From 21a822348f3c315dae56fba2674ad3db0cf2f80d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yang Jun Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:06:12 +0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] fix: parser throws on non-string input, #726 --- src/parser/parser.ts | 1 + test/e2e/issues.spec.ts | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------- 2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/parser/parser.ts b/src/parser/parser.ts index 44084c2841..2c02dc4073 100644 --- a/src/parser/parser.ts +++ b/src/parser/parser.ts @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export class Parser { this.parseLimit = new Limiter('parse length', liquid.options.parseLimit) } public parse (html: string, filepath?: string): Template[] { + html = String(html) this.parseLimit.use(html.length) const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(html, this.liquid.options.operators, filepath) const tokens = tokenizer.readTopLevelTokens(this.liquid.options) diff --git a/test/e2e/issues.spec.ts b/test/e2e/issues.spec.ts index 4eb36b3526..5812e1a195 100644 --- a/test/e2e/issues.spec.ts +++ b/test/e2e/issues.spec.ts @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import { TopLevelToken, TagToken, Tokenizer, Context, Liquid, Drop, toValueSync const LiquidUMD = require('../../dist/liquid.browser.umd.js').Liquid describe('Issues', function () { - it('#221 unicode blanks are not properly treated', async () => { + it('unicode blanks are not properly treated #221', async () => { const engine = new Liquid({ strictVariables: true, strictFilters: true }) const html = engine.parseAndRenderSync('{{huh | truncate: 11}}', { huh: 'fdsafdsafdsafdsaaaaa' }) expect(html).toBe('fdsafdsa...') }) - it('#252 "Not valid identifier" error for a quotes-containing identifier', async () => { + it('"Not valid identifier" error for a quotes-containing identifier #252', async () => { const template = `{% capture "form_classes" -%} foo {%- endcapture %}{{form_classes}}` @@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await engine.parseAndRender(template) expect(html).toBe('foo') }) - it('#259 complex property access with braces is not supported', async () => { + it('complex property access with braces is not supported #259', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = engine.parseAndRenderSync('{{ ["complex key"] }}', { 'complex key': 'foo' }) expect(html).toBe('foo') }) - it('#243 Potential for ReDoS through string replace function', async () => { + it('Potential for ReDoS through string replace function #243', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const INPUT = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!' const BROKEN_REGEX = /([a-z]+)+$/ @@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ describe('Issues', function () { // should stringify the regexp rather than execute it expect(html).toBe(INPUT) }) - it('#263 raw/endraw block not ignoring {% characters', () => { + it('raw/endraw block not ignoring {% characters #263', () => { const template = `{% raw %}This is a code snippet showing how {% breaks the raw block.{% endraw %}` const engine = new Liquid() const html = engine.parseAndRenderSync(template) expect(html).toBe('This is a code snippet showing how {% breaks the raw block.') }) - it('#268 elsif is not supported for unless', () => { + it('elsif is not supported for unless #268', () => { const template = `{%- unless condition1 -%}
{%- elsif condition2 -%} @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = engine.parseAndRenderSync(template, { condition1: true, condition2: true }) expect(html).toBe('
') }) - it('#277 Passing liquid in FilterImpl', () => { + it('Passing liquid in FilterImpl #277', () => { const engine = new Liquid() engine.registerFilter('render', function (this: any, template: string, name: string) { return this.liquid.parseAndRenderSync(decodeURIComponent(template), { name }) @@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ describe('Issues', function () { ) expect(html).toBe('hello foo') }) - it('#288 Unexpected behavior when string literals contain }}', async () => { + it('Unexpected behavior when string literals contain }} #288', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = await engine.parseAndRender(`{{ '{{' }}{{ '}}' }}`) expect(html).toBe('{{}}') }) - it('#222 Support function calls', async () => { + it('Support function calls #222', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = await engine.parseAndRender( `{{ }}`, @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { ) expect(html).toBe('BAR') }) - it('#313 lenientIf not working as expected in umd', async () => { + it('lenientIf not working as expected in umd #313', async () => { const engine = new LiquidUMD({ strictVariables: true, lenientIf: true @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await engine.parseAndRender(`{{ name | default: "default name" }}`) expect(html).toBe('default name') }) - it('#321 comparison for empty/nil', async () => { + it('comparison for empty/nil #321', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = await engine.parseAndRender( '{% if empty == nil %}true{%else%}false{%endif%}' + @@ -91,26 +91,26 @@ describe('Issues', function () { ) expect(html).toBe('falsefalse') }) - it('#320 newline_to_br filter should output
