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Turbine Backend

This directory contains the source of Terbium's backend server and REST API.

REST API Documentation

Integrate Turbine into your own application by using the Turbine's REST API.


Turbine is an unfinished project, and so is this documentation and the backend server itself. Many endpoints are subject to change!

Official Base URI

Prefix all endpoints with the official backend URI:

⚠️ This is guaranteed to change in the future.

Table of Contents

Miscellaneous Endpoints

Ping the Server


This endpoint is used to check if the server is running.

Successful Response

You should expect a 200 OK with the following body:

Content-Type: text/plain

Hello, world!

Paste Endpoints

Get Paste

GET /pastes/:id

Used to retrieve the data of a paste by its ID.

Authorization (Optional)

See the Authorization section for more information.

Passing in a user token will allow you to retrieve pastes that are private to the authorized user or bypass password protection for pastes that are owned by the authorized user.

URL Path Parameters
  • :id: The ID of the paste to retrieve.
URL Query Parameters
  • password (optional): If this paste is password protected, the password to access the paste.
Successful Response

You should expect a 200 OK with the following body:

Content-Type: application/json
Schema: Paste Object

Failure Responses
  • 401 Unauthorized
    • The paste is password protected and the password is incorrect.
    • The paste is private and the user is not authorized.
  • 404 Not Found
    • The paste does not exist.

Create Paste

POST /pastes

Used to create a new paste.

Authorization (Optional)

See the Authorization section for more information.

Passing in a user token will allow you to create pastes that are private to the authorized user or allow password protection to be bypassed if it is accessed by the authorized user. Additionally, the created paste will have its owner assigned to the authorized user.

Request Body

This endpoint only accepts a content-type of application/json with the JSON body containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
name? string The title of the paste. Defaults to Untitled Paste.
description? string The description of the paste.
visibility paste visibility The visibility of the paste. Defaults to 2 (unlisted).
password? string The password of the paste. Only required if the visbiility of this paste is 1 (password protected), otherwise this field is ignored.
files array of files The files associated with this paste.
Successful Response

You should expect a 201 Created status code with the following body:

Content-Type: application/json
Schema: A JSON object with one single field, id which contains the ID of the newly created paste.

Failure Responses
  • 400 Bad Request
    • The request body does not match the JSON schema.
    • No password field was received and the paste visibility was set to 1 (password protected).

Using Authorization

If an endpoint accepts authorization, you can pass in a user token as the value of the Authorization header.

To generate a user token, make a request to the Login Endpoint and grab the token field of the JSON response (if everything goes well).

Some endpoints are mandatory to be authorized. In such a scenario, you will see Authorization (Required) in the endpoint documentation.

Delete Paste

DELETE /pastes/:id

Used to delete a paste. You can only delete pastes you own.

Authorization (Required)

See the Authorization section for more information.

Authorization is required for the server to compare the owner of the paste to the authorized user to check whether they own the paste, and whether they are allowed to delete the paste.

Successful Response

You should expect a 204 No Content status code.

Failure Responses
  • 403 Forbidden
    • The user is not allowed to delete the paste.
  • 404 Not Found
    • The paste does not exist.

JSON Object Schemas

Any field postfixed with ? is optional, e.g. name?.

All Unix timestamps are measured in seconds.

File Object

Field Type Description
filename? string The filename of the file
content string [1] The contents of the file
language? string The syntax highlighting to use when displaying the file, for example Python

[1] Subject to change to bytes (possibly compressed) in the future

Paste Object

Field Type Description
id string The ID of the paste.
author_id? string The ID of the user who created the paste.
author_name? string The username of the user who created the paste.
name string The title of the paste.
description? string The description of the paste.
visibility paste visibility The visibility of the paste.
files array of files The files contained in the paste.
created_at integer (unix timestamp) The Unix timestamp of when the paste was created.
views integer The number of times the paste has been viewed.
stars integer The amount of stars the paste has received.

Paste Visibility Enumeration

Value Description
0 Private
1 Password protected
2 Unlisted (default)
3 Discoverable