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Pre-release checklist

TODO: Convert this into actual tests when possible


Create two categories (A and B) and four users (admin, aaaa, bbbb, cccc) with the following privileges.

  • admin: admin user, has all permissions
  • aaaa
    • A: Find category, Access category, Access topics, Create topics, Reply to topics, Edit posts, Delete posts, Delete topics, Post events, Post mandatory events
    • B: Find category, Access category, Access topics, Create topics
  • bbbb
    • A: Find category, Access category, Access topics, Create topics, Reply to topics
    • B: Find category, Access category, Access topics, Create topics, Reply to topics, Delete posts, Delete topics, Post events
  • cccc
    • A: Find category, Access category
    • B: Find category, Access category, Access topics

Change user aaaa Language setting to en-GB. (#139)

Set Calendar Plugin settings.

  • Only allow events in the main post of a topic: Checked
  • Link the permission to respond to an event to the reply permission: Checked


As admin, create topic "Event 1" in category A.

  • All day: Checked
  • Dates
    • Start: [Today]
    • End: [Today]
  • Location: Wherever event 1 is
  • Description:
This is the **first** event.

It will be a `great` one.
  • Mandatory: Checked
  • Reminders:
    • 1 hour
    • Custom: 5 minutes
  • Repetition
    • !! Ensure each of the non-Custom entries results in the value being set to the popup label
    • Custom
      • Fri, Sat
      • Until a date: [Default] (Should default to Today + 1 week)

Start a reply.

!! Ensure calendar button does not show up.

Force button to display by running

$('[data-format="plugin-calendar-event"]').css('display', 'inline')

Add event "Event 1.1" to post, details irrelevant.

!! Ensure "Event 1.1" does NOT show up when reply is posted
!! Ensure "Event 1.1" does NOT show up on Calendar page
!! Ensure "Event 1" shows up on Calendar page, with instances on today, Fri, and Sat

Edit "Event 1" so it starts on the closest Friday.

!! Ensure there are NO duplicate entries for "Event 1" on Calendar page
!! Ensure aaaa and bbbb can see "Event 1" rendered in topic
!! Ensure cccc can NOT see "Event 1" rendered in topic
!! Ensure aaaa and bbbb can see "Event 1" on Calendar page
!! Ensure cccc can NOT see "Event 1" on Calendar page

!! Ensure clicking on "Go to post" button on Calendar page correctly navigates to the topic !! Ensure clicking the browser Back button takes you back to the event display

As admin, start creating a new topic and begin adding an event. Set a custom repetition:

  • Mon, Thu
  • Until a date: Tomorrow

Cancel event creation, and reopen the event editor.

!! Ensure Repetition is set to "Does not repeat"
!! Ensure that days under Custom were reset (all unselected)
!! Ensure that "Forever" is selected
!! Ensure that the date in "Until a date" was reset to a week from now

As aaaa, create topic "Event 2" in category A.

  • All day: Unchecked
  • Dates
    • Start: [20min from now]
    • End: [1hour from now]
  • Location:
  • Description:
Malo fixa *sanguine cognitus*, sub duorum scitaris, in. Sententia deficit Athis. Vero cornua pedibus, alteriusque exanimi genuit! Dolor infelix temperat sacra [contingat nostrae](; trementi fors quod [et fratres]( Flammae subdita, vultusque heu vestro cervus resque et femina tellus.
  • Mandatory: Checked
  • Reminders:
    • 10 minutes
  • Repetition: Every month

!! Ensure repeated instances show up on Calendar page
!! Ensure aaaa and bbbb can see "Event 2" rendered in topic
!! Ensure cccc can NOT see "Event 2" rendered in topic
!! Ensure aaaa and bbbb can see "Event 2" on Calendar page
!! Ensure cccc can NOT see "Event 2" on Calendar page
!! Ensure admin, aaaa, and bbbb receive a reminder 10 minutes before the event start

Set Calendar Plugin settings.

  • Only allow events in the main post of a topic: Unchecked

As aaaa, in a reply to "Event 2", create "Event 3".

!! Ensure event button now shows up

  • All day: Unchecked
  • Dates
    • Start: [20min from now]
    • End: [1hour from now]
  • Location: A place with much love
  • Description:
Petens aliamve quae, mihi senectae pondera nostris navale qui. Tergaque postquam! Bis edidit, et quam caede luctuque: et liquidus adde utar: regia, et. Oppida tonitrua factura: perveni sive?

- Nos enim fluidos possit guttura paulum invenit
- Labores et arbutus aureus
- Rudem adulterium atque
- Tempora o da suam agro pater erat
  • Mandatory: Unchecked
  • Reminders:
    • 10 minutes
  • Repetition: Every year

Edit post and edit event.

  • Reminders:
    • Custom: 1 minute

!! Ensure repeated instances show up on Calendar page
!! Ensure aaaa and bbbb can see "Event 3" rendered in topic
!! Ensure cccc can NOT see "Event 3" rendered in topic
!! Ensure aaaa and bbbb can see "Event 3" on Calendar page
!! Ensure cccc can NOT see "Event 3" on Calendar page

As aaaa, respond "Maybe" for "Event 3" today. As bbbb, respond "Yes" for "Event 3" today.

!! Ensure responses shows up in lists on topic page and Calendar page
!! Ensure bbbb receives a reminder 1 minute before the event start
!! Ensure aaaa receives a reminder on event start
!! Ensure admin does NOT receive a reminder

As bbbb, create a new topic named "Event 4" in category B.

!! Ensure Mandatory checkbox does not show up

  • All day: Unchecked
  • Dates
    • Start: [10min from now]
    • End: [1hour from now]
  • Location: Best place in the immediate viscinity
  • Description:
Abiit velatus circumdare reppulit [dubium veteremque]( unum postquam materiam ore. Nemo Perseus incepto ora puer diem pereat meumque altera gentem mirantem Apollinis Achillem *quae religata Sparte* numeroque. Clauso a fulvo victricemque pastae exercere **saevaque differt** regina sparsit, mea vellet. Nudabant terras eris, *titubantis patriamque* vos. Amor lumina voluitque, est non tardius, festis argumentum instar.
  • Reminders:
    • Custom: 5 minutes
  • Repetition: Does not repeat

!! Ensure aaaa, bbbb, and cccc can see "Event 4" rendered in topic
!! Ensure aaaa, bbbb, and cccc can see "Event 4" on Calendar page
!! Ensure aaaa and cccc can NOT see response buttons

As bbbb, respond "Yes" for "Event 4".

!! Ensure bbbb's response shows up in lists on topic page and Calendar page
!! Ensure bbbb receives a reminder 5 minutes before event start

Set Calendar Plugin settings.

  • Link the permission to respond to an event to the reply permission: Unchecked

!! Ensure aaaa and cccc can now see response buttons

As aaaa, respond "No". As cccc, respond "Maybe".

!! Ensure responses shows up in lists on topic page and Calendar page

!! Ensure cccc receives a reminder on event start