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Lift Logic

This section was originally written in February 2020, prior ot the development of the 1.0 protocol. The information here is helpful and informative, but may not be entirely consistent with the newer protocol.

For a higher level understanding of the lift algorithm, consider first reading this article.

As we discuss the alorithm, we will refer to the following figure:

A Simple Lift

This example considers four trading entities. In this example, there are two people and two companies. The arrows indicate the normal flow of credits, or credit promises (think of payments). So presumably, products and services are flowing in the opposite direction.

For example, person B works for company A and shops at company C. Person D works for company C and shops at company A.

Entities do not always have to alternate between companies and people in this way. But generally, you are selling something (product, services, or labor) to the entities upstream from you and you are buying something (product, services or labor) from the entites downstream. This can really include any combination of people and companies.

As products and services are delivered, payment is exchanged in the form of private credit, or an IOU. As this is an accounting function, it has a dual entry nature (debit and credit). A credit (negative, liability) is entered for the entity (A) making payment. And a debit (positive, asset) is entered for the entity (B) receiving payment.

If the signs of the transaction didn't make sense to you, consider reading this article.

Keep in mind, these debits and credits themselves do not actually flow all the way around the circle. For example, if A gives an IOU to B, that specific IOU does not flow along to C. Since MyCHIPs is a private credit model, it means just that. Your credit is private. It is just between you and the entity you do business with directly--not some other entity you might not know or trust.

However, the goal is to make these credits fungible, or in our case, effectively fungible. So although we can't literally substitute one entity's credits for another, the lift algorithm will allow us to accomplish something that is arguably even better:

You can make payment using the type of credits you have and your seller will receive payment in the type of credits he wants.

After a sufficient volume of selling, each entity will have accumulated some amount of asset value in IOU's from the entity just upstream. As you can imagine, this can only go on so long. For example, if B gets too many IOU's from A, eventually he won't want any more. He has reached his maximum "trust level," or "credit limit."

What B really needs are some IOUs from C where B buys his stuff. The lift function will allow B to give up some of his A credits in exchange for some C credits, just as he needs to complete his purchases.

But in order to accomplish this, we need to find a complete circuit. This is where entity D comes in so handy. If we can, all at once, send a fixed number of credits around the circuit in the upstream direction (against the direction of the arrows), everyone's excessive buildup of IOU's can be relieved a little bit without costing anyone anything.

Everyone around the circuit will benefit from this transaction because they will all give up credits they don't need in exchange for credits they do need. However, we will need a way to do this so no one gets hurt--particularly if someone in the circle tries to cheat.

One way to accomplish this is to use a transactional database model. The idea is to queue up all four credit exchanges belonging to a single lift and make them part of an atomic database transaction. This means the database will attempt all four transfers, but if any one of them fails, the other three will be canceled. So the lift will either work in its entirety, or it will not work at all. The main goal is to make sure we don't perform only part of the lift, leaving someone out so they end up giving credits away, but not getting the ones they expect in return.

Now the bad news: In order to do this, we would need to have all our entities in a single database. That means our system would be very centralized and unscalable--just what we are trying to avoid with MyCHIPs.

Centralization is prone to manipulation and corruption. It is also not scalable--the critical feature we need to surpass what other alternative systems (like blockchain) have been unable to achieve.

It would be nice to have an algorithm that can achieve an atomic result even when all four of our users have their data in different databases on different computers distributed around the Internet.

And now, some more bad news: That isn't possible.

It turns out this is a pretty old problem. It is hard enough to get a group of updates to operate as a single transaction inside a single database. But when you are trying to do this over unreliable links, or with other peers you may not know or be able to fully trust, it probably can't be done.

So to get over this otherwise insurmountable hurdle, we are going to make a simple compromise: Instead of making sure no one gets hurt during a lift, we will instead, be satisfied if we can make sure no responsible party gets hurt.

To do so, we will set up our transaction in several basic phases:

In the first phase, we will discover circuits, or routes in the network which might be capable of supporting a lift.

In the next phase, we will initiate a proposed lift around that circuit. Each peer who is willing to participate on the suggested terms will give a conditional commitment. This commitment is structured as a digital contract which, when properly signed, becomes a binding CHIP credit. In other words, it is money (value) to the recipient and debt to the issuer. It just needs a certain digital signature to become valid.

