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AsyncAwaitMacro sample

Shows how the ExcelAsyncUtil.QueueAsMacro mechanism can be used to implement async macros with the C# async/await mechanism.


This sample does not represent 'best practice'. It just explores how the C# async/await features interact with the Excel-DNA async mechanism, and with the Excel hosting environment.

Trying to run async macros as in this example will interfere with an interactive user busy with Excel: their undo stack and copy selection will get cleared at unexpected times, and any other add-ins or macros being run might be interleaved with the async code.


The sample includes a helper class called ExcelAsyncTask with a single Run method. In turn, this starts the Task with a TaskScheduler which just enqueues Tasks to run in the macro context, ensuring that the async/await continuations are again scheduled in a macro context.

public static void MacroToRunSlowWork()
    // Starts running SlowWork in a context where async/await will return to the macro context on the main Excel thread.

static async Task SlowWork()
    // All the code here, before and after the awaits, will run on the main thread in a macro context
    // (where C API calls and the COM object model is safe to access).
    await SomeWorkAsync();
    Application.Range["A1"].Value = "abc;
    await OtherWorkAsync();
    Application.Range["A2"].Value = "xyz;


The first implementation I attempted was run the async/await code in a context where SynchronizationContext.Current was set to an ExcelSynchronizationContext.

There is a problem I don't yet understand when trying to use a SynchronizationContext in Excel-DNA. Somehow the SynchronizationContext.Current is cleared in the SyncWindow or macro running process. I have found references to WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.AutoInstall causing trouble, but could not see how that applies in our case.

It could be that the unmanaged -> managed transition interferes with the thread-based context that stores the SynchronizationContext.Current. As an alternative, we use the TaskScheduler-based approach.