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This directory contains terraform configuration to be used for deploying key servers with terraform, while being able to reuse a project to deploy repeatedly. Should only be used for running e2e tests.


Follow steps from Terrafrom instructions, going through from top until finishing Instructions section, then change into terraform-e2e directory:

cd terraform-e2e/
echo "project = \"${PROJECT_ID}\"" >> ./terraform.tfvars

Terraform Apply

Fresh GCP project

If it's a fresh GCP project, just run terraform init; terrform apply under current directory.

Existing GCP project

If it's a project that had verification server deployed before, run these before terraform apply:

terraform import ${PROJECT_ID}

Troubleshooting: terraform import failure

If you ran terraform import and see the error of invalid provider configuration like:

Error: Invalid provider configuration

  on ../terraform/ line 15:
  15: provider "google" {

The configuration for
module.en.provider[""] depends on values
that cannot be determined until apply.

This can be mitigated by updating terraform to version equal or greater than 1.13.1

Terraform Destroy

Terraform destroy always fails while trying to delete db instance. To be reliably successfully destroy, run these ahead:

db_inst_name="$(terraform output -json 'en' | jq '. | .db_inst_name' | tr -d \")"
gcloud sql instances delete ${db_inst_name} -q --project=${PROJECT_ID}
terraform state rm module.en.google_sql_user.user
terraform state rm module.en.google_sql_ssl_cert.db-cert