In the final phase, we want to lock down each conditional credit and make it real, valid and binding. This is where the two generals dilemma would hurt us if we were dependent on a fully transactional commit. It would be possible for someone to conditionally commit in the first phase, but then fail to cooperate in the final commitment phase.

However, because everyone already posesses conditional credits lacking only the proper digital signature, all we really need is a way to get that signature out to everyone and they will have their promised money. Any deadbeat who drops off the network between these two phases will simply miss out. He has already given his conditional approval in the previous phase, so his immediate peer can prove he is part of the lift and owes the value. It is only the deadbeat himself who is lacking the final credits he needs to be made whole.

This is not to say, everyone is happy about the deadbeat. His upstream partner may have a potential collection problem (at least if his balance runs into negative numbers). But that is a risk he signed up for when initiating a tally with the deadbeat. Hopefully he has collateral or some other way to collect if credit has been extended in the first place.

The deadbeat's partner on the downstream side has the opposite effect. He got the credits he wanted in the lift, but doesn't have to give anything up until the deadbeat gets back online and completes the transaction.

The deadbeat has the further problem that he may have burned his bridges to the network of trust. The two entities who know and trust him, now know he is either up to no good or at least, unreliable. No further traffic can be performed by this entity--at least through the peers he has just disappointed.

So the challenge in implementing the distributed lift function is this: During the conditional commit phase, the peers need to negotiate a chain of commitments around the circuit which the lift originator can fully validate, proving that each pair of peers along the route has agreed to the transaction, pending the signature of the initiator himself. Then, the initiator can form this final signature and send it back around the loop. If he sends it in both directions (up and down stream), everyone involved in the process, except a single deadbeat can get the final signature they need.

If there are two deadbeats in a single lift, it is possible for them to deprive everyone between them of the final signing key. This could conceivably be orchestrated between two corrupt nodes on the network, working together and using a modified version of the server.

However, they can only do damage if the lift will run them into credit territory (i.e. a negative balance) with the party they are attemping to harm.
That credit relationship won't last for long, and is a risk the issuer of credit knowingly signed up for.

One alternate strategy to combat the "two-deadbeat" dilemma is: Publish, as part of the earlier phase, an endpoint controlled by the initiator of the lift. This is the same party who will be issuing the final ratifying signature for the lift. If parties don't receive the final signature through the linear pathway of the lift, the transaction would time out. Then, the stranted parties could reach out directly to the lift initiator to obtain the final authorizing signature (or be told that it has been rolled back and can be ignored).

Linear Lifts

The lift algorithm described above is performed in a complete circle. Its function is to balance credit surpluses and deficits around a full circuit of trading entities. So the assumption is, a bunch of people have already been trading using existing private credit relationships, and they want to participate in a lift to relieve built up credits so they can keep going.

But there is another kind of lift possible and it travels in a straight line.

A Linear Lift

In this example, entity D meets entity A through some trading opportunity (like an online auction site, for example). Due to the reputation of the site, D trusts A enough to believe he will actually ship the product or services so now D wants to pay A.

However, they don't know each other well enough to establish a trading tally directly between them. They just want to get this one transaction done, and that will likely be the end of it.

In this case, we don't need a complete circuit of credits. We just need "nearly a circuit" or a circuit, with the exclusion of a direct credit link between A and D.

In this case, no credit transaction will flow between A and D. We have the product or services to account for that. We will just need to negotiate one or more lifts which add up exactly to the value meant to be transmitted from D to A. If we can find enough cooperating parties willing to do so in a path that starts with D and ends with A, we can complete the transaction.

In nearly every other way, this is identical to a circular lift. But the special case does need to be accommodated. In fact, it may well turn out to be the more prevalent form of lift.

Lift Algorithm

The following sections are no longer fully accurate as of the introduction of the of the 1.0 protocol.

If lifts were to be discovered and executed in real time, the process would be something like the following:

  • Query foils (downstream tallies) that are below target levels

    • A negative number is credit that needs to be paid at least back to zero.
    • Some foil tallies will have higher (positive) targets to accumulate a debit balance so it can be spent later.
  • Identify the target foil to lift (we will call this vendor peer V)

  • Compare the amount desired to lift for the target foil to available accumulations on active stocks.

  • Pick a stock (upstream tally) to target for the lift.

  • Query the upstream peer for that stock (customer peer C) to see if he knows how to reach V upstream somewhere.

  • If our query goes unanswered, or answered negatively, try to select another eligible stock and repeat the query with that upstream peer.

