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Grafana Tanka

The clean, concise and super flexible alternative to YAML for your Kubernetes cluster

  • 💥 Clean: The Jsonnet language expresses your apps more obviously than YAML ever did
  • 📚 Reusable: Build libraries, import them anytime and even share them on GitHub!
  • 📌 Concise: Using the Kubernetes library and abstraction, you will never see boilerplate again!
  • 🎯 Confidence: Stop guessing and use tk diff to see what exactly will happen
  • 🚀 Production ready: Tanka deploys Grafana Cloud and many more production setups

Let's kill some YAML together  ▶

🚀 Getting started

To get started, install Tanka first, and then follow the tutorial. This should get you on track quickly.

📖 Additional resources

📝 License

Tanka is an open-source project ❤️. It is free as in beer and as in speech and this will never change.

Licensed under Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.