KEY - default value is undefined - should be overridden

  • PEP_PROXY_AUTH_FOR_NGINX - default value is false

  • PEP_PROXY_ERROR_TEMPLATE - default value is an NGSI error payload.

  • PEP_PROXY_ERROR_CONTENT_TYPE - default value is application/json