  • If/when we get an affirmative answer back (via V) from an upstream peer, proceed to initiate a lift.

  • The original search query has a UUID that may have been cached upstream.

  • Promote the status to "request", insert the actual amount, and repeat the query.

  • This request should propagate all the way around the circle and come back to us via peer V.

Lift Calculation

In reality, it wouldn't be very efficient to recalculate every lift pathway from scratch. Rather, we will populate a database with information about our own local users and the foreign users they share tallies with that will help us figure out pathways in advance that are likely to succeed. Successful pathways can be used over and over again.

Our local database already contains information about how our local users are related to each other. If they share a tally, we know that. And we know who holds the stock and who holds the foil.

In addition, we have data about certain foreign peers. Although we don't host these users, we still know about them because they share tallies with users in our system.

What we would like to collect is data about how these foreign users might be linked to each other in the outside world. But those details may be private and not something others want to share with the world. So what we can settle for is just the knowledge that a pathway exists, even if we don't know all the parties along that pathway.

For example, let us consider the following set of connected users:

A Distributed Lift

We certainly know about our own users A, and B. We also know some things about users C and D. But we don't really know who C and D are connected to in the outside world, or if there is a lift pathway from D to C.

If C and D are both hosted by another single database, it would be pretty easy to just ask: "Hey, are C and D connected? And is a lift possible going through D and eventually getting to C?" That system could answer the question just as easily as we can for our own interconnected users. And it would not really have to give us much information, other than to say that a lift along that path is possible.

But what if they are not on the same server? That is where it gets more complicated. Essentially, D's host database would have to note that C is not its customer, but that it would be useful to be able to find an upstream route to C, wherever in the world it might be hosted. And so it could pass the query on to those foreign hosts it knows about who are upstream from D.

If one of those systems hosts C, it can answer and D's host can then relay the information back to A's host. If not, they can pass the inquiry along for as long as it takes until either there are no more upstream pathways to query or C's host is eventually discovered.

In practice we hope to deliver some hints as well that will make this process more efficient so hosts don't have to continue sending queryies off in useless directions.


The route table is used for this purpose. It is designed to model two particular cases:

  • Native: A native route represents a hypothetical link we want to discover that exists outside our own data set and completes a partial, local circuit (segment) we already know about.

    As an example, see Peers D and C in the figure. We would like to find an external upstream pathway which leads from D to C. Since we have peer records for both peers, we can represent them by their local ID's in our system. But in order to discover if the proposed pathway is possible, we will have to start by querying the system that hosts D. That leads us to the next case:

  • Relay: On D's system, D is certainly fully known as a user there. A is also known, but in a more limited way--as a foreign peer, not a local user. But C may not be known at all. So when we ask D's system to help us find the route, it will need a way to store the route information even though it has no local record for C. In this case, it will just store the CHIP address and not a local relational link.

    Two further complications: A relay record represents a query from a downstream system. We may not need to know about this path for the purpose of initiating our own lifts (at least not immediately). Rather, we hope to get lifts coming from downstream through this channel because it will help our own users. Since we don't know where C is ourselves, the only way we can hope to find out is by sending more relay requests to our own upstream peers. If/when an answer comes back, we will need to remember enough information about our downstream requester so we can tell him properly whether the route has succeeded or failed.

So our complete lift route pathway information system consists of two basic data sets:

  • The view tallies_v_paths: which links all our known tallies together in a queriable chain of internal pathways; and
  • the table/view routes/routes_v which contains both native and relay routes.

Note the "sense of flow" in tallies_v_paths is downstream. That is, the path array begins with upstream peers and proceeds downstream.

By convention, the route table has more of an upstream feel to its flow. That is, it begins with a foreign peer known to our system, and reaches upward to find another external peer we are searching for.

Linear Lifts

Finally, we mentioned above that foreign routes may not be locally significant. But this ignores the significance they may hold for linear lifts. When transmitting value along a linear lift path (as opposed to circular), the peer at the end of the line may very well not be known as a peer or user on our own system. Rather, he will be known only by his CHIP ID and host, or possibly even an anonymized ID known only to the given host.

This kind of query looks very much like a foreign path since it will not contain a local ID field. It could, and may often, be generated by a local request. But if foreign queries have previously searched for this user, we may well have a record in our system telling us just how to find him. If so, all the better. No need to initiate our own query.

