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427 lines (395 loc) · 17.3 KB


Version 2.0.0

Just publish a stable version.

Version 2.0.0-beta.1

Class Instances

The Version 2.0.0-beta.1 of jest-canvas-mock is a complete overhaul of the mocking strategy entirely. Originally, the canvas.getCanvas('2d') method would return a single object that contained a set of methods without any property definitions. This caused problems for people who wanted to use jest to test and verify instanceof checks.

Now the following expectation works as expected.

const ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');


Bound Mock Functions

When each CanvasRenderingContext2D object is created, all the methods are properly mocked with the jest.fn() method, and bound to the instance. It's still possible to verify that a function was called on the context. The main difference now is that the methods actually perform runtime checks on the passed parameters.

The following example demonstrates that canvas methods can be called, and parameters are verified.

const PI_2 = Math.PI * 2;

// create a circle at 0,0 with radius 100
ctx.arc(0, 0, 100, 0, PI_2);
expect(ctx.arc).toBeCalledWith(0, 0, 100, 0, PI_2);

// negative radius values throw DOMException errors
expect(() => ctx.arc(0, 0, -10, 0, PI_2)).toThrow(DOMExpection);

Parsing Colors and Fonts, Saving, Restoring

Another really big change is that the mocking strategy now attempts to conform to the html living specification. In order to do this, two packages were added as dependencies so that css colors and fonts can be more properly parsed. This is not perfect, and any problems with the color parser or font parser should be reported in the Issues tab.

This change comes with overhauled and ctx.restore() functions. These function calls work almost entirely as intended. For instance, actually pushes all the current property values to a stack, and this operation is undone when ctx.restore() is called. Take the following snippet of code as an example.

// create a context
const ctx = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d');

// save the current state of the canvas;

// set some color and font values
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue';
ctx.font = '12pt Times New Roman';

// now the fillStyle property parses the color

// font parsing also works as intended
expect(ctx.font).toBe('16px "Times New Roman"');

// restore the previously saved state

// the fillStyle was restored to default

// the font was restored too
expect(ctx.font).toBe('10px sans-serif');

For all these reasons, the jest-canvas-mock package was bumped a major version to 2.0.0.

