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KDGS Admin Dashboard

Next.js 14 Admin Dashboard for Kelowna and District Genealogical Society

kdgs image

Built with the Next.js App Router


This is an advanced admin dashboard for the Kelowna and District Genealogical Society, designed to manage obituaries, genealogical resources, and image files efficiently. It leverages modern web technologies to provide a secure, responsive, and user-friendly interface.

Tech Stack

Key Features

  • Secure Authentication: Utilizes Clerk for robust user authentication and management.
  • Obituary Management: Full CRUD operations for obituaries with an intuitive interface.
  • Advanced Search: Efficient searching and filtering of obituary records.
  • Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly interface with dark mode support.
  • Server Actions: Leverages Next.js server actions for efficient data operations.
  • Image Management: Upload, view, edit, and delete image files stored in MinIO.
  • Image Rotation: Ability to rotate images directly in the dashboard.
  • Rename Images: Feature to rename image files with confirmation.
  • Pagination: Efficient loading of images and other data with pagination support.
  • Admin Genealogists Management: Ability to add, edit, and manage admin genealogists.
  • Case-Insensitive Search: Improved search functionality for images and other data.
  • PDF Generation: Generate detailed PDF reports for obituaries.
  • Detailed Obituary View: Comprehensive display of obituary information.
  • Consistent UI: Matching design between web view and PDF output for obituaries.
  • File Number and Full Name Display: Prominent display of key identifiers.
  • Flexible Data Handling: Graceful handling of missing or null data fields.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Different access levels for admin and regular users.
  • Relative Management: Add, edit, and delete relatives associated with obituaries.
  • Bulk Image Upload: Ability to upload multiple images at once.
  • Image Preview: Quick preview of images before full view or download.
  • Secure Password Generation: Automatic generation of secure passwords for new users.
  • Password Visibility Toggle: Option to show/hide passwords during input.
  • Email Notifications: Automated welcome emails and password reset notifications using EmailJS.
  • Confirmation Dialogs: Added confirmation steps with math challenges for sensitive operations like user deletion or password resets.
  • User Role Management: Ability to assign and modify user roles (Viewer, Scanner, Indexer, Proofreader, Admin).
  • Protected Super Admin: Special protection for the super admin account to prevent accidental deletion or modification.
  • Automatic Data Population: Pre-filling of certain fields like 'Entered By' and 'Entered On' when adding new obituaries.
  • Reference Number Generation: Automatic generation of unique reference numbers for obituaries based on surnames.
  • Infinite Toast Duration: Option to keep toast notifications open until user interaction.
  • Duplicate Obituary Check: Verification system to check for existing obituaries with similar details when creating a new entry.

Key Components

  1. Dashboard Layout: Provides the main structure for authenticated pages, including navigation and user management.

  2. Obituaries Table: Displays a paginated table of obituaries with search functionality.

  3. Obituary Component: Represents a single obituary row with options to edit or delete.

  4. Edit Obituary Dialog: A modal form for editing existing obituaries.

  5. Add Obituary Dialog: A modal form for adding new obituaries with duplicate checking.

  6. Server Actions: Server-side functions for data operations (fetch, create, update, delete obituaries, images, and admin genealogists).

  7. Authentication Middleware: Ensures only authenticated users can access protected routes.

  8. Image Table: Displays a paginated table of images with search and filter capabilities.

  9. Upload Images Dialog: Allows users to select and upload multiple image files.

  10. View Image Dialog: Modal for viewing full-size images with rotation options.

  11. Edit Image Dialog: Interface for rotating and deleting images.

  12. Rename Image Dialog: Modal for renaming image files with a simple math verification.

  13. Delete Image Confirmation Dialog: Ensures user intent before deleting images.

  14. Admin Genealogists Table: Displays a list of admin genealogists with options to add, edit, or delete.

  15. Add/Edit Admin Genealogist Dialog: Modal for adding new or editing existing admin genealogists.

  16. Obituary Detail Page: Comprehensive view of a single obituary with all related information.

  17. PDF Generation Component: Generates detailed PDF reports for obituaries.

  18. Obituary Images Section: Displays images associated with an obituary.

  19. Relatives Management Section: Interface for managing relatives associated with an obituary.

  20. Send Email Component: Handles sending of welcome emails and password reset notifications.

  21. Delete Confirmation Dialog: Provides an extra layer of security for sensitive operations with a math challenge.

  22. Generate File Name Dialog: Assists in generating unique file names for obituaries and images.

  23. Toast Component: Customizable toast notifications with optional infinite duration.

  24. Use Toast Hook: Custom hook for managing toast state and actions.

  25. Obituary Existence Check: Server action to verify if an obituary with similar details already exists in the database.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables in .env.local
  4. Run the development server:
    npm run dev
  5. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser


This project uses Clerk for authentication. The middleware ensures that only authenticated users can access protected routes. To set up Clerk:

  1. Install @clerk/nextjs
  2. Set up environment keys in .env.local
  3. Wrap your app in <ClerkProvider />
  4. Create a middleware.ts file to protect routes

File Storage

This project uses MinIO for file storage. To set up MinIO:

  1. Install the MinIO client library
  2. Configure MinIO connection details in your environment variables
  3. Use the provided server actions to interact with MinIO for file operations


This project is designed to be deployed on Vercel. Follow these steps:

  1. Push your code to a GitHub repository
  2. Connect your repository to Vercel
  3. Configure your environment variables in Vercel's dashboard
  4. Deploy!


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPL-3.0). See the LICENSE file for details.

Copyright and Attribution

© 2024 Javier Gongora. All rights reserved.

The KDGS Admin Dashboard is open-source software developed and maintained by Javier Gongora.

  1. Open Source License: This software is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (AGPL-3.0). You can find a copy of the license in the LICENSE file or at

  2. Proprietary License: For commercial use, a proprietary license is available. This license grants additional rights and support not provided under the AGPL-3.0.

This version of KDGS Admin Dashboard is the open-source version, freely available under the terms of the AGPL-3.0.

Users are free to view, use, modify, and distribute this software in accordance with the terms of the AGPL-3.0 license. However, any modifications must also be released under the AGPL-3.0 license.

For inquiries regarding commercial licensing or usage, please contact Javier Gongora (@javigong) on GitHub.