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Sample Pipeline

To run the sample pipeline using Docker Compose, follow these steps:

Install Docker compose

Follow these instructions to install Docker Compose if you’ve not already done so in the past.

Start Concouse CI and Artifactory

From this directory, run:

$ docker-compose up

This should start containers for Concourse and Artifactory as well as a Docker registry. You should find that Concourse is running at and Artifactory at The registry should be running on port 5000.

Push artifactory-resource Image

You need to push the artifactory-resource image into the container registry. If you want a recent CI build you can do the following:

$ docker pull springio/artifactory-resource:{version}
$ docker tag springio/artifactory-resource:{version} localhost:5000/artifactory-resource
$ docker push localhost:5000/artifactory-resource

You can also build the project locally and push the image.

Deploy the sample pipeline

To deploy the sample pipeline first download and install fly then run the following:

$ fly --target sample login --concourse-url -u admin -p admin
$ fly --target sample sync

You should now be able to deploy the pipeline with:

$ fly --target sample set-pipeline -p sample -c simple/pipeline.yml

If you go back to and login with admin/admin you should see the pipeline.

Unpause and trigger the job

The newly deployed pipeline will be paused, so you’ll either need to unpause it from the web UI or run:

$ fly --target sample unpause-pipeline -p sample

When the pipeline is active, you can manually trigger the build job.

$ fly --target sample trigger-job -j sample/build

Inspect Artifactory

Once the job has finished you can go back to Artifactory and login with admin/password. Click on the "builds" tab and you should see the build that just ran. You can also browse the example-repo-local repository to see the deployed jar file.