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File metadata and controls

184 lines (134 loc) · 12.7 KB

Providing Data to a network indexer

There are two parts to the ingestion / providing protocol used by store the index.

  1. Advertisements maintains an immutable authenticated data structure where providers describe what content they are have available.
  2. Announcements are a transient notification that the content on a provider has changed.


Advertisement data structures and construction

Index content is an IPLD graph. The indexer reads the advertisement chain starting from the head, reading previous advertisements until a previously seen advertisement, or the end of the chain, is reached. The advertisements and their entries are then processed in order from earliest to head.


Multihash data is “paginated” by downloading blocks (chunks) of multihashes. These chunks are linked together using IPLD links.

An individual advertisement is an IPLD object with the following schema:

type Advertisement struct {
    PreviousID optional Link
    Provider String
    Addresses [String]
    Signature Bytes
    Entries Link
    ContextID Bytes
    Metadata Bytes
    IsRm Bool
    ExtendedProvider optional ExtendedProvider
  • The PreviousID is the CID of the previous advertisement, and is empty for the 'genesis'.
  • The Provider is the peer.ID of the libp2p host providing the content.
  • The Addresses are the multiaddrs to provide to clients in order to connect to the provider.
    • The provider addresses in the indexer are always updated by the latest advertisement received.
  • Entries is a link to a data structure that contains the advertised multihashes.
  • ContextID is an identifier used to subsequently update or delete an advertisement. It has the following semantics:
    • If a ContextID is used with different entries, those entries will be added to the association with that ContextID
    • If a ContextID is used with different metadata, all previous CIDs advertised under that ContextID will have their metadata updated to the most recent.
    • If a ContextID is used with the IsRm flag set, all previous CIDs advertised under that ContextID will be removed.
  • Metadata represents additional opaque data that is returned in client query responses for any of the CIDs in this advertisement. It is expected to start with a varint indicating the remaining format of metadata. The opaque data is send to the provider when retrieving content for the provider to use to retrieve the content. Storetheindex operators may limit the length of this field, and it is recommended to keep it below 100 bytes.
  • If ExtendedProvider is specified, indexers which understand the ExtendedProvider extension should ignore the Provider, Addresses, and Metadata specified in the advertisement in favor of those specified in the ExtendedProvider. The values in the direct advertisement should still be set to a compatible endpoint for content routers that do not understand full ExtendedProvider semantics.
  • Extendedprovider is not valid for an IsRm advertisement. It should be ignored if specified.

Entries data structure

The Entries data structure can be one of the following:

  • an interlinked chain of EntryChunk nodes, or
  • an IPLD HAMT ADL, where the keys in the map represent the multihashes and the values are simply set to true.
EntryChunk Chain

The EntryChunk chain is defined as the following schema:

type EntryChunk struct {
    Entries [Bytes]
    Next optional Link

The primary Entries list is the array of multihashes in the advertisement. If an advertisement has more CIDs than fit into a single block for purposes of data transfer, they may be split into multiple chunks, conceptually a linked list, by using Next as a reference to the next chunk.

In terms of concrete constraints, each EntryChunk should stay below 4MB, and a linked list of entry chunks should be no more than 400 chunks long. Above these constraints, the list of entries should be split into multiple advertisements. Practically, this means that each individual advertisement can hold up to approximately 40 million multihashes.


The HAMT must follow the IPLD specification of HAMT ADL. The HAMT data structure is used as a set to capture the list of multihashes being advertised. This is where the keys in the HAMT represent the multihashes being advertised, and the values are simply set to true.


The reference provider currently supports Bitswap and Filecoin protocols. The structure of the metadata format for these protocols is defined in the library.

The network indexer nodes expect that metadata begins with a uvarint identifying the protocol, followed by protocol-specific metadata. This may be repeated for additional supported protocols. Specified protocols are expected to be ordered in increasing order.

  • Bitswap
    • uvarint protocol 0x0900 (TransportBitswap in the multicodec table).
    • no following metadata.
  • filecoin graphsync
    • uvarint protocol 0x0910 (TransportGraphsyncFilecoinv1 in the multicodec table).
    • the following bytes should be a cbor encoded struct of:
      • PieceCID, a link
      • VerifiedDeal, boolean
      • FastRetrieval, boolean
  • http
    • the proposed uvarint protocol is 0x3D0000.
    • the following bytes are not yet defined.


