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Algebraic data types, references, records, exceptions, generator composition, observing generators

Based on the lecture, consider the following exercises:

  1. a. Write a function size : aexp -> int that computes the size of an arithmetic expression.

    (What would be a reasonable definition?)

    (after sl.13)

    b. Using size compute size statistics for the distribution of our generator of arithmetic expressions.

    (after sl.42)

  2. The abstract machine from the slides operates over a list of instructions and a stack of integers.

    a. Write an interpreter for the abstract machine, e.g., with signature

      run : int -> inst list -> int list -> int

    accepting an initial value for the x register, an instruction list, and an initial stack.

    Declare and throw a suitable exception in error cases.

    (after sl.18)

    b. QuickCheck that evaluating and compiling+running agrees

    c. Extend the previous exercise with subtraction

    d. QuickCheck your extension

  3. The default integer generator int primarily generates large integers. The small_signed_int generator on the other hand favors small numbers.

    a. Program an alternative integer generator by combining different generators such that the result has a reasonable chance of generating both, as well as corner cases such as -1, 0, 1, min_int, and max_int.

    (after sl.34)

    b. Compute statistics for your generator's distribution and compare them

  4. Use Gen.int_bound to write a generator representing a pair of dices and compute statistics for their sum.

  5. int_of_string : string -> int attempts to parse an string as a number, and throws an exception Failure "int_of_string" when it can't:

    # int_of_string "123";;
    - : int = 123
    # int_of_string "abc";;
    Exception: Failure "int_of_string".

    Write a wrapper my_int_of_string : string -> int option that calls int_of_string and instead returns an option type representing whether the call went well.

  6. List.find_opt : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a option returns an option type representing whether a list contains an element satisfying a given property:

    # List.find_opt (fun e -> e>4) [2;3;5;0];;
    - : int option = Some 5
    # List.find_opt (fun e -> e>4) [2;3;0];;
    - : int option = None

    Write a wrapper my_list_find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a that calls List.find_opt and instead returns the found element or throws exception Not_found.

  7. Consider the following representation of Red-Black trees:

    type color = Red | Black
    type 'a rbtree = Leaf | Node of color * 'a * 'a rbtree * 'a rbtree

    Trees are either empty (the Leaf constructor) or non-empty (the Node constructor, which expects a color, a tree element, a left sub-tree, and a right sub-tree)

    We can represent sets using this representation:

    (*  empty : 'a set  *)
    let empty = Leaf
    (*  mem : 'a -> 'a set -> bool  *)
    let rec mem x s = match s with
      | Leaf -> false
      | Node (_, y, left, right) ->
         x = y || (x < y && mem x left) || (x > y && mem x right)
    (*  balance : color * 'a * ('a tree) * ('a tree) -> 'a tree  *)
    let balance t = match t with
      | Black, z, Node(Red, y, Node(Red,x,a,b), c), d
      | Black, z, Node(Red, x, a, Node(Red,y,b,c)), d
      | Black, x, a, Node(Red, z, Node(Red,y,b,c), d)
      | Black, x, a, Node(Red, y, b, Node(Red,z,c,d)) ->
         Node(Red, y, Node(Black,x,a,b), Node(Black,z,c,d))
      | color, x, a, b -> Node(color,x,a,b)
    (*  insert : 'a -> 'a set -> 'a set  *)
    let insert x s =
      let rec ins s = match s with
        | Leaf -> Node (Red, x, Leaf, Leaf)
        | Node (color,y,a,b) -> if x < y then balance (color, y, ins a, b)
                                else if x > y then balance (color, y, a, ins b)
                                else s (* x = y *)
      match ins s with (* guaranteed to be non-empty *)
        | Node (_,y,a,b) -> Node (Black, y, a, b)
        | Leaf -> raise (Invalid_argument "insert: cannot color empty tree")
    (*  set_of_list : 'a list -> 'a set  *)
    let rec set_of_list = function
      | [] -> empty
      | x :: l -> insert x (set_of_list l);;

    These are also recalled in Hickey p.54-55/64-65 which has been adapted from the Haskell code in the following paper:

    Since insert produces a new tree, it should satisfy the red-black invariants:

    • Invariant 1: No red node has a red parent
    • Invariant 2: Every path from the root to an empty node contains the same number of black nodes

    a. Write a (recursive) Boolean-valued function to check invariant 1

    b. Write a (recursive) Boolean-valued function to check invariant 2. What type should it have, so that we can check agreement between sub-trees?

    c. Write a QCheck test based on a. and b. For simplicity, you should not attempt to generate arbitrary trees satisfying the invariants. Instead generate a list of elements, insert them all with set_of_list, and check that the result satisfies the red-black invariants.