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TVM Documentations
This folder contains the source of TVM documents

- A hosted version of doc is at
- pip install sphinx>=1.5.5 sphinx-gallery sphinx_rtd_theme matplotlib Image recommonmark Pillow
- Build tvm first in the root folder.
- To build locally, you need to enable USE_CUDA, USE_OPENCL, LLVM_CONFIG in and then type "make html" in this folder.

Only Execute Specified Tutorials
The document build process will execute all the tutorials in the sphinx gallery.
This will cause failure in some cases when certain machines do not have necessary
environment. You can set ```TVM_TUTORIAL_EXEC_PATTERN``` to only execute
the path that matches the regular expression pattern.

For example, to only build tutorials under /vta/tutorials, run

TVM_TUTORIAL_EXEC_PATTERN=/vta/tutorials make html

To only build one specific file, do

# The slash \ is used to get . in regular expression
TVM_TUTORIAL_EXEC_PATTERN=file_name\.py make html