Model Requirements (in general terms):

  • Native:

    • Route Entity: The local ID of a foreign peer (D) who holds a foil tally with one of our users (A).
    • Destination Entity: The local ID of a foreign peer (C) who holds a stock tally with one of our users (B) and can be found at the end of a chain which starts with the Route Entity (D).
    • Route Key: Some identifier that uniquely identifies this route record which we will pass to our upstream peer. If the route is found to be good, we expect this key to be returned to us so we know which record to mark as good. This might just consist of the Route and Destination CHIP addresses. It should not consist of our internal ID's for those peers as that might compromise otherwise private information.
  • Relay:

    • Route Entity: The local ID of a foreign peer on our system who holds a foil tally with one of our users. This is not the same as the Route Entity from the downstream system that asked us to relay this route request. Rather this is a peer at the top of a known chain in our system.
    • Destination Peer: This could potentially include a local ID if we happen to know about this peer. More likely, it is someone we don't have direct knowledge about, so we will have to store it as a CHIP address only. This is the same peer as the Destination Entity represented in the original native route request that came from somewhere downstream.
    • Route Key: Similar to above, but unique to this record on this system.
    • Return Socket: A connection point (host and port) where we will connect to return status updates about this route request.
    • Return Key: The Record Key data originally sent from the downstream requesting system. We will return this data when reporting on status updates about this route.

Test Case

Let us assume we have the following set of users hosted on four different systems: lux0, lux1, lux2, and lux3:

A Simple Lift

Native:                 (On david_meese's system: lux1)
  Route Entity:         p1004: kathleen_ramsey@lux0             route_ent
  Destination Entity:   p1003: lakisha_villiard@lux2   dest_ent,dest_chid/host
  Route Key:            kathleen_ramsey@lux0 (+lakisha)         (inherent)
  Return Gateway:       p1001: david_meese@lux1                 topu_ent
  Return Key:           p1001: david_meese@lux1                 botu_ent
  Return Socket:        p1001: david_meese@lux1	(inside=native) requ_ent

Relay 1:                (On kathleen_ramsey's system: lux0)
  Route Entity:         p1004: tricia_mayo@lux3                 route_ent
  Destination Peer:     lakisha_villiard@lux2              dest_chid/host
  Route Key:            tricia_mayo@lux3 (+lakisha)             (inherent)
  Return Gateway:       p1002: gena_avila@lux0                  topu_ent
  Return Key:           p1000: kathleen_ramsey@lux0 (+lakisha)  botu_ent
  Return Socket:        p1005: david_meese@lux1:65430           requ_ent

Relay 2:                (On tricia_mayo's system: lux3)
  Route Entity:         p1003: stacey_welch@lux2                route_ent
  Destination Peer:     lakisha_villiard@lux2              dest_chid/host
  Route Key:            stacey_welch@lux2 (+lakisha)
  Return Gateway:       p1000: tricia_mayo@lux3                 topu_ent
  Return Key:           p1000: tricia_mayo@lux3 (+lakisha)      botu_ent
  Return Socket:        p1005: gena_avila@lux0:65430            requ_ent

Lift Costing

Refer to the included costing spreadsheet. This shows how costs are propagated through a chain. At each node, the cost may be 0, a positive percentage, or a negative percentage. A negative cost implies the node will be paying to participate in the lift. A positive cost implies the node will be charging others to use its channel for the lift.

At each node, the total accumulated cost is the current nodes percentage, applied to the remaining basis resulting from application of the cost of all prior nodes:

  NewRate = PriorRate + MyRate * (1 - PriorRate)

Trading costs/rewards are computed according to the tally trading variables. Each user adjusts these values to indicate his appetite for collecting the credits associated with that tally. The lift algorithm is supposed to figure it out from there.

Lading Capacity

Lading describes the capacity of a chain or a route to handle a lift of a given size. See the Tally document for the lower level values computed in views to determine lading capacity.

In the route table, we aggregate and store these values from one site to the next to determine the size of a possible lift distributed across multiple sites:

  • min: The least anyone along the chain is willing to lift for free.
  • max: The most you can expect to lift, including at a cost.
  • reward: The foil fee for lift amounts over min, up to max.
  • margin: Combined stock fees (usually zero) for any amount of lift.

Lift State Analysis

In order to understand how to maintain state for lifts, let's first consider some possible scenarios. A lift can be initiated in several different ways:

  • Local Circular: Our local system automatically detects a segment which is in need of a lift (has a mutually correlated credit imbalance) and so it initiates a process to discover/utilize an external pathway that can satisfy the lift requirements (relieve the built-up credits).

