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Tools to create lab environments

This directory contains tools to create lab environments for Docker and Kubernetes courses and workshops.

It also contains Terraform configurations that can be used stand-alone to create simple Kubernetes clusters.

Assuming that you have installed all the necessary dependencies, and placed cloud provider access tokens in the right locations, you could do, for instance:

# For a Docker course with 50 students,
# create 50 VMs on Digital Ocean.
./labctl create --students 50 --settings settings/docker.env --provider digitalocean

# For a Kubernetes training with 20 students,
# create 20 clusters of 4 VMs each using kubeadm,
# on a private Openstack cluster.
./labctl create --students 20 --settings settings/kubernetes.env --provider openstack/enix

# For a Kubernetes workshop with 80 students,
# create 80 clusters with 2 VMs each,
# using Scaleway Kapsule (managed Kubernetes).
./labctl create --students 20 --settings settings/mk8s.env --provider scaleway --mode mk8s

Interested? Read on!

Software requirements

For Docker labs and Kubernetes labs based on kubeadm:

  • Parallel SSH (should be installable with pip install git+; on a Mac, try brew install pssh)

For all labs:

  • Terraform

If you want to generate printable cards:

These require Python 3. If you are on a Mac, see below for specific instructions on setting up Python 3 to be the default Python on a Mac. In particular, if you installed mosh, Homebrew may have changed your default Python to Python 2.

You will also need an account with the cloud provider(s) that you want to use to deploy the lab environments.

Cloud provider account(s) and credentials

These scripts create VMs or Kubernetes cluster on cloud providers, so you will need cloud provider account(s) and credentials.

Generally, we try to use the credentials stored in the configuration file used by the cloud providers CLI tools.

This means, for instance, that for Linode, if you install linode-cli and configure it properly, it will place your credentials in ~/.config/linode-cli, and our Terraform configurations will try to read that file and use the credentials in it.

You don't have to install the CLI tools of the cloud provider(s) that you want to use; but we recommend that you do.

If you want to provide your cloud credentials through other means, you will have to adjust the Terraform configuration files in terraform/provider-config accordingly.

Here is where we look for credentials for each provider:

  • AWS: Terraform defaults; see AWS provider documentation (for instance, you can use the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables, or AWS config and profile files)
  • Azure: Terraform defaults; see AzureRM provider documentation (typically, you can authenticate with the az CLI and Terraform will pick it up automatically)
  • Civo: CLI configuration file (~/.civo.json)
  • Digital Ocean: CLI configuration file (~/.config/doctl/config.yaml)
  • Exoscale: CLI configuration file (~/.config/exoscale/exoscale.toml)
  • Google Cloud: FIXME, note that the project name is currently hard-coded to prepare-tf
  • Hetzner: CLI configuration file (~/.config/hcloud/cli.toml)
  • Linode: CLI configuration file (~/.config/linode-cli)
  • OpenStack: you will need to write a tfvars file (check that exemple)
  • Oracle: Terraform defaults; see OCI provider documentation (for instance, you can set up API keys; or you can use a short-lived token generated by the OCI CLI with oci session authenticate)
  • OVH: Terraform defaults; see OVH provider documentation (this typically involves setting up 5 OVH_... environment variables)
  • Scaleway: Terraform defaults; see Scaleway provider documentation (for instance, you can set environment variables, but it will also automatically pick up CLI authentication from ~/.config/scw/config.yaml)

General Workflow

  • fork/clone repo
  • make sure your cloud credentials have been configured properly
  • run ./labctl create ... to create lab environments
  • run ./labctl destroy ... when you don't need the environments anymore

Customizing things

You can edit the settings/*.env files, for instance to change the size of the clusters, the login or password used for the students...

Note that these files are sourced before executing any operation on a specific set of lab environments, which means that you can set Terraform variables by adding lines like the following one in the *.env files:

export TF_VAR_node_size=GP1.L
export TF_VAR_location=eu-north

./labctl Usage

If you run ./labctl without arguments, it will show a list of available commands.

Summary of What ./labctl Does For You

The script will create a Terraform configuration using a provider-specific template.

There are two modes: pssh and mk8s.

In pssh mode, students connect directly to the virtual machines using SSH.

The Terraform configuration creates a bunch of virtual machines, then the provisioning and configuration are done with pssh. There are a number of "steps" that are executed on the VMs, to install Docker, install a number of convenient tools, install and set up Kubernetes (if needed)... The list of "steps" to be executed is configured in the settings/*.env file.