CanvasRenderingContext2D prototype

  • Implemented Stack Properties for the following items:
    • direction
    • fillStyle
    • filter
    • font
    • globalAlpha
    • globalCompositeOperation
    • imageSmoothingEnabled
    • imageSmoothingQuality
    • lineCap
    • lineDashOffset
    • lineDash (via getLineDash() / setLineDash())
    • lineJoin
    • lineWidth
    • miterLimit
    • shadowBlur
    • shadowColor
    • shadowOffsetX
    • shadowOffsetY
    • stack
    • strokeStyle
    • textAlign
    • textBaseline
    • transform (via setTransform etc.)
  • function constructor binds the following functions
    • setLineDash
    • getLineDash
    • setTransform
    • getTransform
    • getImageData
    • save
    • restore
    • createPattern
    • createRadialGradient
    • addHitRegion
    • arc
    • arcTo
    • beginPath
    • clip
    • closePath
    • scale
    • stroke
    • clearHitRegions
    • clearRect
    • fillRect
    • strokeRect
    • rect
    • resetTransform
    • translate
    • moveTo
    • lineTo
    • bezierCurveTo
    • createLinearGradient
    • ellipse
    • measureText
    • rotate
    • drawImage
    • drawFocusIfNeeded
    • isPointInPath
    • isPointInStroke
    • putImageData
    • strokeText
    • fillText
    • quadraticCurveTo
    • removeHitRegion
    • fill
    • transform
    • scrollPathIntoView
    • createImageData
  • function addHitRegion
    • verifies path or id parameter is set, throws DOMException otherwise
    • verifies fillRule if set, throws TypeError if invalid
  • function arc
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 5
    • throws DOMException(IndexSizeError) if values are finite, but radius is negative
  • function arcTo
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 5
    • throws DOMException(IndexSizeError) if values are finite, but radius is negative
  • function beginPath (empty noOp stub)
    • if path length eventually needs to be verified, this can be changed
  • function bezierCurveTo
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 6
  • readonly property canvas
    • returns the parent HTMLCanvasElement
  • function clearHitRegions (empty noOp stub)
  • function clearRect
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 4
  • function clip
    • if fillRule is provided, throws TypeErorr if FillRule is invalid
    • if path is provided, throws TypeError if path is not instanceof Path2D
  • function closePath (added noOp stub)
  • function createImageData
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length === 1 and parameter is not instanceof ImageData
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length >= 2 and width is not finite
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length >= 2 and height is not finite
    • returns ImageData
  • function createLinearGradient
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 4
    • throws TypeError if x0 is not finite
    • throws TypeError if y0 is not finite
    • throws TypeError if x1 is not finite
    • throws TypeError if y1 is not finite
    • returns CanvasGradient
  • function createPattern
    • throws TypeError if image is not supported in jest-canvas-mock
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 4
    • throws DOMException('SyntaxError') if image is detached
    • returns CanvasPattern if image is HTMLImageElement, ImageBitmap, HTMLVideoElement, HTMLCanvasElement
  • function createRadialGradient
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 4
    • throws TypeError if x0 is not finite
    • throws TypeError if y0 is not finite
    • throws TypeError if r0 is not finite
    • throws TypeError if x1 is not finite
    • throws TypeError if y1 is not finite
    • throws TypeError if r1 is not finite
    • throws DOMException('DataError') if r0 is negative
    • throws DOMException('DataError') if r1 is negative
  • computed property currentTransform
    • sets transform stack value if value instanceof DOMMatrix
    • returns new DOMMatrix with current transform values
  • computed property direction
    • sets direction stack value when valid
    • returns current direction stack value
  • function drawFocusIfNeeded
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length === 0
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length === 2 and path is not instanceof Path2D
    • throws TypeError if element is not instanceof Element
  • function drawImage
    • Valid arities are: [3, 5, 9] (throws TypeError if arguments.length is not valid)
    • throws TypeError if image is not supported by jest-canvas-mock
  • function ellipse
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 7
    • throws DOMException('IndexSizeError') if radiusX is negative and all parameters are finite
    • throws DOMException('IndexSizeError') if radiusY is negative and all parameters are finite
  • function fill
    • throws TypeError if fillRule is not valid FillRule
    • throws TypeError if path is not instanceof Path2D
  • function fillRect
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 4
  • computed property fillStyle
    • sets current fillStyle stack value if it's a valid css color, a CanvasGradient or a CanvasPattern
    • returns current fillStyle stack value
  • function fillText
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 3
  • computed property filter
    • sets the current filter stack value if it's a string
    • returns the current filter stack value
    • TODO: add custom parser for filter values to check validity
  • computed property font
    • sets the current font stack value if it's a valid font
    • returns the current font stack value
  • function getImageData
    • returns new ImageData with the same size as the parent canvas
  • function getLineDash
    • returns the current lineDash stack value
  • function setLineDash
    • throws TypeError if lineDash value is not a valid sequence
    • sets the current lineDash stack value
    • properly concatenates itself if the lineDash length is odd
  • function getTransform
    • returns current transform stack value in the form of a DOMMatrix
  • computed property globalAlpha
    • sets current globalAlpha stack value if value finite and between the inclusive range [0 .. 1]
    • returns the current globalAlpha stack value
  • computed property globalCompositeOperation
    • sets the current globalCompositeOperation stack value if value is a valid GlobalCompositeOperation value
    • returns the current globalCompositeOperation stack value
  • computed property imageSmoothingEnabled
    • sets current imageSmoothingEnabled stack value to value coerced to a boolean
    • returns current imageSmoothingEnabled stack value
  • computed property imageSmoothingQuality
    • sets the imageSmoothingQuality stack value if value is a valid ImageSmoothingQuality value
    • returns the current imageSmoothingQuality stack value
  • function isPointInPath
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 2
    • throws TypeError if provided fillRule is not a valid FillRule
    • TODO: Implement pathing operations and perform an actual isPointInPath() operation
    • always returns false
  • function isPointInStroke
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 2
    • always returns false
  • computed property lineCap
    • sets the current lineCap stack value if value is a valid LineCap
    • returns the current lineCap stack value
  • computed property lineDashOffset
    • sets the current lineDashOffset stack value if value is finite
    • returns the current lineDashOffset stack value
  • computed property lineJoin
    • sets the current lineJoin stack value if value is a valid LineJoin
    • returns the current lineJoin stack value
  • function lineTo
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 2
  • computed property lineWidth
    • sets the current lineWidth stack value if value is finite and greater than 0
    • returns the current lineWidth stack value
  • function measureText
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 1
    • returns a TextMetrics object
  • computed property miterLimit
    • sets the current miterLimit stack value if value is finite and greater than 0
    • returns the current miterLimit stack value
  • function moveTo
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 2
  • function putImageData
    • Valid arities are: [3, 7], throws TypeError if arguments.length is not valid arity
    • throws TypeError if data is not instanceof ImageData
  • function quadraticCurveTo
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 4
  • function rect
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 4
  • function removeHitRegion
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 1
  • function resetTransform
    • sets current transform stack value to the 2d identity matrix
  • function restore
    • pops all the property stack values and decreases the stack index
  • function rotate
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 1
    • rotates the current transform stack value if angle is finite
  • function save
    • pushes the current property stack values to the next item on the stack
    • increases the stack index
  • function scale
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 2
    • scales the current transform stack value if the x and y values are finite
  • function scrollPathIntoView (empty noOp stub)
  • function setTransform
    • if arguments.length === 0 sets the current transform stack value to the 2d identity matrix
    • if arguments.length == 1
      • throws TypeError if value is not instanceof DOMMatrix
      • sets the current transform stack value to the provided matrix
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 6
    • coerces each parameter to a number via Number()
    • sets the current transform stack value if the provided values are all finite
  • computed property shadowBlur
    • sets the current shadowBlur stack value if value is finite and greater than 0
    • returns the current shadowBlur stack value
  • computed property shadowColor
    • sets the current shadowColor stack value if value is a valid css color
    • returns the current shadowColor stack value
  • computed property shadowOffsetX
    • sets the current shadowOffsetX stack value if value is finite
    • returns the current shadowOffsetX stack value
  • computed property shadowOffsetY
    • sets the current shadowOffsetY stack value if value is finite
    • returns the current shadowOffsetY stack value
  • function stroke
    • throws TypeError if path is not instanceof Path2D
  • function strokeRect
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 4
  • computed property strokeStyle
    • sets current fillStyle stack value if it's a valid css color, a CanvasGradient or a CanvasPattern
    • returns current fillStyle stack value
  • function strokeText
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 3
  • computed property textAlign
    • sets the current textAlign stack value if value is a valid TextAlign value
    • returns the current textAlign stack value
  • computed property textBaseline
    • sets the current textBaseline stack value if value is a valid TextBaseline value
    • returns the current textBaseline stack value
  • function transform
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 6
    • coerces each value to number via Number()
    • performs a transform operation on the current transform stack value if every parameter is finite
  • function translate
    • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 2
    • performs a translate operation on the current transform stack value if every parameter is finite