  • Local Linear: One of our local users initiates a transmission of value to a peer he is not directly connected to. This would indicate a potential need to pay someone right then, in real time.

  • Remote Relay: We receive a lift request from downstream, bound for a peer we do not host or otherwise have a direct connection to. Hopefully we are able to relay the request and then participate in the lift when it finds a completed pathway.

  • Remote Linear: We receive a request from downstream for a linear lift. This will come in from a foreign peer at the base of a segment which connects to the intended recipient, a user we host.

  • Remote Circular: We receive a request from downstream for a circular lift. This will come in from a foreign peer at the base of a secment which ends in the foreign user specified as the intended end of the circuit.

These cases really stem from two basic conditions:

  • Local: Either a user is initiating a linear lift (a payment), or our system has detected the need to lift a particular segment, that is hopefully part of a larger external circuit.

  • Remote: Some system downstream of us has originated its own local action which has bubbled upstream to arrive at our system. Either we host the intended endpoint of the lift or we will have to pass it on.

More on the five specific modes, starting with simpler cases first:

  • Remote Circular: This is always a circuit lift. We can determine our system to be the last node in the chain because the destination user is a foreign peer who is directly connected to one of our hosted users. We need to relay the message to the next node--the one that hosts the destination peer, and who originated the lift. This will complete the circuit. Then we wait for the final validating signature. If it doesn't come in time, we must seek it out.

  • Remote Relay: This is pretty similar to Remote Circular. The main difference is, we don't know (or care) if the lift is linear or circular. We just pick an optimal path (if we have one), record a series of conditional chits along the segment, and then pass the lift onto the next node. Like above, we wait for the validation and/or seek it if necessary.

  • Remote Linear: Also very similar to Remote Circular in that we have direct knowledge of the destination peer (whom we host). However, there is no "next node" to propagate the message to. We are the end of the line. We will have to make contact with the originator of the lift at the socket address provided in the lift. This is a system we may not necessarily know or trust. However, if we receive a valid signature matching what has been agreed to by our own downstream peer, we can accept the validating signature and then propagate it back downstream.

  • Local Linear: The process should begin by the user searching for a connection to a specified peer. If that peer happens to exist in a local segment, upstream of the user, a local lift can be consummated without any outside involvement. But more commonly, the peer will not be found in this way, so the request will promote to an upstream pathway query. State can be kept in the paths table with status updates being pushed to the user as they come in. Eventually, the user should have one or more possible paths for the lift, sorted with the most cost-effective option at the top. The user can then issue a command to commence payment (a set of conditional chits) along a selected pathway.

  • Local Circular: This is similar to Local Linear except a computer is starting the process. Any time a new chit is recorded, we should run a quick query to see if it has resulted in any imbalances. This is defined as an actual tally balance that is out of range of the desired balance. If this is found, we should check the status of our possible upstream pathways. If they need to be refreshed, we do that now. If/when the pathways are freshened with hypothetical value limits, we pick the most cost effective pathway and initiate a lift request.

The main complications arise for the Local cases. If we are a remote node, we are mostly reactive to the process, indicating our desire and ability to participate in a particular lift. When we are handling a local case, we have more work to do: either make a linear payment, or relieve a credit imbalance. If our first attempt does not succeed, we will need a way to back out and try a different option, if one can be found.

Under user control (Local Linear) this should not be too difficult. Either the user's payment succeeded or it didn't. If it didn't, he may have other (possibly more expensive) options to choose from.

Under autonomous control (Local Circular) the system will need some kind of state to keep track of what has been attempted already so it can make reasonable retries and know when to give up.

Lift States

It was originally assumed that the lift would be implemented in its own state machine, just like the tally, chit, and route states shown in the accompanying figures/States.odg file. Then it was noted that a lift really just consists of chits so why not just extend the chit state diagram to implement lifts?

Problem is, a lift is really a set of chits, all linked by a single uuid. And all those chits that belong to the same system will need to act in a single, unified transaction. We really need a single state record (per system) to represent all the local chits, part of the lift. It would be difficult to try to maintain state in multiple chit records all at once.

In a distributed lift, each system will identify one or more local users arrayed in a linear segment with one foreign peer at each end of the chain.
For example, see the "Route Test Case" figure referenced previously. Gena Avila and Kathleen Ramsey are the two local users. Tricia Mayo and Stacey Welch are the foreign peers at the two ends of a segment which could possibly be found to be part of a larger, external circuit.

