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A Dictionary of Kagome v2

A dictionary package of kagome v2. This software includes a binary and/or source version of data from

  • unidic-mecab-2.1.2_src

which can be obtained from

Feature Fields

Features are information given to a word, such as follows:

公園	名詞,普通名詞,一般,*,*,*,コウエン,公園,公園,コーエン,公園,コーエン,漢,*,*,*,*
に	助詞,格助詞,*,*,*,*,ニ,に,に,ニ,に,ニ,和,*,*,*,*
行っ	動詞,非自立可能,*,*,五段-カ行,連用形-促音便,イク,行く,行っ,イッ,行く,イク,和,*,*,*,*
た	助動詞,*,*,*,助動詞-タ,終止形-一般,タ,た,た,タ,た,タ,和,*,*,*,*
No. feature name description
0 POS hierarchy 品詞大分類 The POS name and each level in its hierarchical structure.
1 POS hierarchy 1 品詞中分類
2 POS hierarchy 2 品詞小分類
3 POS hierarchy 3 品詞細分類
4 cType 活用型 Inflection type indicates a category that is an inflected form, e.g. 五段-カ行.
5 cForm 活用形 Inflected form, e.g. 連用形-促音便.
6 lForm 語彙素読み A possible reading for a lemma entry. Readings are given in katakana, e.g. コウエン, イク.
7 lemma 語彙素表記 A lemma, e.g. 公園, 行く.
8 orth 書字形 A conjugation form for an orthBase. e.g. 行く -> 行っ.
9 pron 発音形 A possible pronunciations for an orthToken. Pronunciations are given in katakana, .e.g. コーエン, イッ.
10 orthBase 書字形基本形 A form of dictionary headword, e.g. 行っ -> 行く.
11 pronBase 発音形基本形 A possible pronunciations for an entry headword. Pronunciations are given in katakana, .e.g. イク.
12 goshu 語種 A possible pronunciations for an entry. Pronunciations are given in katakana, .e.g. コーエン.
13 iType 語頭変化型
14 iForm 語頭変化形
15 fType 語末変化型
16 fForm 語末変化型