instead of
', async () => { + it('newline_to_br filter should output
instead of
#320', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = await engine.parseAndRender( `{{ 'a \n b \n c' | newline_to_br | split: '
' }}` ) expect(html).toBe('a \n b \n c') }) - it('#342 New lines in logical operator', async () => { + it('New lines in logical operator #342', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const tpl = `{%\r\nif\r\ntrue\r\nor\r\nfalse\r\n%}\r\ntrue\r\n{%\r\nendif\r\n%}` const html = await engine.parseAndRender(tpl) expect(html).toBe('\r\ntrue\r\n') }) - it('#401 Timezone Offset Issue', async () => { + it('Timezone Offset Issue #401', async () => { const engine = new Liquid({ timezoneOffset: -600 }) const tpl = engine.parse('{{ date | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %p %z" }}') const html = await engine.render(tpl, { date: '2021-10-06T15:31:00+08:00' }) expect(html).toBe('2021-10-06 17:31 PM +1000') }) - it('#412 Pass root as it is to `resolve`', async () => { + it('Pass root as it is to `resolve` #412', async () => { const engine = new Liquid({ root: '/tmp', relativeReference: false, @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await engine.renderSync(tpl) expect(html).toBe('/tmp/foo.liquid') }) - it('#416 Templates imported by {% render %} not cached for concurrent async render', async () => { + it('Templates imported by {% render %} not cached for concurrent async render #416', async () => { const readFile = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve('HELLO')) const exists = jest.fn(() => 'HELLO') const engine = new Liquid({ @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { expect(exists).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) expect(readFile).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) - it('#431 Error when using Date timezoneOffset in 9.28.5', () => { + it('Error when using Date timezoneOffset in 9.28.5 #431', () => { const engine = new Liquid({ timezoneOffset: 0, preserveTimezones: true @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const tpl = engine.parse('Welcome to {{ now | date: "%Y-%m-%d" }}') return expect(engine.render(tpl, { now: new Date('2019-02-01T00:00:00.000Z') })).resolves.toBe('Welcome to 2019-02-01') }) - it('#433 Support Jekyll-like includes', async () => { + it('Support Jekyll-like includes #433', async () => { const engine = new Liquid({ dynamicPartials: false, relativeReference: false, @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await engine.render(tpl, { my_variable: 'foo' }) expect(html).toBe('CONTENT for /tmp/prefix/foo-bar/suffix') }) - it('#428 Implement liquid/echo tags', () => { + it('Implement liquid/echo tags #428', () => { const template = `{%- liquid for value in array assign double_value = value | times: 2 @@ -190,17 +190,17 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = engine.parseAndRenderSync(template, { array: [1, 2, 3] }) expect(html).toBe('4#8#12#6') }) - it('#454 leaking JS prototype getter functions in evaluation', async () => { + it('leaking JS prototype getter functions in evaluation #454', async () => { const engine = new Liquid({ ownPropertyOnly: true }) const html = engine.parseAndRenderSync('{{foo | size}}-{{bar.coo}}', { foo: 'foo', bar: Object.create({ coo: 'COO' }) }) expect(html).toBe('3-') }) - it('#465 Liquidjs divided_by not compatible with Ruby/Shopify Liquid', () => { + it('Liquidjs divided_by not compatible with Ruby/Shopify Liquid #465', () => { const engine = new Liquid({ ownPropertyOnly: true }) const html = engine.parseAndRenderSync('{{ 5 | divided_by: 3, true }}') expect(html).toBe('1') }) - it('#479 url_encode throws on undefined value', async () => { + it('url_encode throws on undefined value #479', async () => { const engine = new Liquid({ strictVariables: false }) @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await engine.render(tpl, { v: undefined }) expect(html).toBe('') }) - it('#481 filters that should not throw', async () => { + it('filters that should not throw #481', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const tpl = engine.parse(` {{ foo | join }} @@ -223,17 +223,17 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await engine.render(tpl, { foo: undefined }) expect(html.trim()).toBe('[]') }) - it('#481 concat should always return an array', async () => { + it('concat should always return an array #481', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = await engine.parseAndRender(`{{ foo | concat | json }}`) expect(html).toBe('[]') }) - it('#486 Access array items from the right with negative indexes', async () => { + it('Access array items from the right with negative indexes #486', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = await engine.parseAndRender(`{% assign a = "x,y,z" | split: ',' -%}{{ a[-1] }} {{ a[-3] }} {{ a[-8] }}`) expect(html).toBe('z x ') }) - it('#492 contains operator does not support Drop', async () => { + it('contains operator does not support Drop #492', async () => { class TemplateDrop extends Drop { valueOf () { return 'product' } } @@ -242,44 +242,44 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await engine.parseAndRender(`{% if template contains "product" %}contains{%endif%}`, ctx) expect(html).toBe('contains') }) - it('#513 should support large number of templates [async]', async () => { + it('should support large number of templates [async] #513', async () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = await engine.parseAndRender(`{% for i in (1..10000) %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}`) expect(html).toHaveLength(38894) }) - it('#513 should support large number of templates [sync]', () => { + it('should support large number of templates [sync] #513', () => { const engine = new Liquid() const html = engine.parseAndRenderSync(`{% for i in (1..10000) %}{{ i }}{% endfor %}`) expect(html).toHaveLength(38894) }) - it('#519 should throw parse error for invalid assign expression', () => { + it('should throw parse error for invalid assign expression #519', () => { const engine = new Liquid() expect(() => engine.parse('{% assign headshot = %}')).toThrow(/expected "|" before filter, line:1, col:27/) }) - it('#527 export Liquid Expression', () => { + it('export Liquid Expression #527', () => { const tokenizer = new Tokenizer('a > b') const expression = tokenizer.readExpression() const result = toValueSync(expression.evaluate(new Context({ a: 1, b: 2 }))) expect(result).toBe(false) }) - it('#527 export Liquid Expression (evalValue)', async () => { + it('export Liquid Expression (evalValue) #527', async () => { const liquid = new Liquid() const result = await liquid.evalValue('a > b', { a: 1, b: 2 }) expect(result).toBe(false) }) - it('#527 export Liquid Expression (evalValueSync)', async () => { + it('export Liquid Expression (evalValueSync) #527', async () => { const liquid = new Liquid() const result = liquid.evalValueSync('a > b', { a: 1, b: 2 }) expect(result).toBe(false) }) - it('#276 Promise support in expressions', async () => { + it('Promise support in expressions #276', async () => { const liquid = new Liquid() const tpl = '{%if name == "alice" %}true{%endif%}' const ctx = { name: Promise.resolve('alice') } const html = await liquid.parseAndRender(tpl, ctx) expect(html).toBe('true') }) - it('#533 Nested Promise support for scope object', async () => { + it('Nested Promise support for scope object #533', async () => { const liquid = new Liquid() const context = { a: 1, @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { expect(await liquid.parseAndRender('{{i.i}}', context)).toBe('1') expect(await liquid.parseAndRender('{{j.j}}', context)).toBe('1') }) - it('#559 Case/When should evaluate multiple When statements', async () => { + it('Case/When should evaluate multiple When statements #559', async () => { const liquid = new Liquid() const tpl = ` {% assign tag = 'Love' %} @@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await liquid.parseAndRender(tpl) expect(html).toMatch(/^\s*This is a love or luck potion.\s+This is a strength or health or love potion.\s*$/) }) - it('#570 tag registration compatible to v9', async () => { + it('tag registration compatible to v9 #570', async () => { const liquid = new Liquid() liquid.registerTag('metadata_file', { parse (tagToken: TagToken, remainTokens: TopLevelToken[]) { @@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await liquid.parseAndRender(tpl, ctx) expect(html).toBe('FOO') }) - it('#573 date filter should return parsed input when no format is provided', async () => { + it('date filter should return parsed input when no format is provided #573', async () => { const liquid = new Liquid() liquid.registerTag('metadata_file', { parse (tagToken: TagToken, remainTokens: TopLevelToken[]) { @@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { // sample: Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 6:25 pm +0000 expect(html).toMatch(/\w+, \w+ \d+, \d\d\d\d at \d+:\d\d [ap]m [-+]\d\d\d\d/) }) - it('#575 Add support for Not operator', async () => { + it('Add support for Not operator #575', async () => { const liquid = new Liquid() const tpl = ` {% if link and not button %} @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ describe('Issues', function () { const html = await liquid.parseAndRender(tpl, ctx) expect(html.trim()).toBe('Lot more code here') }) - it('#70 strip multiline content of