In mk8s mode, students don't connect directly to the virtual machines. Instead, they connect to an SSH server running in a Pod (using the jpetazzo/shpod image), itself running on a Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes cluster is a managed cluster created by the Terraform configuration.

terraform directory structure and principles


  • 📁 directory
  • 📄 file
  • 📄📄📄 multiple files
  • 🌍 Terraform configuration that can be used "as-is"
├── 📁list-locations
│   └── 📄📄📄 helper scripts
│              (to list available locations for each provider)
├── 📁many-kubernetes
│   └── 📄📄📄 Terraform configuration template 
│              (used in mk8s mode)
├── 📁one-kubernetes
│   │ (contains Terraform configurations that can spawn
│   │  a single Kubernetes cluster on a given provider)
│   ├── 📁🌍aws
│   ├── 📁🌍civo
│   ├── 📄
│   ├── 📁🌍digitalocean
│   └── ...
├── 📁providers
│   ├── 📁aws
│   │   ├── 📄
│   │   └── 📄
│   ├── 📁azure
│   │   ├── 📄
│   │   └── 📄
│   ├── 📁civo
│   │   ├── 📄
│   │   └── 📄
│   ├── 📁digitalocean
│   │   ├── 📄
│   │   └── 📄
│   └── ...
├── 📁tags
│   │ (contains Terraform configurations + other files 
│   │  for a specific set of VMs or K8S clusters; these
│   │  are created by labctl)
│   ├── 📁2023-03-27-10-04-79-jp
│   ├── 📁2023-03-27-10-07-41-jp
│   ├── 📁2023-03-27-10-16-418-jp
│   └── ...
└── 📁virtual-machines
    │ (contains Terraform configurations that can spawn
    │  a bunch of virtual machines on a given provider)
    ├── 📁🌍aws
    ├── 📁🌍azure
    ├── 📄
    ├── 📁🌍digitalocean
    └── ...

The directory structure can feel a bit overwhelming at first, but it's built with specific goals in mind.

Consistent input/output between providers. The per-provider configurations in one-kubernetes all take the same input variables, and provide the same output variables. Same thing for the per-provider configurations in virtual-machines.

Don't repeat yourself. As much as possible, common variables, definitions, and logic has been factored in the file that you can see in one-kubernetes and virtual-machines. That file is then symlinked in each provider-specific directory, to make sure that all providers use the same version of the file.

Don't repeat yourself (again). The things that are specific to each provider have been placed in the providers directory, and are shared between the one-kubernetes and the virtual-machines configurations. Specifically, for each provider, there is (which contains provider configuration, e.g. how to obtain the credentials for that provider) and (which contains default values like which location and which VM size to use).

Terraform configurations should work in labctl or standalone, without extra work. The Terraform configurations (identified by 🌍 in the directory tree above) can be used directly. Just go to one of these directories, terraform init, terraform apply, and you're good to go. But they can also be used from labctl. labctl shouldn't barf out if you did a terraform apply in one of these directories (because it will only copy the *.tf files, and leave alone the other files, like the Terraform state).

The latter means that it should be easy to tweak these configurations, or create a new one, without having to use labctl to test it. It also means that if you want to use these configurations but don't care about labctl, you absolutely can!

Miscellaneous info

Making sure Python3 is the default (Mac only)

Check the /usr/local/bin/python symlink. It should be pointing to /usr/local/Cellar/python/3-something. If it isn't, follow these instructions.

  1. Verify that Python 3 is installed.
ls -la /usr/local/Cellar/Python

You should see one or more versions of Python 3. If you don't, install it with brew install python.

  1. Verify that python points to Python3.
ls -la /usr/local/bin/python

If this points to /usr/local/Cellar/python@2, then we'll need to change it.

rm /usr/local/bin/python
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/Python/xxxx /usr/local/bin/python
# where xxxx is the most recent Python 3 version you saw above

AWS specific notes

Initial assumptions are you're using a root account. If you'd like to use a IAM user, it will need the right permissions. For pssh mode, that includes at least AmazonEC2FullAccess and IAMReadOnlyAccess.

In pssh mode, the Terraform configuration currently uses the default VPC and Security Group. If you want to use another one, you'll have to make changes to terraform/virtual-machines/aws.

The default VPC Security Group does not open any ports from Internet by default. So you'll need to add Inbound rules for SSH | TCP | 22 | and Custom TCP Rule | TCP | 8000 - 8002 |