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This package within the Lerna monorepo is used as a centralized place for JSON schemas (using Typebox) as well as TypeScript interfaces and enums.

The JSON schemas are used primarily in the api package of this monorepo in conjunction with Fastify for request validations and Swagger generation.

The TypeScript interfaces and enums are used throughout both the api and web packages of this monorepo.

Get started

Install all dependencies from the root of the monorepo:

npm install

You can start everything in development/watch mode by running the following command from the root of the monorepo (which will run the entire project) or the root of the package (./libs/schemas):

npm run dev

To build everything:

npm run build


Any sort of schema, interface, or enum that might be used throughout the application should exist in this package to enforce consistency between packages. The src folder is organized logically based on the API's database model and there is also ./src/shared file containing common reusable patterns.

To get a feel for how schemas are constructed, check the existing implementations and consult the Typebox documentation.


Within the api and web packages of this monorepo, schemas can be accessed via the following import pattern:

import { ExternalId /* other imports */ } from '@algomart/schemas'