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This folder holds golden prompt/response pairs for Google Duet AI training.

A golden prompt/response pair contains two parts:

  1. An example prompt/question to ask an LLM
  2. An ideal answer we would expect the LLM to generate

Each prompt/response pair is a markdown file with the following structure:

<markdown for prompt>

<markdown for response>

This folder includes the following types of golden prompts:

  • Documentation lookup prompts
  • Code generation prompts
  • Code explanation prompts

Documentation lookup prompts

Features of a good response:

  • Uses official product names in the response (“Speech to text” → “Speech-to-Text”).
  • Answers the question (correctly) with hyperlinks to the documentation.
  • Includes a link to the corresponding source code.
  • Includes a link to samples, if available.

Code generation prompts

Features of a good response:

  • Starts with a brief introduction that explains the code sample.
  • Includes information about how to find the reference documentation.
  • Includes a link to the list of code samples.
  • Provides well-documented code. Consider including an example of what the execution result looks like.
  • Follows up with the user to ensure they don’t continue needlessly with false responses.

Code explanation prompts

Features of a good response:

  • Starts with a short overall description that tries to answer the question in the prompt.
  • Grounds the algorithm in any well-known context, if appropriate. For example, this is an implementation of X, a well-known algorithm to do Y.
  • Discusses the variables in the snippet and their purpose relative to the runtime.
  • Discusses runtime and memory storage complexity.
  • Notes any interesting features of the code, or opportunities for improvement (optimizations, refactoring, syntax best practices, etc.)

Folder structure:

├── code-explanation
│   ├──
│   └── ...
├── code-generation
│   ├──
│   └── ...
├── documentation-lookup
│   ├──
│   └── ...