The ExtendedProvider field allows for specification of provider families, in cases where a provider operates multiple PeerIDs, perhaps with different transport protocols between them, but over the same database of content.

type ExtendedProvider struct {
    Providers [Provider]
    Override bool

type Provider struct {
    ID String
    Addresses [String]
    Metadata optional Bytes
    Signature Bytes
  • If Metadata is not specified for a Provider, the metadata from the encapsulating Advertisement will be used instead.
  • If a Provider listing is written with no ContextID, those peers will be returned for all advertisements published by the publisher.
    • If Override is set on an ExtendedProvider entry on an advertisement with a ContextID, it indicates that any specified chain-level set of providers should not be returned for that context ID. Providers will be returned Instead.
    • If Override is not set on an entry for an advertisement with a ContextID, it will be combined as a union with any chain-level ExtendedProviders (Addresses, Metadata).
    • If Override is set on ExtendedProvider for an advertisement without a ContextID, the entry is invalid and should be ignored.
  • The Signature for each of the Providers within an ExtendedProvider is signed by their corresponding private key.
    • The full advertisement object is serialized, with all instances of Signature replaced with an empty array of bytes.
    • This serialization is then hashed, and the hash is then signed.
    • The Provider from the encapsulating advertisement must be present in the Providers of the ExtendedProvider object, and must sign in this way as well. It may omit Metadata and Addresses if they match the values already set at the encapsulating advertisement. However, Signature must be present.
  • Note: the Signature of the top level Advertisement is calculated as before - it should not include the ExtendedProvider field for backwards compatibility. The Additional secondary signature from the same Provider in ExtendedProvider ensures integrity over the full message.

Advertisement transfer

There are two ways that the provider advertisement chain can be made available for consumption by network indexers.

  1. As a graphsync endpoint on a libp2p host.
  2. As a set of files fetched over HTTP.

There are two parts to the transfer protocol. The providing of the advertisement chain itself, and a 'head' protocol for indexers to query the provider on what it's most recent advertisement is.


On libp2p hosts, graphsync is used for providing the advertisement chain.

  • Graphsync is configured on the common graphsync multiprotocol of the libp2p host.
  • Requests for index advertisements can be identified by
    • The use of a 'dagsync' voucher in the request.
    • A CID of either the most recent advertisement, or a a specific Entries pointer.
    • A selector either for the advertisement chain, or for an entries list.

A reference implementation of the core graphsync provider is available in the dagsync package, and it's integration into a full provider is available in index-provider.

On these hosts, a custom head multiprotocol is exposed on the libp2p host as a way of learning the most recent current advertisement. The multiprotocol is named /legs/head/<network-identifier>/<version>. The protocol itself is implemented as an HTTP TCP stream, where a request is made for the /head resource, and the response body contains the string representation of the root CID.


The IPLD objects of advertisements and entries are represented as files named as their CIDs in an HTTP directory. These files are immutable, so can be safely cached or stored on CDNs.

The head protocol is the same as above, but not wrapped in a libp2p multiprotocol. A client wanting to know the latest advertisement CID will ask for the file named head in the same directory as the advertisements/entries, and will expect back a signed response for the current head.


Indexers may be notified of changes to advertisements as a way to reduce the latency of ingestion, and for discovery / registration of new providers. Once indexers observe a new provider, they should adaptively poll the provider for new content, which provides the basis of understanding what content is currently available.

The indexer will maintain a policy for when advertisements from a provider are considered valid. An example policy may be

  • A provider must be available for at least 2 days before its advertisements will be returned to clients.
  • If a provider cannot be dialed for 3 days, it's advertisements will no longer be returned to clients.
  • If a provider starts a new chain, previous advertisements now no longer referenced will not be returned after 1 day of not being referenced.
  • If a provider cannot be dialed for 2 weeks, previous advertisements downloaded by the indexer will be garbage collected, and will need to be re-synced from the provider.

There are two ways that a provider may pro-actively alert indexer(s) of new content availability:

  1. Gossipsub announcements
  2. HTTP announcements


The announcement contains the CID of the head and the multiaddr (either the libp2p host or the HTTP host) where it should be fetched from. The format is here.

It is sent over a gossip sub topic, that defaults to /indexer/ingest/<network>. For our production network, this is /indexer/ingest/mainnet.

The dagsync provider will generate gossip announcements automatically on it's host.


Alternatively, an announcement can be sent to a specific known network indexer. The network indexer may then relay that announcement over gossip sub to other indexers to allow broader discover of a provider choosing to selectively announce in this way.

Announcements are sent as HTTP PUT requests to /ingest/announce on the index node's 'ingest' server. Note that the ingest server is not the same http server as the primary publicly exposed query server. This is because the index node operator may choose not to expose it, or may protect it so that only selected providers are given access to this endpoint due to potential denial of service concerns.

The body of the request put to this endpoint should be the json serialization of the announcement message that would be provided over gossip sub: a representation of the head CID, and the multiaddr of where to fetch the advertisement chain.