Other Changes By File

  • src/CanvasGradient.js
    • Added Class for instanceof checks
    • bound functions:
      • addColorStop
    • function addColorStop
      • throws IndexSizeError DOMException if resulting offset is not finite
      • throws SyntaxError when color cannot be parsed
  • src/CanvasPattern.js
    • Added Class for instanceof checks
    • bound functions:
      • setTransform
    • function setTransform
      • throws TypeError if argument.length > 1 and parameter is not an object
  • src/DOMMatrix.js
    • Added minimal DOMMatrix implementation
    • Added Class for instanceof checks
    • function constructor
      • constructs 3d matrix when parameter is ArrayLike and length === 16
      • constructs 2d matrix parameter is ArrayLike and length === 6
      • throws else if provided a first argument
      • constructs an identity 2d matrix if no arguments are passed
    • property matrix.isIdentity
      • returns true if matrix is an identity matrix
    • computed properties a-f
      • returns and sets values according to the HTML Living Specification
    • property is2D
      • returns true if matrix was constructed as a 2d matrix
    • TODO:
      • Make m11-m44 computed properties
      • Perform Number() coercion in setters
  • src/ImageBitmap.js
    • Added helper Class for instanceof checks
    • bound functions:
      • close
    • function close
      • "closes" the bitmap and causes drawImage function calls to fail
  • src/ImageData.js
    • Added helper class for instanceof checks
    • computed readonly width, height and data properties
    • function constructor
      • throws TypeError if width is not finite
      • throws TypeError if width is 0
      • throws TypeError if height is not finite
      • throws TypeError if height is 0
      • creates an empty Uint8ClampedArray of width * height * 4 size
  • src/Path2D.js
    • Added helper class for instanceof checks
    • Borrows path function definitions from CanvasRenderingContext2D for convenience
      • closePath implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
      • moveTo implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
      • lineTo implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
      • bezierCurveTo implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
      • quadraticCurveTo implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
      • arc implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
      • arcTo implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
      • ellipse implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
      • rect implemented from CanvasRenderingContext2D
    • function addPath
      • throws TypeError if arguments.length < 1
      • throws TypeError if provided path is not instanceof Path2D
  • src/TextMetrics.js
    • Added helper class for instanceof checks
    • Implemented data properties
      • width
      • actualBoundingBoxLeft
      • actualBoundingBoxRight
      • fontBoundingBoxAscent
      • fontBoundingBoxDescent
      • actualBoundingBoxAscent
      • actualBoundingBoxDescent
      • emHeightAscent
      • emHeightDescent
      • hangingBaseline
      • alphabeticBaseline
      • ideographicBaseline
    • function constructor
      • This function cannot normally be constructed
      • mocked to accept a text parameter
      • sets width property to text.length