When a single database commits its portion of a lift (whether conditional or final), it should atomically commit all the tallies along the segment. In this example, there is a stock from Tricia to Gena, a stock and foil between Gena and Kathleen. And a single foil from Kathleen to Stacey. That is four tallies in total (on our system) which will receive a lift chit, marked with the UUID unique to the particular lift, and eventually signed by the lift initiator.

Conclusion is, we do need a lift table containing a lift record with its own state. This record will, at some point in the process, refer to a set of pending chits, which will commit all-or-none.

It was noted earlier, the lift phases are:

  • Phase 1: Seek/discover a circuit or path for the lift and its amount
  • Phase 2: Send a conditional lift proposal around the circuit, upstream
  • Phase 3: Issue validation/cancellation downstream through the circuit
  • Cleanup: Respond (indefinitely) to requests for validation of the lift

Valid states for the lift record are as follows:

  • init: We have identified a lift segment we will now propose to the outside network. This is a result of the user interacting with his UI to pay someone, or it may be a circular lift initiated automatically by the site.

  • seek: We have sent a query request for our own proposed lift along the marked segment. The lift has a UUID and a range of amounts we will find acceptable.

  • pend: We received a request for lift via a downstream foreign peer. Either:

    • We have knowledge of one or more pathways for the lift which connects with the intended recipient, a single, known, upstream foreign peer who holds a foil with one of our local users; or
    • We have discovered the intended recipient of the lift to be one of our local users. If this is one of our own lifts, it just came full circle. If not, our user is the end of a linear lift.
  • closed: We have now upgraded our own prospective lift to a proposal with a specific amount, and a token which can be used to validate a final commit signature.

  • void: The lift has been abandoned by the originator.

  • timeout: Our request for lift has not been answered. We will need a provision to retry or redirect to another pathway.

Obsolete States?

  • relay: We have forwarded our willingness and terms for a sought lift which was previoiusly in the query state.

  • invoice: Our local user has created a request to be paid through a linear lift.

  • propose: Our prospective lift has now been communicated upstream.

  • proffer: We have received an upgrade from downstream to a previous lift query that has not yet expired. We accept the specific terms and choose to participate. All we need now is a signature to make this binding money.

  • pending: We have sent the specific lift along upstream. We expect to receive a final signature next to make this final.

Chit Chains and Lifts

For an understanding of how chits are stored in a hash-chained linked list, please review this section.

The lift and chit state machines are closely intertwined. When a lift is completed, we will be entering a series of chits on a number of local tallies and expecting our peer sites to do so as well in a cascade of coordinated transactions.

In some respects, we want lift chits to be exempt from actions occuring in the regular chit state diagram. For example, if we create a draft chit, intended to become part of an eventual lift, we don't want to start transmitting that to peer sites. And we don't want to create any triggers for the UI.

However, when it comes time to commit signed chits to tallies, there is no guaranty that the two halves of the tally are in sync with each other at that moment. We need to be able to commit the chits and then trust the chit state machine to clean up after us by inserting the chits into the hash-chain and then communicating with their other half if necessary to resolve any conflicts in the order of resulting chits.

The Lift Record

A lift can either be linear or circular. In the case of a circular lift, we need to keep track of:

  • The top peer in our segment (also the base of the external route)
  • The bottom peer in our segment (also the destination peer)
  • The set of local users in between (to know what chits to build)

It should be possible to discover multiple internal pathways that have the same top and bottom peer. So we need a way to know which one was contemplated when the lift was initiated.

In the case of a linear lift, we must track:

  • The local user who is sending value (base of our local segment)
  • The intended recipient (for whom we probably don't have a user ID)
  • The top peer in our segment (also base of the external route)
  • The string of local users who will be part of the lift

In order to uniquely remember which users will be part of the lift, we should probably store the path and tally-guid arrays. That way, we won't need to recompute pathways when it comes time to make chits.

If the lift was not initiated on our local system, it was propagated to us from below. In this case, the destination is either A or B:

  • A: One of our users:

    • Linear lifts end with the destination user.
    • Circular lifts have one more chit to circle back to the originator.
  • B: Not one of our users:

    • Circular or Linear, we treat it the same. Compute the best local segment and pass the lift on to the best possible route anchored on that segment.

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