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An immediate mode VR GUI library for LÖVR

How to use:

  • Put the ui folder inside your project and do UI = require "ui/ui"
  • Initialize the library by calling UI.Init() on lovr.load()
  • Handle controller input by calling UI.InputInfo() on lovr.update()
  • Everything inside NewFrame()/RenderFrame() is your GUI


  • Change the dominant hand by pushing the corresponding trigger button.
  • Scroll in ListBox with the Y-axis of the analog stick.
  • Text entry is done by an on-screen keyboard (appears when a TextBox has focus)
  • Move windows by pointing at them and holding the grip button.
  • Enable/Disable interaction with the GUI by pressing the Left Thumbstick down (user configurable)


  • Button
  • ImageButton
  • TextBox
  • ListBox
  • SliderInt
  • SliderFloat
  • Label
  • CheckBox
  • RadioButton
  • TabBar
  • Dummy
  • ProgressBar

UI.Button(text, width, height)

Argument Type Description
text string button's text
width [opt] number button width in pixels
height [opt] number button height in pixels

Returns boolean, true when clicked.
NOTE: if no width and/or height are provided, the button size will be auto-calculated based on text. Otherwise, it will be set to width X height (with the text centered) or ignored if that size doesn't fit the text.

UI.ImageButton(img_filename, width, height)

Argument Type Description
img_filename string image filename
width number image width in pixels
height number image height in pixels

Returns boolean , true when clicked.

UI.TextBox(name, num_chars, buffer)

Argument Type Description
name string textbox ID
num_chars number number of visible characters
buffer string user provided text buffer

Returns string , the edited text buffer.
NOTE: When clicked, an on-screen keyboard will pop-up for text entry. Enter closes the keyboard. To modify the original buffer use this idiom: buf = UI.TextBox("My textbox", 6, buf)

UI.ListBox(name, num_rows, max_chars, collection)

Argument Type Description
name string listbox ID
num_rows number number of visible rows
max_chars number maximum number of characters displayed on each row
collection table table of strings

Returns boolean, number, [1] true when clicked, [2] the selected item index

UI.SliderInt(text, v, v_min, v_max, width)

Argument Type Description
text string slider text
v number initial value
v_min number minimum value
v_max number maximum value
width [opt] number total width in pixels of the slider, including it's text

Returns number, the current value
NOTE: Use this idiom to assign back to the provided number variable: slider_val = UI.SliderInt("My slider", slider_val, 0, 100) If width is provided, it will be taken into account only if it exceeds the width of text, otherwise it will be ignored.

UI.SliderFloat(text, v, v_min, v_max, width, num_decimals)

Argument Type Description
text string slider text
v number initial value
v_min number minimum value
v_max number maximum value
width [opt] number total width in pixels of the slider, including it's text
num_decimals [opt] number number of decimals to display

Returns number, the current value
NOTE: Use this idiom to assign back to the provided number variable: slider_val = UI.SliderFloat("My slider", slider_val, 0, 100) If width is provided, it will be taken into account only if it exceeds the width of text, otherwise it will be ignored. If no num_decimals is provided, it defaults to 2.


Argument Type Description
text string label text

Returns nothing

UI.ProgressBar(progress, width)

Argument Type Description
progress number progress percentage
width [opt] number width in pixels

Returns nothing
NOTE: Default width is 300 pixels

UI.CheckBox(text, checked)

Argument Type Description
text string checkbox text
checked boolean state

Returns boolean, true when clicked
NOTE: To set the state use this idiom: if UI.CheckBox("My checkbox", my_state) then my_state = not my_state end

UI.RadioButton(text, checked)

Argument Type Description
text string radiobutton text
checked boolean state

Returns boolean, true when clicked
NOTE: To set the state on a group of RadioButtons use this idiom: if UI.RadioButton("Radio1", rb_group_idx == 1) then rb_group_idx = 1 end if UI.RadioButton("Radio2", rb_group_idx == 2) then rb_group_idx = 2 end -- etc...

UI.TabBar(name, tabs, idx)

Argument Type Description
name string TabBar ID
tabs table a table of strings
idx number initial active tab index

Returns boolean, number, [1] true when clicked, [2] the selected tab index

UI.Dummy(width, height)

Argument Type Description
width number width
height number height

Returns nothing
NOTE: This is an invisible widget useful only to "push" other widgets' positions or to leave a desired gap.

UI.Begin(name, transform)

Argument Type Description
name string window ID
transform Mat4 window transform

Returns nothing.
NOTE: Starts a new window. Every widget call after this function will belong to this window, until UI.End(main_pass) is called.


Argument Type Description
main_pass Pass the main Pass object

Returns nothing.
NOTE: lovr-ui submits the main pass (along it's own passes) every frame.


Argument Type Description

Returns nothing.
NOTE: Places the next widget beside the last one, instead of bellow


Argument Type Description
name number window ID

Returns number, number, [1] window width, [2] window height
NOTE: If no window with this ID was found, return type is nil


Argument Type Description
enabled boolean if interaction should be enabled

Returns nothing
NOTE: Useful if you want to set interaction on/off programmatically, without pressing the toggle button

UI.Init(interaction_toggle_device, interaction_toggle_button, enabled)

Argument Type Description
interaction_toggle_device [opt] Device controller
interaction_toggle_button [opt] DeviceButton controller button that toggles interaction on/off
enabled [opt] boolean initial state of interaction

Returns nothing.
NOTE: Should be called on lovr.load(). Defaults are hand/left, thumbstick, true respectively.


Argument Type Description

Returns nothing.
NOTE: Should be called on lovr.update()


Argument Type Description
main_pass Pass the main Pass object

Returns nothing.
NOTE: Should be called on lovr.draw(). Windows and widgets should be called after this function, and a UI.RenderFrame(main_pass) finalizes the whole UI.


Argument Type Description
main_pass Pass the main Pass object.

Returns nothing.


Argument Type Description

Returns table, color names
NOTE: Helper to get the color keys as a table of strings


Argument Type Description
col_name string color key

Returns table, color value
NOTE: Helper to get a color value

UI.SetColor(col_name, color)

Argument Type Description
col_name string color key
col_name string color value

Returns nothing
NOTE: Helper to set a color value

UI.SetColorTheme(theme, copy_from)

Argument Type Description
theme string or table color key or table with overrided keys
copy_from [opt] string theme to copy values from

Returns nothing
NOTE: Sets a theme to one of the built-in ones ("dark", "light") if the passed argument is a string. Also accepts a table of colors. If the passed table doesn't contain all of the keys, the rest of them will be copied from the built-in theme of the copy_from argument.

General Info: UI.Begin()/UI.End() defines a window. Widget function calls placed inside this block, are then part of this window. lovr-ui currently uses a row-based auto-layout. That means that there are limits to how widgets are positioned. Widget sizes are mostly character-width based. This is done for simplicity. This library borrows concepts from the outstanding Dear ImGui library and is inspired by microui, trying to be simple and minimal (~1000 lines).



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