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Network Traffic Simulations

This directory holds examples for generating ZAP tests for recording network traffic. The included web applications are targeted by ZAP attacks and dynamic analysis testing and recorded using the capture tools. Once a server is running you can use the ZAPv2 script to generate network traffic, and auto-capture it as a dataset for modeling and predicting an incoming attack on your network layer.

This guide assumes the Network Pipeline - Capture tools are already running and capturing traffic on the server port (TCP 8010 by default).

Starting ZAP

  1. Start the ZAP Docker Proxy

    This will start the owasp/zap2docker-live docker image that is ~1.5 GB. This will run on TCP port 8090 on the local host and then scans a web application listening on TCP port 8010.

    cd zap

    If you want to use the ZAP UI in a browser:

Django REST Framework with JWT and Swagger

This also includes some advanced user registration handling with:

  1. Install

    cd simulations/jwt-swagger-django-rest
  2. Start

    Starting Django listening on TCP port 8010
    django-configurations version 2.0, using configuration 'Development'
    Performing system checks...
    System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
    February 02, 2018 - 09:44:43
    Django version 2.0, using settings 'project_name.settings'
    Starting development server at
    Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
  3. Browse the Django REST Framework API

  4. Browse to Swagger

  5. Login

    By default the super user is: root with password 123321

  6. Create a new user


  7. Get a JWT Token


Flask RESTplus with Swagger

  1. Install

    Install an example Flask RESTplus with Swagger web application

    cd simulations/flask
  2. Start the Application


Login using a browser


To authenticate, click the Authorize button on the top right.

  1. User credentials

    Username: root
    Password: q
  2. Select Basic Auth

    Basic auth
  3. Set Client ID

  4. Scope this access by selecting checkboxes

  5. Click the Authorize button below the scope section

  6. Get User Details


    Click the Try it out! button

  7. Run ZAPv2 test

    Activate the virtual environment

    source /tmp/netpipevenv/bin/activate
  8. Start the tests

    The tests will authenticate using OAuth 2.0 to get a valid token for the default root user. ZAP will use this token to run scans as the user.

    cd zap/tests
  9. Verify ZAP output

    Starting zap with auth_url=http://localhost:8010/auth/oauth2/token?grant_type=password&client_id=documentation&username=root&password=q
    Starting ZAP with target= apikey=ADwUFlRehVS1vbhMkiNayoGjf3O8Xw
    Accessing target=
    Spidering target=
    Spider completed
    Scanning target=
    Scan progress 1:
  10. Verify Flask is processing the ZAP scan

    2018-01-29 11:15:49,232 [DEBUG] [flask_oauthlib] Fetched extra credentials, {}.
    2018-01-29 11:15:49,233 [DEBUG] [flask_oauthlib] Authenticate client 'documentation'.
    2018-01-29 11:15:49,235 [DEBUG] [flask_oauthlib] Validating username 'root' and its password
    2018-01-29 11:15:49,514 [DEBUG] [flask_oauthlib] Found default scopes ['auth:read', 'auth:write', 'users:read', 'users:write', 'teams:read', 'teams:write']
    2018-01-29 11:15:49,515 [DEBUG] [flask_oauthlib] Save bearer token {'access_token': 'ADwUFlRehVS1vbhMkiNayoGjf3O8Xw', 'expires_in': 3600, 'token_type': 'Bearer', 'scope': 'auth:read auth:write users:read users:write teams:read teams:write', 'refresh_token': '1Dp2RXfBqslR8nJ6HvUHAXj1mqBvbd'}
    2018-01-29 11:15:49,521 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:49] "GET /auth/oauth2/token?grant_type=password&client_id=documentation&username=root&password=q HTTP/1.1" 200 -
    2018-01-29 11:15:49,527 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:49] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
    2018-01-29 11:15:51,542 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:51] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
    2018-01-29 11:15:51,550 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:51] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 -
    2018-01-29 11:15:51,552 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:51] "GET /sitemap.xml HTTP/1.1" 404 -
    2018-01-29 11:15:51,553 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:51] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
    2018-01-29 11:15:53,611 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:53] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 -
    2018-01-29 11:15:58,587 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:58] "GET /8927056341039516893 HTTP/1.1" 404 -
    2018-01-29 11:15:58,602 [INFO] [werkzeug] - - [29/Jan/2018 11:15:58] "GET /?query=c%3A%2FWindows%2Fsystem.ini HTTP/1.1" 404 -

Django 2.0

  1. Install

    Install a sample Django 2.0 web application

    cd simulations/django
  2. Start the Application

  3. Confirm Django is running in a browser

    Register a user:

    Login as that user:

    View user profile:

  4. Run ZAPv2 test

    Activate the virtual environment

    source /tmp/netpipevenv/bin/activate

    Start the tests

    cd zap/tests
  5. Verify ZAP output

    Accessing target=http://localhost:8090
    Spidering target=http://localhost:8090
    Spider progress=33
    Spider progress=59
    Spider completed
    Scanning target=http://localhost:8090
    Scan progress 0:

React and Redux User Registration

  1. Install

    Install the React and Redux Registration example web application

    cd simulations/react-redux

    (Optional) install npm on the host (sudo apt-get install npm).

  2. Start the Application

  3. Confirm React and Redux is running from a browser


  4. Run ZAPv2 test

    Activate the virtual environment

    source /tmp/netpipevenv/bin/activate

    Start the tests

    cd zap/tests
  5. Verify ZAP output

    Starting ZAP with target=http://localhost:8010/ apikey=
    Accessing target=http://localhost:8010/
    Spidering target=http://localhost:8010/
    Spider completed
    Scanning target=http://localhost:8010/
    Scan progress 0:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 30:
    Scan progress 71:
    Scan completed

Vue User Registration

  1. Install

    Install the Vue boilerplate web application

    cd simulations/vue

    (Optional) install npm on the host (sudo apt-get install npm).

  2. Start the Application

  3. Confirm Vue is running from a browser


  4. Run ZAPv2 test

    Activate the virtual environment

    source /tmp/netpipevenv/bin/activate

    Start the tests

    cd zap/tests
  5. Verify ZAP output

    Starting ZAP with target=http://localhost:8010/ apikey=
    Accessing target=http://localhost:8010/
    Spidering target=http://localhost:8010/
    Spider completed
    Scanning target=http://localhost:8010/
    Scan progress 0:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 30:
    Scan progress 71:
    Scan completed

Spring Pet Clinic

  1. Start the Containers

    cd simulations/spring

    The docker containers can take a few minutes to download, and then they download the jars before starting up. Just a note, these containers are ~1.5 GB combined.

  2. Verify Pet Clinic works in a browser


  3. Run ZAPv2 test

    Activate the virtual environment

    source /tmp/netpipevenv/bin/activate

    Start the tests

    cd zap/tests
  4. Verify ZAP output

    Starting ZAP with target=http://localhost:8010/ apikey=
    Accessing target=http://localhost:8010/
    Spidering target=http://localhost:8010/
    Spider completed
    Scanning target=http://localhost:8010/
    Scan progress 0:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 18:
    Scan progress 30:
    Scan progress 71:
    Scan completed
  5. Stop the Containers


Customizing ZAP Tests

If you want to build your own ZAP tests, here is a sample ZAPv2 script showing how to build a scanning tool for automating attacks for capturing the network traffic.