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Data Plane API internal storage (dataplane_storage_dir)

Dataplane API internal storage location

Location of Dataplane API storage is managed by :

  • dataplane API start argument dataplane-storage-dir (default value: /etc/haproxy/dataplane)

It can be overriden by a field in Daplane API configuration file:

  • dataplaneapi.resources.dataplane_storage_dir: refer to example-full

Files stored in Dataplane API internal storage location

File name content example Comment
cluster.json Cluster configuration + Cluster users cluster.json Prior to 3.0 was in Dapi config file: cluster, dataplaneapi.user, status sections
service_discovery/consul.json Consul configuration Prior to 3.0 was in Dapi config file service_discovery.consuls section
service_discovery/aws.json AWS configuration Prior to 3.0 was in Dapi config file service_discovery.aws_regions section